Basque | English | Images |
ez | not | ['no1', 'no2', 'no3'] |
baizik | but (rather) | None |
hotel | hotel | ['hotel1', 'hotel2', 'hotel3'] |
eliza | church | ['church1', 'church2', 'church3'] |
ostatu | mini-hotel | ['hotel1', 'hotel1_tinier', 'hotel2'] |
denda | store | ['store1', 'store2', 'store3'] |
etxe | house | ['house1', 'house2', 'house3'] |
Ez da hotela, baizik denda. |
It is not a hotel, but rather a store. It is not the hotel, but rather the store. It is not the hotel, but rather it is the store. It is not a hotel, but rather it is a store. |
Ez zen etxea, baizik ostatua. |
It was not a house, but rather a mini-hotel. It was not the house, but rather the mini-hotel. It was not the house, but rather it is the mini-hotel. It was not a house, but rather it is a mini-hotel. |
Zein koloretakoa da hotela? |
Which color is the hotel? What color is the hotel? |
Hotela ez da berdea, baizik gorria da. |
The hotel is not green, but rather it is red. The hotel is not green, but rather red. |
Zein koloretakoa da denda? |
Which color is the store? What color is the store? |
Denda ez da grisa. |
The store is not gray. The store is not grey. |
Hotelak ez ziren grisak. |
The hotels were not gray. The hotels were not grey. |
Autobusak ez ziren gorriak. |
The buses were not red. |
Zein koloretakoa zen ostatua? |
Which color was the mini-hotel? What color was the mini-hotel? |
Ostatu ez zen beltza. |
The mini-hotel was not black. |
Ostatua ez da zuria. |
The mini-hotel is not white. A mini-hotel is not white. |
Ez da etxe beltza, baizik eliza zuria baizik. |
It is not a black house, but rather a white church. It is not the black house, but rather the white church. |
Eliza ez zen zuria, baina ostatua zuria zen. |
The church was not white, but the mini-hotel was white. A church was not white, but a mini-hotel was white. |
Ez zen denda, baizik etxe bat zen. |
It was not a store, but rather it was a house. It was not the store, but rather it was the house. |
Ez da denda gorria, baizik denda berdea. |
It is not a red store, but rather a green store. It is not the red store, but rather the green store. |
Dendak ez ziren zuriak, baina berdeak. |
The stores were not not white, but rather green. IThe stores were not not white, but green. |
Hura ez da medikua, baina ni medikua zen. Hura ez da medikua, baina medikua zen. Ez da medikua, ni baina medikua zen. Ez da medikua, baina medikua zen. |
She is not a doctor, but I was a doctor. He is not a doctor, but I was a doctor. |
Hura ez zen ikaslea, baina ni irakaslea nintzen. Hura ez zen ikaslea, baina irakaslea nintzen. Ez zen ikaslea, baina ni irakaslea nintzen. Ez zen ikaslea, baina irakaslea nintzen. |
He was not a student, but I was a teacher. She was not a student, but I was a teacher. |
Zu ez zara polizia. Ez zara polizia. |
You are not a police officer. You are not the police officer. |
Gu ez ginen medikuak, baizik erizainak. Ez ginen medikuak, baizik erizainak. |
We were not doctors, but nurses. |
Zuek ez zineten turistak. Ez zineten turistak. |
You(plural) were not tourists. You'll were not tourists. You were not tourists. |
English | Basque |
a | ('-a',) |
also | ('ere',) |
am | ('naiz',) |
an | ('-a',) |
are | ('zara', 'gare', 'zarete') |
black | ('beltza',) |
boys | ('mutilak',) |
but | ('baina',) |
color | ('kolorea',) |
colors | ('koloreak',) |
contrast | ('kontrastatu',) |
doctor | ('medikua',) |
doctors | ('medikuak',) |
driver | ('gidari',) |
drivers | ('gidariak',) |
excuse | ('Barkatu',) |
girl | ('neska',) |
guide | ('gida',) |
guides | ('gidak',) |
he | ('hura',) |
hello | ('kaixo',) |
hi | ('epa',) |
hotel | ('hotel',) |
hotels | ('hotelak',) |
I | ('ni',) |
is | ('da',) |
me | ('ni',) |
men | ('gizonak',) |
nurse | ('erizaina',) |
nurses | ('erizainak',) |
officer | ('ofiziala',) |
one | ('bat',) |
police | ('polizia',) |
rather | ('baizik',) |
it | ('hura',) |
yes | ('bai',) |
she | ('hura',) |
store | ('denda',) |
stores | ('dendak',) |
student | ('ikaslea',) |
students | ('ikasleak',) |
teacher | ('irakaslea',) |
teachers | ('irakasleak',) |
the | ('-a',) |
they | ('haiek',) |
tour | ('tour',) |
tourist | ('turista',) |
tourists | ('turistak',) |
we | ('gu',) |
who | ('nor',) |
you | ('zu',) |
you(plural) | ('zuek',) |
you'll | ('zuek',) |
was | ('zen', 'nintzen') |
we | ('gu',) |
were | ('zinen', 'ziren', 'ginen', 'zineten') |
what | ('zer',) |
white | ('zuria',) |
woman | ('emakume',) |
Basque | English |
bai | ('yes',) |
bat | ('one',) |
baina | ('but(contrast)',) |
baizik | ('but(rather)',) |
beltza | ('black',) |
da | ('is',) |
denda | ('store',) |
dendak | ('stores',) |
etxe | ('house',) |
eliza | ('church',) |
erizainak | ('nurses',) |
ez | ('not',) |
gidari | ('driver',) |
gidariak | ('drivers',) |
ginen | ('were',) |
gu | ('we',) |
hotel | ('hotel',) |
hotela | ('hotel',) |
hotelak | ('hotels',) |
hura | ('he', 'she', 'it') |
ikasle | ('student',) |
ikaslea | ('student',) |
ikasleak | ('students',) |
irakasle | ('teacher',) |
irakaslea | ('teacher',) |
irakasleak | ('teachers',) |
kolore | ('color',) |
kolorea | ('color',) |
koloreak | ('colors',) |
medikuak | ('doctors',) |
nintzen | ('was',) |
ostatu | ('mini-hotel',) |
ostatua | ('mini-hotel',) |
polizia | ('police officer',) |
turista | ('tourist',) |
turistak | ('tourists',) |
zinen | ('were',) |
zineten | ('were',) |
zen | ('was',) |
zer | ('what',) |
ziren | ('were',) |
zuek | ('you(plural)',) |
zuria | ('white',) |