Egon2 2

Id: 182


18. Egon2 (Past)and the NON(Inessive) Case

Vocabulary Egon2 2

  • dirudun: rich
  • pobre: poor
  • bustia: wet
  • lehorra: dry
  • garbi: clean
  • zikin: dirty
  • gose: hungry
  • egarri: thirsty

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dirudun rich ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']
pobre poor ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']
bustia wet ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']
lehorra dry ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']
garbi clean ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']
zikin dirty ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']
gose hungry ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']
egarri thirsty ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']


Ni pobrea nengoen.
Pobrea nengoen.
I was poor.
Zu egarria zeunden?
Egarria zeunden?
Were you thirsty?
Hontz txarra bustia zegoen.
The bad owl was wet.
Txerri zikina gosea eta egarria zegoen.
The dirty pig was hungry and thirsty.
Etxe handia garbia zegoen.
The big house was clean.
Gizon diruduna zikina zegoen.
The rich man was dirty.
Neska pobrea egarria zegoen.
The poor girl was thirsty.
Gu egarriak geunden.
Egarriak geunden.
We were thirsty.
Zuek lehorrak zeundeten.
Lehorrak zeundeten.
You (plural) were dry.
You'll were dry.
You were dry.
Mutil bustiak goseak zeuden.
The wet boys were hungry.
Mahai berdeak zikinak zeuden.
The green tables were dirty.
Ni diruduna nengoen, baina orain pobrea nago.
Diruduna nengoen, baina orain pobrea nago.
I was rich, but now I am poor.
Zu bustia zeunden, baina orain lehorra zaude.
Bustia zeunden, baina orain lehorra zaude.
You were wet, but now you are dry.
Umea garbia zegoen, baina hura orain zikina dago.
The child was clean, but now she is dirty.
The child was clean, but now he is dirty.
Gu gosea geunden, baina orain egarria gaude.
Gosea geunden, baina orain egarria gaude.
We were hungry, but now we are thirsty.
Zu Italian zeundeten, baina orain zu Espainian zaudete.
Italian zeundeten, baina orain zu Espainian zaudete.
You (plural) were in Italy, but now you (plural) are in Spain.
You'll were in Italy, but now you'll are in Spain.
You were in Italy, but now you are in Spain.
Haiek Donostian zeuden, baina Bilbon daude orain.
Donostian zeuden, baina Bilbon daude orain.
They were in San Sebastian, but they are now in Bilbao.


Aitor’s ('Aitorren (male name)',)
Anea’s ('Anearenak (female name, plural object)',)
Lili ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',)
Mikel’s ('Mikelenak (male name)',)
Miren’s ('Mirenen (female name)',)
Miren’s ('Miren (female name)',)
Xabier’s ('Xabieren (male name)',)
Arrano ('Arrano (name of a street)',)
Bilbao ('Bilbo',)
Country ('Herrian',)
Europe ('Europa',)
France ('Frantzia',)
Germany ('Alemania',)
Irun ('Irun',)
Italy ('Italia',)
Madrid ('Madril',)
Paris ('Paris',)
San Sebastian ('Donostia',)
Spain ('Espainia',)
Vitoria ('Gasteiz (city in Basque Country)',)
one ('bat',)
two ('bi',)
three ('hiru',)
four ('lau',)
five ('bost',)
six ('sei',)
seven ('zazpi',)
eight ('zortzi',)
nine ('bederatzi',)
ten ('hamar',)
eleven ('hamaika',)
twelve ('hamabi',)
thirteen ('hamahiru',)
fourteen ('hamalau',)
fifteen ('hamabost',)
sixteen ('hamasei',)
seventeen ('hamazazpi',)
eighteen ('hemazortzi',)
nineteen ('hemeretzi',)
a ('-a',)
afternoon ('arratsalde',)
ago ('duela',)
airport ('aireportua',)
all ('part of you plural, you all',)
also ('ere',)
always ('beti',)
am ('naiz (izan)', 'nago (egon)')
among ('artean',)
an ('-ak',)
and ('eta',)
animal ('animalia',)
animals ('animaliak',)
are ('daude (izan)', 'dira (izan)', 'zara (izan)', 'gara (izan)', 'zarete (izan)', 'zaude (egon)', 'gaude (egon)', 'zaudete (egon)', 'daude (egon)')
arrive ('iristen', 'iritsiko')
arrived ('iritsi',)
at ('not translated, part of insessive case',)
aunt ('izeba',)
aunts ('izebak',)
aunt’s ('izebaren',)
ball ('baloi',)
balls ('baloiak',)
backpack ('motxila',)
backpacks ('motxilak',)
bad ('txar',)
bank ('banku',)
bar ('taberna',)
basque ('euskal',)
be ('egoten', 'egongo')
beach ('hondartza',)
belt ('gerrikoa',)
beside ('ondoan',)
between ('artean',)
behind ('atzean',)
bicycle ('bizikleta',)
bicycles ('bizikletak',)
big ('handi',)
bird ('txoria',)
birds ('txoriak',)
black ('beltz',)
blue ('urdin',)
book ('liburu',)
books ('liburuak',)
boy ('mutil',)
boys ('mutilak',)
boyfriend ('mutillaguna',)
bridges ('zubiak',)
bridge ('zubi',)
brother ('neba', 'anaia')
brother’s ('nebanen', 'anaianen')
brown ('marroia',)
bus ('autobusa',)
buses ('autobusak',)
but ('baina',)
camareroa ('waiter',)
car ('kotxea',)
cars ('kotxeak',)
cat ('katu',)
cats ('katuak',)
chair ('aulki',)
chairs ('aulkiak',)
chicken ('oilasko',)
chickens ('oilaskoak',)
child ('ume',)
children ('umeak', 'seme-alabak')
church ('eliza',)
churches ('elizak',)
cinema ('zinema',)
clean ('garbi',)
clothing ('arropa',)
coat ('berokia',)
coats ('berokiak',)
come ('etortzen (present)', 'etorriko(future)')
coming ('nator (I am)', 'zatoz (you are)', 'dator (he/she/it is)', 'gatoz (we are)', 'zatozte (you(plural) are)', 'datoz (they are)', 'nentorren (I was)', 'zentozen (You were)', 'zetorren (He/she/it was)', 'gentozen (We were)', 'zentozten (You (plural) were)', 'zetozen (They were)')
cousin ('lehengusu', 'lehengusina')
cow ('behia',)
cows ('behiak',)
day ('egun',)
days ('egunak',)
daughter ('alaba',)
daughters ('alabak',)
daughter’s ('alabaren',)
do ('not translated',)
does ('not translated',)
doctor ('medikua',)
doctors ('medikuak',)
dog ('txakur',)
dogs ('txakurrak',)
door ('ate',)
doors ('ateak',)
down ('behera', 'part of lie down')
dress ('soinekoa',)
dresses ('soinekoak',)
driver ('gidaria',)
drivers ('gidariak',)
did ('not translated',)
dirty ('zikin',)
dry ('lehorra',)
early ('goiz',)
engineer ('ingeniari',)
ever ('inoiz',)
every ('-ero',)
fast ('azkar',)
farm ('baserri',)
farmhouse ('baserri',)
fat ('gizena',)
father ('aita',)
fathers ('aitak',)
father’s ('aitaren',)
fall ('erortzen', 'eroriko')
fell ('erori',)
female ('emakumezkoa',)
fish ('arraina',)
forest ('baso',)
France ('Francia',)
friend ('laguna',)
friend’s ('lagunen',)
friends’ ('lagunaren',)
from ('part of Ablative case',)
front ('frontea', 'aurrean (in front of)')
girl ('neska',)
girls ('neskak',)
girlfriend ('neskalaguna',)
glad ('pozten (present)', 'poztuko (future)')
glasses ('betaurrekoak',)
goat ('ahuntz',)
goats ('ahuntzak',)
go ('joaten(present)', 'joango (future)')
good ('on',)
goes ('joaten',)
going ('noa (I am)', 'zoaz (you are)', 'doa (he, she, it is)', 'goaz (we are)', 'zoazte (you plural are)', 'doaz (hey are)', 'nindoan (I was going)', 'zindoazen (you were)', 'zihoan (he/she was)', 'gindoazen (we were)', 'zindoazten (you plural were)', 'zihoazen (they were)')
gray ('gris',)
grandchildren ('bilobak',)
granddaughter ('biloba',)
grandparents ('aitona-amonak',)
grandfather ('aiton',)
grandfathers ('aitonak',)
grandfather’s ('aitonaren',)
grandmother ('amon',)
grandmother ('amona',)
grandmothers ('amonak',)
grandmother’s ('amonaren',)
grandson ('biloba',)
green ('berde',)
guide ('gida',)
had ('part of past verb form',)
hat ('txanoaren (noren case)',)
he ('hura',)
hello ('kaixo',)
her ('bere',)
here ('hemen',)
hers ('berea',)
hers ('berea',)
hi ('epa',)
his ('bere', 'berea')
horse ('zaldia',)
home ('etxe',)
house ('etxe',)
houses ('etxeak',)
housewife ('etxekoandrea',)
hotel ('hotel',)
hotels ('hotelak',)
house ('etxea',)
hungry ('gose',)
hura ('hura',)
husband ('senarra',)
I ('ni',)
in ('Inessive case',)
inside ('barruan',)
is ('da', 'dago')
it ('hura',)
its ('berea',)
jacket ('jaka',)
lake ('laku',)
late ('berandu',)
left ('ezker',)
leave ('ateratzen (present)', 'aterako (future)')
lie ('etzaten (present)', 'etzango (future)')
lies ('etzaten',)
live ('bizi + izan',)
lives ('bizi + izan',)
lived ('bizi + past of izan',)
long ('luzea',)
look ('begira!',)
male ('gizonezkoa',)
man ('gizon',)
mine ('nirea',)
movie ('filma',)
next ('hurrengoa', 'ondoan (next to)')
nice ('jator',)
often ('maiz',)
on ('Inessive case', 'gainean')
over ('gainean',)
owls ('hontzak',)
man ('gizona',)
market ('merkatu',)
mice ('saguak',)
mini-hotel ('ostatu',)
mini-hotels ('ostatuak',)
month ('hil',)
morning ('goizean',)
mother ('ama',)
mother’s ('amaren',)
mothers ('amak',)
mountain ('mendi',)
mountains ('mendiak',)
mouse ('sagu',)
my ('nire',)
new ('berri',)
nephew ('iloba',)
nephews ('ilobak',)
never ('inoiz ez',)
nice ('jatorra',)
niece ('iloba',)
nieces ('ilobak',)
night ('gau',)
no ('ez',)
not ('ez',)
now ('orain',)
nurse ('erizaina',)
on ('part of phrase, not translated',)
on time ('garaiz',)
outside ('kanpoan',)
of ('de',)
officer ('ofiziala',)
old ('zahar',)
or ('edo',)
orange ('laranja',)
our ('gure',)
ours ('gurea',)
over ('amaitu',)
owl ('hontza',)
pants ('prakak',)
parents ('gurasoak',)
parents’ ('gurasoen',)
park ('parke',)
parks ('parkeak',)
pen ('boligrafo',)
pencil ('arkatza',)
pencils ('arkatzak',)
pens ('boligrafoak',)
pig ('txakurra',)
pigs ('txakurrak',)
plaza ('plaza',)
police ('polizia',)
priest ('apaiza',)
plural ('plurala',)
pretty ('polit',)
pub ('taberna',)
purple ('morea',)
purse ('poltsa',)
purses ('poltsak',)
rarely ('gutxitan',)
rather ('baizik',)
red ('gorri',)
rejoice ('pozten (present)', 'poztuko (future)')
restaurant ('jatetxe',)
pig ('txerria',)
pigs ('txerriak',)
poor ('pobre',)
rich ('dirudun',)
right ('eskuin',)
ring ('eraztuna',)
river ('ibai',)
san ('san',)
sat ('eseri',)
Sebastian ('Sebastian',)
seldom ('gutxitan',)
school ('eskola',)
schools ('eskolak',)
she ('hura',)
sheep ('ardiak',)
shirt ('alkandora',)
shoe ('zapata',)
shoes ('zapatak',)
short ('labur',)
side ('alde',)
sides ('aldeak',)
sister ('ahizpa', 'arreba')
sister’s ('ahizparen', 'arrebaren')
sit ('eserten', 'eseriko')
sits ('eserten',)
skirt ('gona',)
skirts ('gonak',)
slow ('motel',)
snake ('suge',)
snakes ('sugeak',)
socks ('galtzerdi (noren case)',)
sweater ('jertse',)
sweaters ('jertseak',)
son ('seme',)
sons ('semeak',)
son’s ('semearen',)
small ('txiki',)
square ('plaza',)
station ('geltoki',)
stay ('egoten', 'egongo', 'geratu (present)', 'geratuko (future)')
stayed ('egon',)
store ('denda',)
stores ('dendak',)
street ('kale',)
strong ('indartsu',)
students ('ikasleak',)
students’ ('ikasleenak',)
table ('mahai',)
tables ('mahaiak',)
tall ('altu',)
teacher ('irakaslea',)
teachers ('irakasleak',)
that ('hori', 'hura')
the ('-a',)
theater ('zinema',)
there ('hor',)
these ('hauek',)
their ('haien',)
theirs ('haiena',)
they ('haiek',)
thin ('argal',)
thirsty ('egarri',)
this ('hau',)
time ('denbora',)
today ('gaur',)
those ('haiek', 'horiek')
to ('part of Ablative case',)
top ('gainean (location - on top of)',)
tomorrow ('bihar',)
tour ('tour',)
tourist ('turista',)
tourists ('turistak',)
train ('tren',)
tree ('zuhaitz',)
trees ('zuhaitzak',)
trousers ('prakak',)
turtle ('dortoka',)
turtles ('dortokak',)
two ('bi',)
ugly ('itsusi',)
umbrella ('aterki',)
umbrellas ('aterkiak',)
uncle ('osaba',)
uncles ('osabak',)
uncle’s ('osabaren',)
under ('azpian',)
up ('gora', 'part of wake up')
usually ('ohi',)
waiter ('camareroa',)
waiters ('camareroak',)
wake ('esnatzen', 'esnatuko')
wakes ('esnatzen',)
walk ('ibiltzen', 'ibiliko')
walked ('ibili',)
wallet ('zorro',)
was ('nengoen(I)(egon)', 'zegoen(he,she,it) (egon)', 'zen')
watch ('erloju',)
watches ('erlojuak',)
we ('gu',)
weak ('ahul',)
were ('zinen (izan)', 'ginen (izan)', 'zineten (izan)', 'ziren (izan)', 'geunden (we) (egon)', 'zeuden (they) (egon)', 'zeunden (you) (egon)', 'zeundeten (you (plural)) (egon)')
wet ('bustia',)
what ('zer',)
where ('non', 'nora (to)', 'nondik (from)')
when ('noiz',)
which ('zein',)
white ('zuri',)
who ('nor',)
whose ('noren',)
wife ('emaztea',)
will ('future tense',)
window ('leiho',)
windows ('leihoak',)
woods ('basoa',)
woke ('esnatu',)
woman ('emakumea',)
year ('urte',)
years ('urteak',)
yesterday ('atzo',)
yellow ('hori',)
you ('zu',)
young ('gazte',)
your ('zure',)
yours ('zurea', 'zuena')
Aitorren ('Aitor’s (male name)',)
Anearenak ('Anea’s (female name, plural object)',)
Lili ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',)
Mikelenak ('Mikel’s (male name)',)
Mirenen ('Miren’s (female name)',)
Miren ('Miren’s (female name)',)
Xabieren ('Xabier’s (male name)',)
Alemania ('Germany',)
Alemaniara ('To Germany',)
Alemanian ('in Germany',)
Arrano ('Arrano (name of a street)',)
Bilbo ('Bilbao',)
Bilbon ('in Bilbao',)
Bilbora ('To Bilbao',)
Donostian ('in San Sebastian',)
Donostiara ('To San Sebastian',)
Donostiatik ('from San Sebastian',)
Espainian ('in Spain',)
Espainiara ('To Spain',)
Espainiatik ('from Spain',)
Europan ('in Europe',)
Europara ('To Europe',)
Europatik ('from Europe',)
euskal ('basque',)
Euskal Herri ('Basque Country',)
Euskal Herrira ('to Basque Country',)
Francian ('in France',)
Frantzian ('in France',)
Frantziara ('To France',)
Frantziatik ('from France',)
Gasteizen ('in Vitoria (city in Basque Country)',)
Gasteizera ('To Vitoria',)
Gasteizetik ('from Vitoria',)
Gasteiztik ('from Vitoria',)
Gasteiz ('Vitoria',)
Herrira ('in the country',)
Irunen ('in Irun',)
Irunera ('To Irun',)
Italia ('Italy',)
Italian ('in Italy',)
Italiara ('To Italy',)
Madrilen ('in madrid',)
Madrilera ('To Madrid',)
Parisetik ('from Paris',)
ahizpa ('sister of a sister',)
ahizparen ('sister’s',)
ahulak ('weak',)
ahula ('weak',)
ahul ('weak',)
ahuntz ('goat',)
ahuntza ('goat',)
ahuntzak ('goats',)
aireportua ('airport',)
aireportutik ('from the airport',)
aitona-amonak ('grandparents',)
aiton ('grandfather',)
aitona ('grandfather',)
aitonaren ('grandfather’s',)
aita ('father',)
aitak ('fathers',)
aitaren ('father’s',)
al ('question word',)
alaba ('daughter',)
alabak ('daughters',)
alabaren ('daughter’s',)
aldean ('side (Noren case)',)
aldea ('the side',)
alde ('side',)
alkandora ('shirt',)
altua ('tall',)
altuaren ('tall(noren case)',)
ama ('mother',)
amak ('mothers',)
amaren ('mother’s',)
amon ('grandmother',)
amona ('grandmother',)
amonak ('grandmothers',)
amonaren ('grandmother’s',)
anaia ('brother of a brother',)
anaian ('brother of a brother’s',)
anaiaren ('brother’s',)
animalia ('animal',)
animaliak ('animals',)
apaiza ('priest',)
ardi ('sheep',)
ardia ('sheep',)
ardiak ('sheep (plural)',)
argala ('thin',)
arkatza ('pencil',)
arkatzak ('pencils',)
arrain ('fish',)
arraina ('fish',)
arrainak ('fish (plural)',)
arratsalde ('afternoon',)
arreba ('sister of a brother',)
arrebaren ('sister’s',)
arropa ('clothing',)
artean ('between',)
atearen ('door (Noren case)',)
atea ('the door',)
ate ('door',)
ateratzen ('leave',)
aterako ('will leave',)
aterki ('umbrella',)
aterkia ('umbrella',)
aterkiak ('umbrellas',)
atzean ('behind',)
atzo ('yesterday',)
aulkiaren ('chair (Noren case)',)
aulkia ('the chair',)
aulki ('chair',)
autobus ('bus',)
autobusa ('bus',)
autobusean ('on the bus',)
autobusetara ('to the buses',)
aurrean ('in front (of)',)
azkarra ('fast',)
azkarrak ('fast',)
azpian ('under',)
baina ('but',)
baizik ('but rather',)
baloi ('ball',)
baloia ('ball',)
baloiak ('balls',)
banku ('bank',)
bankutik ('from the bank',)
bankura ('to the bank',)
barruan ('inside',)
basserietara ('to the farm/farm houses',)
basoa ('forrest',)
batean ('in a',)
basoan ('in the forest',)
basora ('to the forest',)
basotik ('from the forest',)
baserri ('farm', 'farmhouse')
baserria ('farm', 'farmhouse')
baserrian ('on a farm',)
bat ('one',)
bazegoen ('there was',)
bederatzi ('nine',)
bederatzietan ('at nine',)
begira ('look',)
behia ('cow',)
behiak ('cows',)
behiaren ('cow (Noren)',)
beltz ('black',)
beltza ('black',)
berandu ('late',)
berde ('green',)
berdea ('green',)
berdeak ('green',)
bere ('his', 'hers', 'its')
berea ('his', 'hers', 'its')
berria ('new',)
berriaren ('new (noren case)',)
berokia ('coat',)
berokiak ('coats',)
betaurrekoak ('glasses',)
beti ('always',)
bi ('two',)
bihar ('tomorrow',)
biloba ('grandson', 'granddaughter')
bilobak ('grandchildren',)
bizi ('live',)
biziko ('will live',)
bizikleta ('bicycle',)
bizikletak ('bicycles',)
bizikletaetara ('to the bicycles',)
bizikleta ('bicycle(Noran case)',)
boligrafo ('pen',)
boligrafoa ('pen',)
boligrafoak ('pens',)
bost ('five',)
bostetan ('at five',)
bustiak ('wet',)
bustia ('wet',)
camarero ('waiter',)
camareroa ('the waiter',)
camareroak ('waiters',)
da ('is',)
dago ('is',)
dator ('He is coming', 'She is coming', 'It is coming')
datoz ('They are coming.',)
daude ('are (egon)',)
denda ('store',)
dendak ('stores',)
dendan ('in a store',)
dendetatik ('from stores',)
dendara ('to the store',)
dendaetara ('to the stores',)
dira ('are',)
dirudunak ('rich',)
diruduna ('rich',)
dirudun ('rich',)
doa ('he is going', 'she is going', 'it is going')
doaz ('they are going',)
dortoka ('a turtle',)
dortokak ('turtles',)
duela ('ago',)
edo ('or',)
egarriak ('thirsty',)
egarria ('thirsty',)
egarri ('thirsty',)
egon ('stayed',)
egoten ('stay/be at a location',)
egongo ('will stay/be at a location',)
egun ('day',)
egunero ('every day',)
elizan ('in a church',)
elizara ('to a church',)
elizetan ('at churches',)
elizatik ('from church',)
elizaetatik ('from churches',)
elizaetara ('to the churches',)
emakumea ('woman',)
emaztea ('wife',)
epa ('hi',)
eraztuna ('ring',)
ere ('also',)
erizaina ('nurse',)
erloju ('watch',)
erlojua ('watch',)
erlojuak ('watches',)
erlojuen ('watches(noren case)',)
erori ('fell',)
erortzen ('fall',)
eroriko ('will fall',)
etorriko ('will come',)
etortzen ('come',)
etzaten ('lie down',)
etzango ('will lie down',)
eseri ('sat',)
eserten ('sit',)
eseriko ('will sit',)
esnatuko ('will wake up',)
eskolan ('in a school',)
eskola ('school',)
eskolak ('schools',)
eskolatik ('from school',)
eskolaetatik ('from schools',)
eskolaetara ('to schools',)
eskuinean ('On the right(inessive of eskuin)',)
eskuin ('right',)
esnatu ('woke',)
esnatzen ('wake up',)
eta ('and',)
etxe ('house',)
etxea ('house',)
etxean ('in a house',)
etxearen ('house(noren case)',)
etxetik ('from home, from a house',)
etxeetara ('to the houses',)
etxekoandrea ('housewife',)
ez ('not, no',)
ezkerrean ('On the left(inessive of ezker)',)
ezker ('left',)
gainean ('on', 'over')
galtzerdi ('socks(noren case)',)
gara ('are',)
garaiz ('on time',)
garbia ('clean',)
garbiak ('clean',)
garbi ('clean',)
gatoz ('We are coming',)
gaude ('are (egon)',)
gauero ('every night',)
gaur ('today',)
gaztea ('young',)
geltokira ('to the station',)
geltoki ('station',)
geltokitik ('from the station',)
gentozen ('We were coming',)
geratuko ('will stay',)
geratu ('stay',)
gerrikoa ('belt',)
gerrikoaren ('belt (Noren case)',)
geunden ('We were',)
goizean ('morning',)
gizon ('man',)
gida ('guide',)
gidaria ('driver',)
gidariak ('drivers',)
gindoazen ('we were going',)
ginen ('we were',)
gizen ('fat',)
gizena ('fat',)
gizenaren ('fat (noren case)',)
gizona ('man',)
goaz ('we are going',)
goiz ('early',)
gona ('skirt',)
gonak ('skirts',)
gonaen ('skirts(Noren)',)
gorri ('red',)
gorria ('red',)
gorriaren ('red(noren case)',)
gosea ('hungry',)
goseak ('hungry',)
gose ('hungry',)
gris ('gray',)
grisa ('gray',)
grisen ('gray (Noren case)',)
grisak ('gray',)
grisetan ('gray(noren case)',)
gurasoak ('parents',)
gurasoen ('parents’',)
gu ('we',)
gure ('our',)
gurea ('ours',)
gureak ('ours',)
gutxitan ('rarely',)
gutxitan ('seldom',)
haiek ('those over there, plural of hura', 'they')
haiena ('theirs',)
haien ('their',)
hamabi ('twelve',)
hamabost ('fifteen',)
hamahiru ('thirteen',)
hamaika ('eleven',)
hamaiketan ('at eleven',)
hamalau ('fourteen',)
hamarretan ('at ten',)
hamar ('ten',)
hamasei ('sixteen',)
hamazazpi ('seventeen',)
handia ('big',)
handiak ('big',)
handiaren ('big (noren case)',)
han ('there',)
hauek ('These, plural of hau',)
hau ('this',)
hemazortzi ('eighteen',)
hemen ('here',)
hemeretzi ('nineteen',)
herrian ('country',)
hilero ('every month',)
hiru ('three',)
hondartza ('beach',)
hondartzaren ('beach (noren case)',)
hontzak ('owls',)
hontza ('owl',)
hontz ('owl',)
hor ('there',)
hori ('that', 'yellow')
horiak ('yellow',)
horia ('yellow',)
horiek ('Those, plural of hori',)
hotelak ('hotels',)
hotelean ('in a hotel',)
hotelera ('to the hotel',)
hoteletatik ('from hotels',)
hoteletik ('from a hotel',)
hotel ('hotel',)
hotelaren ('hotel (noren case)',)
hura ('that over there', 'he', 'she', 'it')
ibaia ('river',)
ibaian ('in a river',)
ibaira ('to the river',)
ibaiaren ('river (Noren)',)
ibiliko ('will walk',)
ibili ('walked',)
ibiltzen ('walk',)
ikasleak ('students',)
ikasleenak ('students’',)
iloba ('niece', 'nephew')
ilobak ('nieces', 'nephews')
indartsuak ('strong',)
indartsua ('strong',)
indartsu ('strong',)
ingeniaria ('engineer',)
ingeniari ('engineer',)
inoiz ('ever',)
irakasleak ('teachers',)
irakaslea ('teacher',)
iristen ('arrive',)
iritsi ('arrived',)
iritsiko ('will arrive',)
itsusia ('ugly',)
itsusiaren ('ugly (noren case)',)
izeba ('aunt',)
izebak ('aunts',)
izebaren ('aunt’s',)
jatorra ('nice',)
jatoraren ('nice (noren case)',)
jaka ('jacket',)
jatetxe ('restaurant',)
jatetxea ('restaurant',)
jatetxearen ('restaurant (noren case)',)
jatorak ('nice',)
jatora ('nice',)
jator ('nice',)
jertse ('sweater',)
joaten ('go',)
joango ('will go',)
kalean ('in/on a street',)
kalearen ('street (noren)',)
katua ('a cat',)
katuak ('cats',)
katu ('cat',)
kaixo ('hello',)
kanpoan ('outside',)
kotxea ('car',)
kotxeak ('cars',)
kotxe ('car',)
kotxera ('to the car',)
laburrak ('short',)
laburra ('short',)
laguna ('friend',)
lagunaren ('friend’s',)
lagunen ('friend’s',)
lagun ('friend',)
laku ('lake',)
lakura ('to the lake',)
laranjak ('orange',)
laranja ('orange',)
larangaren ('orange (noren case)',)
lau ('four',)
lehengusina ('cousin (female)',)
lehengusua ('cousin (male)',)
lehengusu ('cousin (male)',)
lehorra ('dry',)
lehorrak ('dry',)
leihoa ('the window',)
leihoen ('windows (Noren case)',)
leiho ('window',)
liburua ('a book',)
liburua ('books',)
liburuak ('books',)
liburu ('book',)
liburuen ('on books',)
luzeak ('long',)
luzea ('long',)
luze ('long',)
mahaiak ('tables',)
mahaiaren ('table (Noren case)',)
mahaia ('the table',)
mahai ('table',)
maiz ('often',)
marroia ('brown',)
marroiaren ('brown(noren case)',)
medikua ('doctor',)
medikuak ('doctors',)
mendian ('in, on the mountain',)
mendietan ('on the mountains',)
mendietatik ('from the mountains',)
mendira ('to the mountain',)
mendietara ('to the mountains',)
merkatu ('market',)
merkatua ('market',)
merkatuaren ('market (noren case)',)
nindoan ('I was going',)
morea ('purple',)
moreen ('purple(noren case)',)
motela ('slow',)
motxila ('backpack',)
motxilak ('backpacks',)
mutila ('boy',)
mutilak ('boys',)
mutil ('boy',)
mutillaguna ('boyfriend',)
naiz ('am (izan)',)
nator ('I am coming',)
neba ('brother of a sister',)
nengoen ('I was',)
nentorren ('I was coming',)
neska ('girl',)
neskak ('girls',)
neskalaguna ('girlfriend',)
ni ('I',)
nintzen ('I was',)
nireak ('mine',)
nirea ('mine',)
nire ('my',)
nago ('am (egon)',)
noa ('I am going',)
nora ('where (to)',)
noiz ('when',)
non ('where',)
nondik ('from where',)
norenak ('whose (plural)',)
norena ('whose',)
noren ('whose',)
nor ('who',)
ohi ('usually',)
oilaskoa ('a chicken',)
oilaskoak ('chickens',)
oilasko ('chicken',)
ona ('good',)
onak ('good',)
on ('good',)
orain ('now',)
ondoan ('next to', 'beside')
osabak ('uncles',)
osabaren ('uncle’s',)
osaba ('uncle',)
ostatu ('mini-hotel',)
ostatuetatik ('from mini-hotels',)
ostatura ('to the mini-hotel',)
parkeak ('parks',)
parkearen ('park (Noren case)',)
parkea ('the park',)
parke ('park',)
plaza ('plaza', 'square')
plazaren ('plaza (noren case)', 'square (noren case)')
pobreak ('poor',)
pobrea ('poor',)
pobre ('poor',)
polita ('pretty',)
polizia ('police officer',)
poltsak ('purses',)
poltsa ('purse',)
poltsaren ('purse(Noren case)',)
pozten ('am glad', 'rejoice')
poztuko ('will be glad', 'will rejoice')
prakak ('trousers',)
sagu ('mouse',)
sagua ('mouse',)
saguak ('mice',)
seietan ('at six',)
sei ('six',)
semeak ('sons',)
semearen ('son’s',)
semea ('son',)
seme ('son',)
seme-alabak ('children', 'sons and daughters')
senarra ('husband',)
soineko ('dress',)
soinekoa ('dress',)
soinekoak ('dresses',)
suge ('snake',)
sugea ('snake',)
sugeak ('snakes',)
taberna ('bar', 'pub')
tabernaren ('bar (noren case)', 'pub (noren case)')
tour ('tour',)
tren ('train',)
turista ('tourist',)
turistak ('tourists',)
txakur ('dog',)
txakura ('a dog',)
txakurrak ('dogs',)
txakurra ('pig',)
txakurrak ('pigs',)
txerriaren ('pig (Noren)',)
txanoaren ('hat(noren)',)
txarra ('bad',)
txarrak ('bad',)
txar ('bad',)
txerri ('pig',)
txerria ('pig',)
txerriak ('pigs',)
txiki ('small',)
txikia ('small',)
txikiaren ('small (noren case)',)
txori ('bird',)
txoria ('bird',)
txoriak ('birds',)
urte ('year',)
urtebete ('one year',)
ume ('child',)
umea ('child',)
umeak ('children',)
urdin ('blue',)
urdina ('blue',)
urdinak ('blue',)
urte ('year',)
urtero ('every year',)
uso ('pigeon',)
usoa ('a pigeon',)
usoak ('pigeons',)
zahara ('old',)
zaharra ('old',)
zaharrak ('old',)
zaldi ('horse',)
zaldia ('horse',)
zaldiak ('horses',)
zara ('are',)
zarete ('are',)
zatozte ('You (plural) are coming',)
zatoz ('You are coming',)
zaude ('are (egon)',)
zaudete ('are (egon)',)
zazpi ('seven',)
zegoen ('he was', 'she was', 'it was')
zein ('which',)
zen ('was',)
zer ('what',)
zentozen ('You were coming',)
zentozten ('You (plural) were coming',)
zetorren ('he was coming', 'she was coming', 'it was coming')
zetozen ('They were coming',)
zeuden ('They were',)
zeunden ('You were',)
zeundeten ('You (plural) were',)
zihoazen ('they were going',)
zihoan ('she was going', 'he was going')
zindoazen ('you were going',)
zindoazten ('you (plural) were going',)
zinema ('cinema', 'movie theater')
zinematik ('from the cinema', 'from the movie theater')
zikina ('dirty',)
zikinak ('dirty',)
zikin ('dirty',)
zoazte ('you (plural) are going',)
zoaz ('you are going',)
zorro ('wallet',)
zortzi ('eight',)
zubiak ('bridges',)
zubiaren ('bridge (Noren case)',)
zubia ('the bridge',)
zubi ('bridge',)
zu ('you',)
zuek ('your (plural)',)
zuen ('yours',)
zuena ('yours (plural)',)
zuenak ('yours (plural)',)
zuhaitz ('tree',)
zuhaitzak ('trees',)
zuhaitzetara ('to the trees',)
zure ('your',)
zurea ('yours',)
zureak ('yours',)
zuri ('white',)
zuria ('white',)
zuriak ('white',)
zuriren ('white (noren case)',)
zapata ('shoe',)
zinen ('you were',)
zen ('he/she/it was',)
zineten ('you (plural) were',)
ziren ('they were',)