Verbs1 2

Id: 132



Non-conjugated Intransitive verbs

  • All verbs have non-conjugated form, meaning they do are not conjugated, but are used with a helper verb (Izan or Ukan).
  • Some verbs are also conjugated, change the form with tense and subject, and will be studied later.
  • Intransitive Verbs are verbs that do not take an object, meaning can’t answer “what”) use IZAN as an auxilary verb
  • Ex:You can say “What did he do?, but not “What did he go? So “go” is intransitive and uses IZAN.

Near past

  • The near past is used for past actions in present time frame, usually earlier that day.
  • It is formed with the perfect stem + present of“to be” (IZAN)
  • Ni gaur iristi naiz. I arrived today.
  • Note that bizi didn't have a near past as it doesn't make sense to have lived one place prior to today,
  • another place this morning and yet another now.

Lesson 2 Vocabulary

  • gaur today
  • gaur goizean this morning
  • goiz early
  • garaiz on time

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gaur today ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']
gaur goizean this morning ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']
goiz early ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']
garaiz on time ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']


Ni gaur goizean Bilbon naiz.
Gaur goizean Bilbon naiz.
I was in Bilbao this morning.
Zu ere erori zara goiz goizean.
Ere erori zara goiz goizean.
You also fell this morning.
Gure aita han eseri da gaur goizean.
Our father sat there this morning.
Gu gaur goiz esnatu gara.
Gaur goiz esnatu gara.
We woke up early today.
Zuek gaur ibili zarete Madrilen.
Gaur ibili zarete Madrilen.
You all walked in Madrid today.
You (plural) walked in Madrid today.
You walked in Madrid today.
Gure gurasoak garaiz iritsi dira Donostiara.
Our parents arrived in San Sebastian on time.
Ni gaur goizean garaiz iritsi naiz.
Gaur goizean garaiz iritsi naiz.
I arrived on time this morning.
Zu ibili zara gaur.
Ibili zara gaur.
You walked today.
Gure ama goizean goiz esnatu da.
Our mother woke up early this morning.
Gu gaur goizean liburuen eseri gara.
Gaur goizean liburuen eseri gara.
We sat on books this morning.
Zuek autobusean erori zarete gaur.
Autobusean erori zarete gaur.
You all fell on the bus today.
You (plural) fell on the bus today.
You fell on the bus today.
Gure alabak Madrilen egon dira gaur goizean.
Our daughters were Madrid this morning.


Aitor’s ('Aitorren (male name)',)
Anea’s ('Anearenak (female name, plural object)',)
Miren’s ('Mirenen (female name)',)
Xabier’s ('Xabieren (male name)',)
Mikel’s ('Mikelenak (male name)',)
Miren’s ('Miren (female name)',)
Arrano ('Arrano (name of a street)',)
Vitoria ('Gasteiz (city in Basque Country)',)
Europe ('Europa',)
France ('Frantzia',)
Italy ('Italia',)
one ('bat',)
two ('bi',)
three ('hiru',)
four ('lau',)
five ('bost',)
six ('sei',)
seven ('zazpi',)
eight ('zortzi',)
nine ('bederatzi',)
ten ('hamar',)
eleven ('hamaika',)
twelve ('hamabi',)
thirteen ('hamahiru',)
fourteen ('hamalau',)
fifteen ('hamabost',)
sixteen ('hamasei',)
seventeen ('hamazazpi',)
eighteen ('hemazortzi',)
nineteen ('hemeretzi',)
a ('-a',)
ago ('duela',)
all ('part of you plural, you all',)
also ('ere',)
am ('naiz',)
an ('-ak',)
and ('eta',)
animal ('animalia',)
animals ('animaliak',)
are ('dira', 'zara', 'gara', 'zarete')
arrived ('iritsi',)
at ('not translated, part of insessive case',)
aunt ('izeba',)
aunt’s ('izebaren',)
ball ('baloi',)
balls ('baloiak',)
backpack ('motxila',)
backpacks ('motxilak',)
basque ('euskal',)
bicycle ('bizikleta',)
bicycles ('bizikletak',)
big ('handi',)
Bilbao ('Bilbo',)
bird ('txoria',)
birds ('txoriak',)
black ('beltz',)
blue ('urdin',)
book ('liburu',)
books ('liburuak',)
boy ('mutil',)
boys ('mutilak',)
boyfriend ('mutillaguna',)
brother ('neba', 'anaia')
brother’s ('nebanen', 'anaianen')
bus ('autobusa',)
but ('baina',)
camareroa ('waiter',)
car ('kotxea',)
cars ('kotxeak',)
cat ('katu',)
cats ('katuak',)
chicken ('oilasko',)
chickens ('oilaskoak',)
child ('ume',)
children ('umeak', 'seme-alabak')
church ('eliza',)
country ('herrian',)
cousin ('lehengusu', 'lehengusina')
cows ('behiak',)
day ('egun',)
days ('egunak',)
daughter ('alaba',)
daughters ('alabak',)
daughter’s ('alabaren',)
did ('not translated',)
do ('not translated',)
does ('not translated',)
doctor ('medikua',)
doctors ('medikuak',)
dog ('txakur',)
dogs ('txakurrak',)
driver ('gidaria',)
early ('goiz',)
engineer ('ingeniari',)
fast ('azkar',)
farm ('baserri',)
farmhouse ('baserri',)
fat ('gizena',)
father ('aita',)
fathers ('aitak',)
father’s ('aitaren',)
fell ('erori',)
female ('emakumezkoa',)
fish ('arraina',)
forest ('baso',)
France ('Francia',)
friend ('laguna',)
friend’s ('lagunen',)
friends’ ('lagunaren',)
girl ('neska',)
girls ('neskak',)
girlfriend ('neskalaguna',)
goats ('ahuntzak',)
gray ('gris',)
grandchildren ('bilobak',)
granddaughter ('biloba',)
grandparents ('aitona-amonak',)
grandfather ('aiton',)
grandfather ('aitona',)
grandfather’s ('aitonaren',)
grandmother ('amon',)
grandmother ('amona',)
grandmother’s ('amonaren',)
grandson ('biloba',)
green ('berde',)
guide ('gida',)
had ('part of past verb form',)
he ('hura',)
his ('bere', 'berea')
her ('bere',)
here ('hemen',)
hers ('berea',)
hers ('berea',)
horse ('zaldia',)
home ('etxe',)
house ('etxe',)
housewife ('etxekoandrea',)
hotel ('hotel',)
hotels ('hotelak',)
house ('etxea',)
hura ('hura',)
husband ('senarra',)
I ('ni',)
in ('Inessive case',)
is ('da',)
it ('hura',)
its ('berea',)
late ('berandu',)
Lili ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',)
live ('bizi + izan',)
lives ('bizi + izan',)
lived ('bizi + past of izan',)
look! ('begira!',)
male ('gizonezkoa',)
man ('gizon',)
Madrid ('Madril',)
mine ('nirea',)
on ('Inessive case',)
owls ('hontzak',)
man ('gizona',)
mice ('saguak',)
morning ('goizean',)
mother ('ama',)
mother’s ('amaren',)
mothers ('amak',)
mountains ('mendiak',)
my ('nire',)
new ('berri',)
nephew ('iloba',)
nephews ('ilobak',)
nice ('jatorra',)
niece ('iloba',)
nieces ('ilobak',)
no ('ez',)
not ('ez',)
now ('orain',)
nurse ('erizaina',)
on ('part of phrase, not translated',)
on time ('garaiz',)
of ('de',)
officer ('ofiziala',)
old ('zahar',)
orange ('laranja',)
our ('gure',)
ours ('gurea',)
over ('amaitu',)
owl ('hontza',)
parents ('gurasoak',)
parents’ ('gurasoen',)
pen ('boligrafo',)
pencil ('arkatza',)
pencils ('arkatzak',)
pens ('boligrafoak',)
police ('polizia',)
priest ('apaiza',)
plural ('plurala',)
pretty ('polit',)
purple ('morea',)
purse ('poltsa',)
purses ('poltsak',)
red ('gorri',)
river ('ibai',)
san ('san',)
sat ('eseri',)
Sebastian ('Sebastian',)
school ('eskola',)
she ('hura',)
sheep ('ardiak',)
short ('labur',)
sister ('ahizpa', 'arreba')
sister’s ('ahizparen', 'arrebaren')
slow ('motel',)
son ('seme',)
sons ('semeak',)
son’s ('semearen',)
small ('txiki',)
Spain ('Espainia',)
stayed ('egon',)
store ('denda',)
street ('kale',)
students ('ikasleak',)
students’ ('ikasleenak',)
tall ('altu',)
teacher ('irakaslea',)
teachers ('irakasleak',)
that ('hori', 'hura')
the ('-a',)
there ('han',)
these ('hauek',)
their ('haien',)
theirs ('haiena',)
they ('haiek',)
thin ('argal',)
this ('hau',)
time ('denbora',)
today ('gaur',)
those ('haiek', 'horiek')
tour ('tour',)
tourist ('turista',)
tree ('zuhaitz',)
turtle ('dortoka',)
turtles ('dortokak',)
two ('bi',)
ugly ('itsusi',)
umbrella ('aterki',)
umbrellas ('aterkiak',)
uncle ('osaba',)
uncle’s ('osabaren',)
up ('gora', 'part of wake up')
waiter ('camareroa',)
waiters ('camareroak',)
walked ('ibili',)
was ('zen',)
watch ('erloju',)
watches ('erlojuak',)
we ('gu',)
were ('zinen', 'ginen', 'zineten', 'ziren')
what ('zer',)
where ('non',)
which ('zein',)
white ('zuri',)
who ('nor',)
whose ('noren',)
wife ('emaztea',)
will ('future tense',)
woke ('esnatu',)
woman ('emakumea',)
year ('urte',)
years ('urteak',)
yesterday ('atzo',)
yellow ('hori',)
you ('zu',)
young ('gazte',)
your ('zure',)
yours ('zurea', 'zuena')
Aitorren ('Aitor’s (male name)',)
Anearenak ('Anea’s (female name, plural object)',)
Mirenen ('Miren’s (female name)',)
Xabieren ('Xabier’s (male name)',)
Mikelenak ('Mikel’s (male name)',)
Miren ('Miren’s (female name)',)
Arrano ('Arrano (name of a street)',)
Gasteizen ('in Vitoria (city in Basque Country)',)
Donostiara ('in San Sebastian (city in Basque Country)',)
Europan ('in Europe',)
Frantzian ('in France',)
Italian ('in Italy',)
ahizpa ('sister of a sister',)
ahizparen ('sister’s',)
ahuntzak ('goats',)
aitona-amonak ('grandparents',)
aiton ('grandfather',)
aitona ('grandfather',)
aitonaren ('grandfather’s',)
aita ('father',)
aitaren ('father’s',)
alaba ('daughter',)
alabak ('daughters',)
alabaren ('daughter’s',)
altua ('tall',)
ama ('mother',)
amaren ('mother’s',)
amon ('grandmother',)
amona ('grandmother',)
amonaren ('grandmother’s',)
anaia ('brother of a brother',)
anaian ('brother of a brother’s',)
anaiaren ('brother’s',)
animalia ('animal',)
animaliak ('animals',)
apaiza ('priest',)
ardiak ('sheep',)
argala ('thin',)
arkatza ('pencil',)
arkatzak ('pencils',)
arraina ('fish',)
arreba ('sister of a brother',)
arrebaren ('sister’s',)
aterki ('umbrella',)
aterkia ('umbrella',)
aterkiak ('umbrellas',)
atzo ('yesterday',)
autobus ('bus',)
autobusa ('bus',)
autobusean ('on the bus',)
azkarra ('fast',)
baina ('but',)
baloi ('ball',)
baloia ('ball',)
baloiak ('balls',)
batean ('in a',)
basoan ('in a forest',)
baserri ('farm', 'farmhouse')
baserria ('farm', 'farmhouse')
baserrian ('on a farm',)
bat ('one',)
bederatzi ('nine',)
begira ('look',)
behiak ('cows',)
beltz ('black',)
beltza ('black',)
berandu ('late',)
berde ('green',)
berdea ('green',)
berdeak ('green',)
bere ('his', 'hers', 'its')
berea ('his', 'hers', 'its')
berria ('new',)
bi ('two',)
Bilbo ('Bilbao',)
Bilbon ('in Bilbao',)
biloba ('grandson', 'granddaughter')
bilobak ('grandchildren',)
bizi ('live',)
biziko ('will live',)
bizikleta ('bicycle',)
bizikletak ('bicycles',)
boligrafo ('pen',)
boligrafoa ('pen',)
boligrafoak ('pens',)
bost ('five',)
camarero ('waiter',)
camareroa ('the waiter',)
camareroak ('waiters',)
da ('is',)
dendan ('in a store',)
dira ('are',)
Donostian ('in San Sebastian',)
dortoka ('a turtle',)
dortokak ('turtles',)
duela ('ago',)
egon ('stayed',)
egun ('day',)
elizan ('in a church',)
emakumea ('woman',)
emaztea ('wife',)
ere ('also',)
erizaina ('nurse',)
erlojuak ('watches',)
erlojua ('watch',)
erloju ('watch',)
erori ('fell',)
eseri ('sat',)
eskolan ('in a school',)
eskola ('school',)
esnatu ('woke',)
Espainian ('in Spain',)
eta ('and',)
etxea ('house',)
etxean ('in a house',)
etxe ('house',)
etxekoandrea ('housewife',)
euskal ('basque',)
ez ('not, no',)
Francian ('in France',)
gara ('are',)
garaiz ('on time',)
goizean ('morning',)
gaur ('today',)
gaztea ('young',)
gizon ('man',)
gida ('guide',)
gidaria ('driver',)
gizen ('fat',)
gizena ('fat',)
gizona ('man',)
goiz ('early',)
gorri ('red',)
gorria ('red',)
gris ('gray',)
grisa ('gray',)
grisak ('gray',)
gurasoak ('parents',)
gurasoen ('parents’',)
gu ('we',)
gure ('our',)
gurea ('ours',)
gureak ('ours',)
haiek ('those over there, plural of hura', 'they')
haiena ('theirs',)
haien ('their',)
hamabi ('twelve',)
hamabost ('fifteen',)
hamahiru ('thirteen',)
hamaika ('eleven',)
hamalau ('fourteen',)
hamar ('ten',)
hamasei ('sixteen',)
hamazazpi ('seventeen',)
handia ('big',)
handiak ('big',)
han ('there',)
hauek ('These, plural of hau',)
hau ('this',)
hemazortzi ('eighteen',)
hemen ('here',)
hemeretzi ('nineteen',)
herrian ('country',)
hiru ('three',)
hontzak ('owls',)
hontza ('owl',)
hontz ('owl',)
hori ('that', 'yellow')
horia ('yellow',)
horiak ('yellow',)
horiek ('Those, plural of hori',)
hotel ('hotel',)
hotelak ('hotels',)
hotelean ('from a hotel',)
hura ('that over there', 'he', 'she', 'it')
ibaian ('in a river',)
ibili ('walked',)
ikasleak ('students',)
ikasleenak ('students’',)
iloba ('niece', 'nephew')
ilobak ('nieces', 'nephews')
ingeniari ('engineer',)
ingeniaria ('engineer',)
irakaslea ('teacher',)
irakasleak ('teachers',)
iritsi ('arrived',)
itsusia ('ugly',)
izeba ('aunt',)
izebaren ('aunt’s',)
jatorra ('nice',)
kalean ('in/on a street',)
katu ('cat',)
katua ('a cat',)
katuak ('cats',)
kotxe ('car',)
kotxea ('car',)
kotxeak ('cars',)
laburra ('short',)
laburrak ('short',)
lagun ('friend',)
laguna ('friend',)
lagunen ('friend’s',)
lagunaren ('friend’s',)
laranja ('orange',)
laranjak ('orange',)
lau ('four',)
lehengusu ('cousin (male)',)
lehengusua ('cousin (male)',)
lehengusina ('cousin (female)',)
liburu ('book',)
liburua ('a book',)
liburua ('books',)
liburuak ('books',)
liburuen ('on books',)
Lili ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',)
Madrilen ('in madrid',)
medikua ('doctor',)
medikuak ('doctors',)
mendietan ('on the mountains',)
motxila ('backpack',)
motxilak ('backpacks',)
morea ('purple',)
motela ('slow',)
mutil ('boy',)
mutila ('boy',)
mutilak ('boys',)
mutillaguna ('boyfriend',)
naiz ('am',)
neba ('brother of a sister',)
neska ('girl',)
neskak ('girls',)
neskalaguna ('girlfriend',)
ni ('I',)
nire ('my',)
nirea ('mine',)
nireak ('mine',)
non ('where',)
nor ('who',)
noren ('whose',)
norena ('whose',)
norenak ('whose (plural)',)
oilasko ('chicken',)
oilaskoa ('a chicken',)
oilaskoak ('chickens',)
orain ('now',)
osaba ('uncle',)
osabaren ('uncle’s',)
polita ('pretty',)
poltsa ('purse',)
poltsak ('purses',)
polizia ('police officer',)
saguak ('mice',)
sei ('six',)
seme ('son',)
semea ('son',)
semeak ('sons',)
semearen ('son’s',)
seme-alabak ('children', 'sons and daughters')
senarra ('husband',)
tour ('tour',)
turista ('tourist',)
txakur ('dog',)
txakura ('a dog',)
txakurrak ('dogs',)
txikia ('small',)
txoria ('bird',)
txoriak ('birds',)
urte ('year',)
urtebete ('one year',)
ume ('child',)
umea ('child',)
umeak ('children',)
urdin ('blue',)
urdina ('blue',)
urdinak ('blue',)
urte ('year',)
uso ('pigeon',)
usoa ('a pigeon',)
usoak ('pigeons',)
zahara ('old',)
zaharra ('old',)
zaharrak ('old',)
zaldia ('horse',)
zara ('are',)
zarete ('are',)
zazpi ('seven',)
zein ('which',)
zen ('was',)
zer ('what',)
zortzi ('eight',)
zu ('you',)
zuek ('your (plural)',)
zuen ('yours',)
zuena ('yours (plural)',)
zuenak ('yours (plural)',)
zuhaitz ('tree',)
zure ('your',)
zurea ('yours',)
zureak ('yours',)
zuri ('white',)
zuria ('white',)
zuriak ('white',)
nintzen ('I was',)
zinen ('you were',)
zen ('he/she/it was',)
ginen ('we were',)
zineten ('you (plural) were',)
ziren ('they were',)