Greetings 2

Id: 23


​Greetings 2

Vocabulary Greetngs 2

  • Agur: Good-bye
  • Bihar arte: See you tomorrow(lit: tomorrow until)
  • Ez da ezer: It's nothing
  • Gabon: Good Night (after 20:00 or when go to bed)
  • Gero arte: See you later (lit: later until)
  • Berandu: Late
  • Ongi etorri: Welcome

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agur goodbye,bye ['bye1', 'bye2', 'bye3']
bihar tomorrow ['tomorrow1', 'tomorrow2', 'tomorrow3']
arte until None
ez da ezer It is nothing. ['itsnothing1', 'itsnothing2', 'itsnothing3']
gabon good night,night ['moon1', 'moon2', 'moon3']
gero later ['late1', 'late2', 'late3']
berandu late ['now1', 'now2', 'now3']
ongi etorri welcome ['hello1', 'hello2', 'hello3']


Ongi etorri. Zer moduz?
Welcome. How are you?
Agur Mikel.
Goodbye Mikel.
Gabon Mikel.
Good night Mikel.
Bihar arte.
See you tomorrow.
Gero arte.
See you later.
Eskerrik asko. Bihar arte.
Thank you. See you tomorrow.
Ez da ezer.
It is nothing.
Barkatu. Berandu da.
Sorry. It is late.
Berandu da. Agur.
It is late. Goodbye.
Barkatu. Autobusa berandu da.
Sorry. The bus is late.
Berandu? Ez da Berandu. Ez da ezer.
Late? it is not late. It is nothing.
Late? it isn't late. It is nothing.


Mikel ('Mikel(male name)',)
I ('ni',)
am ('naiz',)
bus ('autobusa',)
goodbye ('agur',)
how ('nola',)
tomorrow ('bihar',)
until ('arte',)
no ('ez',)
nothing ('ez ezer',)
good ('ondo',)
night ('gaua',)
later ('gero',)
late ('berandu',)
see ('ikusi',)
sorry ('barkatu',)
well ('ongi',)
arrive ('etorri',)
hello ('kaixo',)
hi ('epa',)
the ('-a',)
thank ('Eskerrik',)
what ('zer',)
Mikel ('Mikel(male name)',)
autobusa ('bus',)
da ('is',)
naiz ('am',)
agur ('goodbye',)
barkatu ('sorry',)
bihar ('tomorrow',)
arte ('until',)
ez ('no',)
ezer ('anything',)
eskerrik ('thanks',)
asko ('a lot',)
gabon ('good night',)
gero ('later',)
berandu ('late',)
ongi ('well',)
epa ('hi',)
etorri ('arrive',)
mesedez ('please',)
moduz ('are you',)
nor ('who',)
zer ('what',)