Norekin 2
42. Norekin 2
Norekin: Single and Plural Definite nouns
- The norekin case is used to express the idea of “with”, as in doing something with someone or something.
- Single definite ending - -arekin
- example: lagunarekin - with the friend
- Plural definite ending: -ekin
- example: lagunekin: with friends
Norekin 2
- lagunarekin: With the friend
- irakaslearekin: With the teacher
- ahizparekin: With the sister of a sister
- arrebarekin: With the sister of a brother
- nebarekin: With the brother of a sister
- lagunekin: With the friends
- betaurrekoekin: With the glasses
- baloiekin: With the balls
- boligrafoekin: With the pens
- arkatzekin: With the pencils
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