Examples: EtxeEN - the houses',MutilEN - boys'
Basque | English | Images |
lagunen | friends’,of the friends | ['friend1', 'friend2', 'friend2'] |
medikuen | doctors’,of the doctors | ['doctor1', 'doctor2', 'doctor3'] |
erizainen | nurses’,of the nurses | ['nurses1', 'nurses2', 'nurses3'] |
arrotzen | strangers’,of the strangers | ['who1', 'who2', 'who3'] |
camareroen | waiters’,of the waiters | ['waiters1', 'waiters2', 'waiters3'] |
mutilen | boys’,of the boys | ['boys1', 'boys2', 'boys3'] |
nesken | girls’,of the girls | ['girls1', 'girls2', 'girls3'] |
sukaldarien | cooks’,chef’s,of the cooks,of the chefs | ['chefs1', 'chefs2', 'chefs3'] |
turistaren | tourist’s,of the tourists | ['tourists1', 'tourists2', 'tourists3'] |
Lagunen zaldia indartsua da. |
The friends' horse is strong. The horse of the friends is strong |
Medikuen hontzak itsusiak ziren. |
The doctors’ owls were ugly. The owls of the doctors were ugly. |
Erizainen txoriak jatorak dira. |
The nurses’ birds are nice. The birds of the nurses are nice. |
Arrotzen sugeak luzeak ziren. |
The strangers’ snakes were long. The snakes of the strangers were long. |
Camareroen oilaskoak motzak dira. |
The waiters’ chickens are short. The chickens of the waiters are short. |
Mutilen arraina ahula zen |
The boys’ fish was weak. The fish of the boys was weak |
Nesken ardiak onak dira. |
The girls’ sheep are good. The sheep of the girls are good. |
Sukaldarien txerriak txarrak ziren. |
The cooks’ pigs were bad. The chefs’ pigs were bad. The pigs of the cooks were bad. The pigs of the chefs were bad. |
Turisten ostatua zaharra da. |
The tourists' mini-hotel is old. The mini-hotel of the tourists is old. |
English | Basque |
Anitza's | ('Anitzarenak (female name, plural object)',) |
Lili | ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',) |
Mikel’s | ('Mikelenak (male name)',) |
Miren’s | ('Mirenen (female name)',) |
Xabier’s | ('Xabieren (male name)',) |
a | ('-a',) |
also | ('ere',) |
an | ('-ak',) |
and | ('eta',) |
animal | ('animalia',) |
animals | ('animaliak',) |
are | ('dira',) |
bad | ('txarrak',) |
ball | ('baloi',) |
balls | ('baloiak',) |
bicycle | ('bizikleta',) |
bicycles | ('bizikletak',) |
big | ('handi',) |
bird | ('txoria',) |
birds | ('txoriak',) |
black | ('beltz',) |
blue | ('urdin',) |
book | ('liburu',) |
books | ('liburuak',) |
boy | ('mutil',) |
boys | ('mutilak',) |
boys’ | ('mutilen',) |
bus | ('autobusa',) |
but | ('baina',) |
car | ('kotxea',) |
cars | ('kotxeak',) |
cat | ('katu',) |
cats | ('katuak',) |
chef’s | ('sukaldarien',) |
chicken | ('oilasko',) |
chickens | ('oilaskoak',) |
cooks’ | ('sukaldarien',) |
doctors’ | ('medikuen',) |
dog | ('txakur',) |
dogs | ('txakurrak',) |
driver’s | ('gidariaren',) |
fast | ('azkar',) |
fat | ('gizena',) |
fish | ('arraina',) |
friend | ('laguna',) |
friend's | ('lagunen',) |
friends' | ('lagunaren',) |
friends’ | ('lagunen',) |
girl | ('neska',) |
girls | ('neskak',) |
girls’ | ('nesken',) |
good | ('onak',) |
gray | ('gris',) |
green | ('berde',) |
hau | ('hau',) |
he | ('hura',) |
his | ('bere',) |
her | ('bere',) |
horse | ('zaldia',) |
hotel | ('hotel',) |
hotels | ('hotelak',) |
housewife’s | ('etxekoandrearen',) |
hura | ('hura',) |
is | ('da',) |
it | ('hura',) |
look! | ('begira!',) |
long | ('luzeak',) |
man’s | ('gizonaren',) |
mini-hotel | ('ostatua',) |
new | ('berri',) |
nice | ('jatorak',) |
not | ('ez',) |
now | ('orain',) |
nurse’s | ('erizainaren',) |
nurses’ | ('erizainen',) |
of | ('de',) |
old | ('zahar',) |
one | ('bat',) |
orange | ('laranja',) |
over | ('amaitu',) |
owl | ('hontza',) |
owls | ('hontzak',) |
pen | ('boligrafo',) |
pencil | ('arkatza',) |
pencils | ('arkatzak',) |
pens | ('boligrafoak',) |
pigs | ('txerriak',) |
plural | ('plurala',) |
police officer’s | ('poliziaren',) |
pretty | ('polit',) |
priest’s | ('apaizaren',) |
purple | ('morea',) |
purse | ('poltsa',) |
purses | ('poltsak',) |
red | ('gorri',) |
school | ('eskola',) |
she | ('hura',) |
sheep | ('ardiak',) |
short | ('labur', 'motz') |
slow | ('motel',) |
small | ('txiki',) |
snakes | ('sugeak',) |
strangers’ | ('arrotzen',) |
strong | ('indartsua',) |
students' | ('ikasleenak',) |
student’s | ('ikaslearen',) |
tall | ('altu',) |
teacher’s | ('irakaslearen',) |
that | ('hori', 'hura') |
the | ('-a',) |
there | ('hor',) |
these | ('hauek',) |
they | ('haiek',) |
they | ('haiek',) |
thin | ('argal',) |
this | ('hau',) |
those | ('haiek', 'horiek') |
tourist’s | ('turistaren',) |
tourists' | ('turisten',) |
turtle | ('dortoka',) |
turtles | ('dortokak',) |
ugly | ('itsusi',) |
umbrella | ('aterki',) |
umbrellas | ('aterkiak',) |
waiters’ | ('camareroen',) |
was | ('zen',) |
watch | ('erloju',) |
watches | ('erlojuak',) |
weak | ('ahula',) |
what | ('zer',) |
white | ('zuri',) |
who | ('nor',) |
whose | ('noren',) |
woman’s | ('emakumearen',) |
yellow | ('hori',) |
yes | ('bai',) |
young | ('gazte',) |
Basque | English |
Anitzarenak | ("Anitza's (female name, plural object)",) |
Mirenen | ('Miren’s (female name)',) |
Xabieren | ('Xabier’s (male name)',) |
Lili | ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',) |
Mikelenak | ('Mikel’s (male name)',) |
ahula | ('weak',) |
apaizaren | ('the priest’s',) |
aterki | ('umbrella',) |
arkatz | ('pencil',) |
arkatza | ('pencil',) |
arkatzak | ('pencils',) |
altua | ('tall',) |
animalia | ('animal',) |
animaliak | ('animals',) |
argala | ('thin',) |
arraina | ('fish',) |
ardiak | ('sheep',) |
arrotzen | ('strangers’',) |
aterkia | ('umbrella',) |
aterkiak | ('umbrellas',) |
autobus | ('bus',) |
autobusa | ('bus',) |
azkarra | ('fast',) |
bai | ('yes',) |
baina | ('but',) |
baloi | ('ball',) |
baloia | ('ball',) |
baloiak | ('balls',) |
bat | ('one',) |
begira! | ('look!',) |
beltz | ('black',) |
beltza | ('black',) |
berde | ('green',) |
berdea | ('green',) |
berdeak | ('green',) |
bere | ('his', 'her') |
berria | ('new',) |
bizikleta | ('bicycle',) |
bizikletak | ('bicycles',) |
boligrafo | ('pen',) |
boligrafoa | ('pen',) |
boligrafoak | ('pens',) |
camareroen | ('waiters’',) |
da | ('is',) |
dira | ('are',) |
dortoka | ('a turtle',) |
dortokak | ('turtles',) |
emakumearen | ('the woman’s',) |
ere | ('also',) |
erizainaren | ('the nurse’s',) |
erizainen | ('nurses’',) |
erloju | ('watch',) |
erlojua | ('watch',) |
erlojuak | ('watches',) |
eskola | ('school',) |
eta | ('and',) |
etxekoandrearen | ('the housewife’s',) |
ez | ('not',) |
gaztea | ('young',) |
gidariaren | ('the driver’s',) |
gizen | ('fat',) |
gizena | ('fat',) |
gizonaren | ('the man’s',) |
gorri | ('red',) |
gorria | ('red',) |
gris | ('gray',) |
grisa | ('gray',) |
grisak | ('gray',) |
haiek | ('those over there, plural of hura', 'they') |
handia | ('big',) |
hau | ('this',) |
hauek | ('These, plural of hau',) |
hontz | ('owl',) |
hontza | ('owl',) |
hontzak | ('owls',) |
hori | ('that', 'yellow') |
horia | ('yellow',) |
horiak | ('yellow',) |
horiek | ('Those, plural of hori',) |
hotel | ('hotel',) |
hotelak | ('hotels',) |
hura | ('that over there', 'he', 'she', 'it') |
indartsua | ('strong',) |
ikasleenak | ("students'",) |
ikaslearen | ('the student’s',) |
itsusia | ('ugly',) |
itsusiak | ('ugly',) |
jatorak | ('nice',) |
katu | ('cat',) |
katua | ('a cat',) |
katuak | ('cats',) |
kotxe | ('car',) |
kotxea | ('car',) |
kotxeak | ('cars',) |
laburra | ('short',) |
laburrak | ('short',) |
lagun | ('friend',) |
laguna | ('friend',) |
lagunen | ("friend's",) |
lagunaren | ("friend's",) |
lagunen | ('friends’',) |
laranja | ('orange',) |
laranjak | ('orange',) |
liburu | ('book',) |
liburua | ('a book',) |
liburua | ('books',) |
liburuak | ('books',) |
luzeak | ('long',) |
medikuen | ('doctors’',) |
morea | ('purple',) |
motela | ('slow',) |
mutila | ('boy',) |
mutilak | ('boys',) |
mutilen | ('boys’',) |
neska | ('girl',) |
neskak | ('girls',) |
nesken | ('girls’',) |
nor | ('who',) |
noren | ('whose',) |
norena | ('whose',) |
norenak | ('whose (plural)',) |
oilasko | ('chicken',) |
oilaskoa | ('a chicken',) |
oilaskoak | ('chickens',) |
onak | ('good',) |
orain | ('now',) |
ostatua | ('mini-hotel',) |
polita | ('pretty',) |
poltsa | ('purse',) |
poliziaren | ('the police officer’s',) |
poltsak | ('purses',) |
sukaldarien | ('cooks’', 'chef’s') |
irakaslearen | ('the teacher’s',) |
sugeak | ('snakes',) |
txerriak | ('pigs',) |
turisten | ("tourists'",) |
turistaren | ('tourist’s',) |
txakur | ('dog',) |
txakura | ('a dog',) |
txakurrak | ('dogs',) |
txikia | ('small',) |
txarrak | ('bad',) |
txoria | ('bird',) |
txoriak | ('birds',) |
urdin | ('blue',) |
urdina | ('blue',) |
urdinak | ('blue',) |
uso | ('pigeon',) |
usoa | ('a pigeon',) |
usoak | ('pigeons',) |
zahara | ('old',) |
zaharra | ('old',) |
zaldia | ('horse',) |
zen | ('was',) |
zer | ('what',) |
zuri | ('white',) |
zuria | ('white',) |
zuriak | ('white',) |