Compound Verbs 1-2

Id: 302


30 Compound Verbs 1-2

Ahal Izan, Behar Izan and Ezin in the present tense

  • In the present form, for Ahal Izan and Behar Izan, the dictionary form of the verb is used without “-ten”,
  • and with just “ahal” or “behar” (no “Izan”) and the present form of the verb “izan”.
  • For ezin, the he present form of the verb “izan” and present tense version of the verb is used (with -ten).
  • Ni joan ahal naiz. I can go.
  • Ni joan behar naiz. I must go.
  • Ni ezin naiz joaten. I cannot go.
  • (Note, that for ezin, just like with “ez” the word order changes, and the verb goes to the end.)

Compound Verbs 1-2

  • ahal: am able to/can
  • behar: have to/must
  • ezin: cannot

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ahal can,am able to ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']
behar must,have to ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']
ezin cannot,can't ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing']


Ni parkera bizikletaz (al) joan ahal naiz.
Parkera bizikletaz (al) joan ahal naiz.
I can go to the park by bicycle.
I am able to go to the park by bicycle.
Gaur goizean zu etorri motorrez behar zara.
Goizean zu etorri motorrez behar zara.
You must come this morning by motorcycle.
You have to come this morning by motorcycle.
Hura parkean ezin da ibiltzen.
Parkean ezin da ibiltzen.
He cannot walk in the park.
He can't walk in the park.
He is not able to walk in the park.
He isn't able to walk in the park.
She cannot walk in the park.
She can't walk in the park.
She is not able to walk in the park.
She isn't able to walk in the park.
Gu plazaen oinez joan ahal gara.
Plazaen oinez joan ahal gara.
We can go to the plaza by foot.
We are able to go to the plaza by foot.
Zuek kalean ibili behar zarete.
Kalean ibili behar zarete.
You all must walk in the street.
You (plural) must walk in the street.
You'll must walk in the street.
You must walk in the street.
You all have to walk in the street.
You (plural) have to walk in the street.
You'll have to walk in the street.
You have to walk in the street.
Haiek elizara kotxez ezin dira joaten.
Elizara kotxez ezin dira joaten.
They cannot to go to the church by car.
They can't go to the church by car.
They are not able to go to the church by car.
They cannot go to church by car.
They can't go to church by car.
They are not able to go to church by car.
Ni gasteizera trenez (al) joan ahal naiz?
Gasteizera trenez (al) joan ahal naiz?
Can I go to Vitoria by train?
Am I able to go to Vitoria by train?
Zu al joan behar zara?
Zu al joan behar zara?
Joan behar zara?
Must you go?
Do you have to go?
Nor ezin da etortzen?
Who cannot come?
Who can't come?
Who is not able to come?
Ni al ere etorri ahal gara?
Ere etorri ahal gara?
Can we also come?
Can we come also?
Are we also able to come?
Zuek eskolara bizikletaz behar ahal zarete.
Eskolara bizikletaz behar ahal zarete.
You all must to school by bicycle.
You (plural) must go to school by bicycle.
You'll must go to school by bicycle.
You must go to school by bicycle.
You all have to go to school by bicycle.
You (plural) have to go to school by bicycle.
You'll have to go to school by bicycle.
You have to go to school by bicycle.
You all must to the school by bicycle.
You (plural) must go to the school by bicycle.
You'll must go to the school by bicycle.
You must go to the school by bicycle.
You all have to go to the school by bicycle.
You (plural) have to go to the school by bicycle.
You'll have to go to the school by bicycle.
You have to go to the school by bicycle.
Haiek parkean ezin dira ibiltzen.
Parkean ezin dira ibiltzen.
They cannot walk in the park.
They can'twalk in the park.
They are not able to walk in the park.


Aitor’s ('Aitorren (male name)',)
Anea’s ('Anearenak (female name, plural object)',)
Anitza ('Anitza (female name)',)
Anitza's ('Anitzaen (female name, plural object)',)
Lili ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',)
Mikel’s ('Mikelenak (male name)',)
Mikel's ('Mikelen',)
Miren’s ('Mirenen (female name)',)
Miren’s ('Miren (female name)',)
Olentzero ('Olentzero (Basque Santa)',)
Santa ('Santa',)
Xabier’s ('Xabieren (male name)',)
Saint ('Done',)
James ('Jakue',)
Arrano ('Arrano (name of a street)',)
Bilbao ('Bilbo',)
Country ('Herrian',)
Europe ('Europa',)
France ('Frantzia',)
Germany ('Alemania',)
Irun ('Irun',)
Italy ('Italia',)
Itziar’s ('Itziaren',)
Madrid ('Madril',)
Paris ('Paris',)
San Sebastian ('Donostia',)
Santiago ('Santiago de Compostela (city in Galicia, Spain)',)
Spain ('Espainia',)
Vitoria ('Gasteiz (city in Basque Country)',)
Basque ('euskara',)
Spanish ('espainiera',)
English ('ingeles',)
Season ('urtaro',)
seasons ('urtaroak',)
month ('hilabete',)
months ('hilabeteak',)
Spring ('udaberria',)
March ('Martxoa',)
April ('Apirila',)
May ('Maiatza',)
Summer ('uda',)
June ('Ekaina',)
July ('Uztaila',)
August ('Abuztua',)
Autumn ('udazkena',)
Fall ('udazkena',)
September ('Iraila',)
October ('Urria',)
November ('Azaroa',)
Winter ('Negua',)
December ('Abendua',)
January ('Urtarrila',)
February ('Otsaila',)
Week ('aste',)
Weeks ('asteak',)
Monday ('astelehena',)
Tuesday ('asteartea',)
Wednesday ('asteazkena',)
Thursday ('osteguna',)
Friday ('ostirala',)
Saturday ('larunbata',)
Sunday ('igandea',)
first ('lehen',)
second ('bigarren',)
third ('hirugarren',)
fourth ('laugarren',)
fifth ('bosgarren',)
sixth ('seigarren',)
seventh ('zazpigarren',)
eighth ('zortzigarren',)
ninth ('bederatzigarren',)
tenth ('hamargarren',)
eleventh ('hamaikagarren',)
twelfth ('hamabigarren',)
last ('azken',)
one ('bat',)
two ('bi',)
three ('hiru',)
four ('lau',)
five ('bost',)
six ('sei',)
seven ('zazpi',)
eight ('zortzi',)
nine ('bederatzi',)
ten ('hamar',)
eleven ('hamaika',)
twelve ('hamabi',)
thirteen ('hamahiru',)
fourteen ('hamalau',)
fifteen ('hamabost',)
sixteen ('hamasei',)
seventeen ('hamazazpi',)
eighteen ('hemazortzi',)
nineteen ('hemeretzi',)
twenty ('hogei',)
thirty ('hogeita hamar',)
forty ('berrogei',)
fifty ('berrogeita hamar',)
sixty ('hirurogei',)
seventy ('hirurogeita hamar',)
eighty ('laurogei',)
ninety ('laurogeita hamar',)
hundred ('ehun',)
thousand ('mila',)
million ('milioi',)
billion ('miliar',)
times ('bider',)
multiplied ('bider (part of multiplied by)',)
a ('-a',)
able ('ahal',)
afraid ('beldur',)
alive ('bizirik',)
after ('ondoren', 'gero')
afternoon ('arratsalde',)
ago ('duela',)
ahead ('aurrera',)
airplane ('hegazkin',)
airport ('aireportua',)
all ('part of you plural, you all',)
already ('dagoeneko',)
also ('ere',)
always ('beti',)
am ('naiz (izan)', 'nago (egon)', 'NORTAZ case')
among ('artean',)
an ('-ak',)
and ('eta',)
angry ('haserre',)
animal ('animalia',)
animals ('animaliak',)
any ('-rik',)
anybody ('inor',)
anything ('ezer',)
are ('daude (izan)', 'dira (izan)', 'zara (izan)', 'gara (izan)', 'zarete (izan)', 'zaude (egon)', 'gaude (egon)', 'zaudete (egon)', 'daude (egon)')
arrive ('iristen', 'iritsiko')
arrived ('iritsi',)
ascend ('igo (command)',)
at ('not translated, part of insessive case',)
aunt ('izeba',)
aunts ('izebak',)
aunt’s ('izebaren',)
ball ('baloi',)
balls ('baloiak',)
backpack ('motxila',)
backpacks ('motxilak',)
bad ('txar',)
bank ('banku',)
bar ('taberna',)
basque ('euskal',)
bathroom ('komun',)
be ('egoten', 'egongo')
beach ('hondartza',)
because ('dagoelako because he/she is (egon)', 'daudelako because they are (egon)', 'gaudelako because we are (egon)', 'nagoelako because I am (egon)', 'zaudelako because you are (egon)', 'zaudetelako because you (plural) are (egon)', 'nengoelako because I was (egon)', 'zeundelako because you were (egon)', 'zegoelako because he/she was (egon)', 'geundelako because we were (egon)', 'zeundetelako because you (plural) were (egon)', 'zeudelako because they were (egon)', 'naizelako because I am (izan)', 'zarelako because you are (izan)', 'delako because he/she is (izan)', 'garelako because we are (izan)', 'zaretelako because you (plural) are (izan)', 'direlako because they are (izan)', 'nintzelako because I was', 'zinelako because you were', 'zelako because he/she was', 'ginelako because we were', 'zinetelako because you (plural) were', 'zirelako because they were')
belt ('gerrikoa',)
beside ('ondoan',)
between ('artean',)
behind ('atzean',)
bicycle ('bizikleta',)
bicycles ('bizikletak',)
big ('handi',)
bird ('txoria',)
birds ('txoriak',)
black ('beltz',)
blue ('urdin',)
book ('liburu',)
books ('liburuak',)
bored ('aspertu',)
boy ('mutil',)
boys ('mutilak',)
boyfriend ('mutillaguna',)
bridges ('zubiak',)
bridge ('zubi',)
bring ('ekarri',)
brother ('neba', 'anaia')
brother’s ('nebanen', 'anaianen')
brothers ('anaiak', 'arrebak')
brown ('marroia',)
bus ('autobusa',)
buses ('autobusak',)
busy ('lanpetu',)
but ('baina',)
by ('Nortaz or instrumental case (by foot)',)
calm ('lasai',)
camareroa ('waiter',)
came ('nentorren (I)', 'zentozen (You)', 'zetorren (He/she/it)', 'gentozen (We)', 'zentozten (You (plural))', 'zetozen (They)')
car ('kotxea',)
cars ('kotxeak',)
careful ('kontuz (command)',)
climb ('igo (command)',)
cat ('katu',)
cats ('katuak',)
centigrade ('zentigradu',)
chair ('aulki',)
chairs ('aulkiak',)
chicken ('oilasko',)
chickens ('oilaskoak',)
child ('ume',)
children ('umeak', 'seme-alabak')
church ('eliza',)
churches ('elizak',)
cinema ('zinema',)
clean ('garbi',)
clothing ('arropa',)
cloud ('hodei',)
clouds ('hodeiak',)
cloudy ('hodeitsu',)
coat ('berokia',)
coats ('berokiak',)
cold ('hotz',)
come ('etortzen (present)', 'etorriko (future)', 'etorri (command)')
comes ('dator',)
coming ('nator (I am)', 'zatoz (you are)', 'dator (he/she/it is)', 'gatoz (we are)', 'zatozte (you(plural) are)', 'datoz (they are)', 'nentorren (I was)', 'zentozen (You were)', 'zetorren (He/she/it was)', 'gentozen (We were)', 'zentozten (You (plural) were)', 'zetozen (They were)')
cook ('sukaldaria',)
cooks ('sukaldariak',)
cool ('hoztu',)
corner ('izkina',)
could ('ahal',)
couldn't ('ezin',)
cousin ('lehengusu', 'lehengusina')
cousins ('lehengusuak', 'lehengusinak')
cow ('behi',)
cows ('behiak',)
crying ('negarrez',)
day ('egun',)
days ('egunak',)
daughter ('alaba',)
daughters ('alabak',)
daughter’s ('alabaren',)
dead ('hilda',)
degree ('gradu',)
degrees ('graduak',)
descend ('jaitsi (command)',)
do ('not translated',)
don't ('ez egon',)
does ('not translated',)
doctor ('medikua',)
doctors ('medikuak',)
dog ('txakur',)
dogs ('txakurrak',)
door ('ate',)
doors ('ateak',)
down ('behera', 'part of lie down')
downstairs ('behean',)
dress ('soinekoa',)
dresses ('soinekoak',)
driver ('gidaria',)
drivers ('gidariak',)
drop ('utzi (command)',)
did ('not translated',)
dirty ('zikin',)
dry ('lehorra',)
early ('goiz',)
engineer ('ingeniari',)
enter ('sartu (command)',)
ever ('inoiz',)
every ('-ero',)
everybody ('denek',)
everything ('dena',)
excited ('animatuta',)
fast ('azkar',)
farm ('baserri',)
farmhouse ('baserri',)
fat ('gizena',)
father ('aita',)
fathers ('aitak',)
father’s ('aitaren',)
fall ('erortzen', 'eroriko')
far ('urrun',)
feet ('oinak',)
fell ('erori',)
female ('emakumezkoa',)
ferry ('ferry',)
fine ('ondo',)
fish ('arraina',)
foggy ('lainotsu',)
fog ('laino',)
foot ('oin',)
forest ('baso',)
France ('Francia',)
friend ('laguna',)
friend’s ('lagunen',)
friends’ ('lagunaren',)
from ('part of Ablative case',)
front ('frontea', 'aurrean (in front of)')
frozen ('izoztuta',)
girl ('neska',)
girls ('neskak',)
girlfriend ('neskalaguna',)
glad ('pozten (present)', 'poztuko (future)', 'pozik')
glasses ('betaurrekoak',)
goat ('ahuntz',)
goats ('ahuntzak',)
go ('joaten(present)', 'joango (future)', 'joan (command)')
good ('on',)
goes ('joaten',)
going ('noa (I am)', 'zoaz (you are)', 'doa (he, she, it is)', 'goaz (we are)', 'zoazte (you plural are)', 'doaz (hey are)', 'nindoan (I was going)', 'zindoazen (you were)', 'zihoan (he/she was)', 'gindoazen (we were)', 'zindoazten (you plural were)', 'zihoazen (they were)')
gray ('gris',)
grandchildren ('bilobak',)
granddaughter ('biloba',)
grandparents ('aitona-amonak',)
grandfather ('aiton',)
grandfathers ('aitonak',)
grandfather’s ('aitonaren',)
grandmother ('amon',)
grandmother ('amona',)
grandmothers ('amonak',)
grandmother’s ('amonaren',)
grandson ('biloba',)
grass ('belarra',)
green ('berde',)
guide ('gida',)
guides ('gidak',)
had ('part of past verb form',)
half ('erdia',)
hand ('esku',)
hands ('eskuak',)
happy ('pozik',)
hat ('txanoaren (noren case)',)
he ('hura',)
hello ('kaixo',)
her ('bere',)
here ('hemen',)
hers ('berea',)
hers ('berea',)
hi ('epa',)
high ('altu',)
his ('bere', 'berea')
horse ('zaldia',)
horses ('zaldiak',)
horseback ('zaldiz',)
home ('etxe',)
house ('etxe',)
houses ('etxeak',)
housewife ('etxekoandrea',)
housewives ('etxekoandreak',)
hot ('bero',)
hotel ('hotel',)
hotels ('hotelak',)
house ('etxea',)
how ('nola',)
humid ('hezea',)
humidity ('hezetasun',)
hungry ('gose',)
hura ('hura',)
husband ('senarra',)
I ('ni',)
in ('Inessive case',)
inside ('barruan',)
is ('da', 'dago')
it ('hura',)
its ('berea',)
jacket ('jaka',)
kilometer ('kilometro',)
kilometers ('kilometroak',)
lake ('laku',)
language ('hizkuntza',)
languages ('hizkuntzak',)
last ('azken',)
late ('berandu',)
later ('gero',)
laughing ('barrez',)
left ('ezker',)
leaf ('hosto',)
leaves ('hostoak',)
leave ('ateratzen (present)', 'aterako (future)', 'utzi (command)')
let ('utzi (command)',)
lie ('etzaten (present)', 'etzango (future)')
lies ('etzaten',)
light ('argitu',)
live ('bizi + izan',)
lives ('bizi + izan',)
lived ('bizi + past of izan',)
long ('luzea',)
look ('begira',)
lorry ('kamioi',)
lost ('galdu',)
lot ('asko',)
lots ('asko',)
low ('baxua',)
machine ('makina',)
machines ('makinak',)
male ('gizonezkoa',)
man ('gizon',)
machine ('makina',)
meter ('metro',)
meters ('metroak',)
mine ('nirea',)
motorcycle ('motor',)
movie ('filma',)
izebak ('aunts',)
izebaren ('aunt’s',)
must ('behar',)
name ('izen',)
names ('izenak',)
near ('gertu',)
next ('hurrengoa', 'ondoan (next to)')
nice ('jator',)
often ('maiz',)
on ('Inessive case', 'gainean')
over ('gainean',)
owls ('hontzak',)
made ('egin (was made)', 'egiten (was made)', 'egingo (will be made)')
man ('gizona',)
many ('asko',)
market ('merkatu',)
mice ('saguak',)
hour ('ordu',)
hours ('orduak',)
midnight ('gauerdi',)
minute ('minutu',)
minutes ('minutuak',)
mini-hotel ('ostatu',)
mini-hotels ('ostatuak',)
money ('dirua',)
month ('hilabete',)
morning ('goizean',)
mother ('ama',)
mother’s ('amaren',)
mothers ('amak',)
mountain ('mendi',)
mountains ('mendiak',)
mouse ('sagu',)
my ('nire',)
new ('berri',)
nephew ('iloba',)
nephews ('ilobak',)
never ('inoiz ez',)
nice ('jatorra',)
niece ('iloba',)
nieces ('ilobak',)
night ('gau',)
no ('ez',)
nobody ('inor ez',)
noon ('eguerdia',)
normally ('normalean',)
not ('ez',)
now ('orain',)
nurse ('erizaina',)
nurses ('erizainak',)
o’clock ('number + a(k)',)
only ('bakarra',)
on ('part of phrase, not translated',)
on time ('garaiz',)
outside ('kanpoan',)
of ('de',)
officer ('ofiziala',)
old ('zahar',)
or ('edo',)
orange ('laranja',)
our ('gure',)
ours ('gurea',)
over ('amaitu',)
owl ('hontza',)
pants ('prakak',)
parent ('gurasoa',)
parents ('gurasoak',)
parents’ ('gurasoen',)
park ('parke',)
parks ('parkeak',)
pass ('pasa (verb)',)
past ('pasa (part of command go past)',)
pen ('boligrafo',)
pencil ('arkatza',)
pencils ('arkatzak',)
pens ('boligrafoak',)
person ('persona',)
persons ('personak',)
people ('personak',)
pig ('txakurra',)
pigs ('txakurrak',)
plaza ('plaza',)
please ('mesedez',)
plus ('gehi',)
police ('polizia',)
priest ('apaiza',)
plane ('hegazkin',)
plural ('plurala',)
pretty ('polit',)
pub ('taberna',)
purple ('morea',)
purse ('poltsa',)
purses ('poltsak',)
quarter ('laurdena',)
quiet ('isildu (command)',)
rarely ('gutxitan',)
rather ('baizik',)
read ('irakurri (command)',)
red ('gorri',)
rejoice ('pozten (present)', 'poztuko (future)')
relaxed ('lasai',)
release ('utzi (command)',)
restaurant ('jatetxe',)
pig ('txerria',)
pigs ('txerriak',)
poor ('pobre',)
rain ('euri',)
rainy ('euritsu',)
rich ('dirudun',)
right ('eskuin',)
ring ('eraztuna',)
river ('ibai',)
road ('bide',)
roofs ('teilatuak',)
room ('gela',)
rooms ('gelak',)
roof ('teilatu',)
sad ('triste',)
san ('san',)
sat ('eseri',)
school ('eskola',)
schools ('eskolak',)
seated ('eserita',)
Sebastian ('Sebastian',)
see ('ikusi',)
seldom ('gutxitan',)
sheep ('ardiak',)
she ('hura',)
shirt ('alkandora',)
shoes ('zapatak',)
shoe ('zapata',)
short ('labur',)
sick ('gaixo',)
side ('alde',)
sides ('aldeak',)
sign ('seinale',)
signs ('seinaleak',)
sister ('ahizpa', 'arreba')
sister’s ('ahizparen', 'arrebaren')
sit ('eserten (present habitual)', 'eseriko (future)', 'eseri (command)')
sits ('eserten',)
sitting ('eserita',)
skirt ('gona',)
skirts ('gonak',)
sky ('zeru',)
slow ('motel',)
small ('txiki',)
smiling ('irribarre',)
snakes ('sugeak',)
snake ('suge',)
snow ('elur',)
so ('beraz',)
socks ('galtzerdiak',)
somebody ('norbait',)
something ('zerbait',)
son ('seme',)
sons ('semeak',)
son’s ('semearen',)
soon ('laster',)
sorry ('barkatu',)
so-so ('beraz',)
speak ('hitz egin',)
square ('plaza',)
standing ('zutik',)
station ('geltoki',)
stations ('geltokiak',)
stay ('egon (command)', 'egoten (present habitual)', 'egongo (future)', 'geratu (present)', 'geratuko (future)')
stayed ('egon',)
still ('oraindik',)
stop ('gelditu',)
store ('denda',)
stores ('dendak',)
storm ('ekaitz',)
stranger ('arrotz',)
strangers ('arrotzak',)
straight ('zuzen',)
street ('kale',)
streets ('kaleak',)
strong ('indartsu',)
students ('ikasleak',)
students’ ('ikasleenak',)
sweaters ('jertseak',)
sun ('eguzki',)
sunny ('eguzkitsu',)
sweater ('jertse',)
table ('mahai',)
tables ('mahaiak',)
take ('hartu',)
tall ('altu',)
taxi ('taxi',)
taxis ('taxiak',)
teacher ('irakaslea',)
teachers ('irakasleak',)
temperature ('tenperatura',)
that ('hori', 'hura')
the ('-a',)
stoplight ('semaforo',)
then ('gero',)
theater ('zinema',)
there ('hor',)
these ('hauek',)
their ('haien',)
theirs ('haiena',)
they ('haiek',)
thin ('argal',)
thirsty ('egarri',)
this ('hau',)
those ('haiek', 'horiek')
time ('denbora',)
tired ('nekatu',)
today ('gaur',)
tomorrow ('bihar',)
tonight ('gaur gauean',)
to ('part of Ablative case',)
toilet ('komun',)
top ('gainean (location, on top of)',)
tourists ('turistak',)
tourist ('turista',)
tour ('tour',)
traffic ('zirkulazio',)
trains ('trenak',)
train ('tren',)
trees ('zuhaitzak',)
tree ('zuhaitz',)
trousers ('prakak',)
truck ('kamioi',)
turn ('biratu',)
turtle ('dortoka',)
turtles ('dortokak',)
two ('bi',)
ugly ('itsusi',)
umbrella ('aterki',)
umbrellas ('aterkiak',)
uncle ('osaba',)
uncles ('osabak',)
uncle’s ('osabaren',)
under ('azpian',)
up ('gora', 'part of wake up')
upstairs ('goian',)
usually ('ohi', 'normalean')
very ('oso',)
wait ('itxaron (command)',)
waiter ('camareroa',)
waiters ('camareroak',)
wake ('esnatzen', 'esnatuko')
wakes ('esnatzen',)
walk ('ibiltzen (izan present)', 'ibiliko (izan future)')
walks ('ibiltzen (izan present)', 'ibiliko (izan future)')
walked ('ibili',)
walking ('nabil (I am walking)', 'zabiltza (you are walking)', 'dabil (he/she/it is walking)', 'gabiltza (we are walking)', 'zabiltzate (you (plural) are walking)', 'dabiltza (they are walking)', 'nenbilen (I was walking)', 'zenbiltzan (You were walking)', 'zebilen (He/she/it was walking)', 'genbiltzan (We were walking)', 'zenbiltzaten (You (plural) were walking)', 'zebiltzan (They were walking)')
wall ('horma',)
walls ('hormak',)
wallet ('zorro',)
warm ('epel',)
was ('nengoen(I)(egon)', 'zegoen(he,she,it) (egon)', 'zen')
watch ('erloju',)
watches ('erlojuak',)
we ('gu',)
weak ('ahul',)
weather ('eguraldi',)
well ('ondo',)
went ('joan zen (izan)',)
were ('zinen (izan)', 'ginen (izan)', 'zineten (izan)', 'ziren (izan)', 'geunden (we) (egon)', 'zeuden (they) (egon)', 'zeunden (you) (egon)', 'zeundeten (you (plural)) (egon)')
wet ('bustia',)
what ('zer',)
where ('non', 'nora (to)', 'nondik (from)')
when ('noiz',)
which ('zein',)
white ('zuri',)
who ('nor',)
whose ('noren',)
why ('zergatik',)
windy ('haizetsu',)
wife ('emaztea',)
will ('future tense',)
window ('leiho',)
windows ('leihoak',)
woods ('basoa',)
woke ('esnatu',)
woman ('emakumea',)
women ('emakumeak',)
worried ('kezkatuta',)
write ('idatzi',)
year ('urte',)
years ('urteak',)
yesterday ('atzo',)
yet ('oraindik',)
yellow ('hori',)
you ('zu',)
young ('gazte',)
your ('zure',)
yours ('zurea', 'zuena')
Aitorren ('Aitor’s (male name)',)
Alemania ('Germany',)
Alemaniakoak ('of Germany',)
Alemaniakoa ('of Germany',)
Alemaniako ('of Germany',)
Alemanian ('in Germany',)
Alemaniara ('To Germany',)
Anearenak ('Anea’s (female name, plural object)',)
Anitza ('Anitza (female name)',)
Anitzaen ("Anitza's (female name, single object)",)
Arrano ('Arrano (name of a street)',)
Bilbo ('Bilbao',)
Bilbokoak ('of Bilbao',)
Bilbokoa ('of Bilbao',)
Bilboko ('of Bilbao',)
Bilbon ('in Bilbao',)
Bilbora ('To Bilbao',)
Done ('Saint',)
Donostiakoak ('of San Sebastian',)
Donostiakoa ('of San Sebastian',)
Donostiako ('of San Sebastian',)
Donostian ('in San Sebastian',)
Donostiara ('To San Sebastian',)
Donostia ('San Sebastian',)
Donostiatik ('from San Sebastian',)
Espainiakoak ('of Spain',)
Espainiakoa ('of Spain',)
Espainiako ('of Spain',)
Espainian ('in Spain',)
Espainiara ('To Spain',)
Espainiatik ('from Spain',)
espainiera ('Spanish Language',)
espainieraz ('in Spanish',)
Europan ('in Europe',)
Europara ('To Europe',)
Europatik ('from Europe',)
euskal ('basque',)
Euskal Herri ('Basque Country',)
Euskal Herrira ('to Basque Country',)
euskara ('Basque Language',)
euskaraz ('in Basque',)
Francian ('in France',)
Frantzian ('in France',)
Frantziara ('To France',)
Frantziatik ('from France',)
Gasteizekoak ('of Vitoria',)
Gasteizekoa ('of Vitoria',)
Gasteizeko ('from Vitoria',)
Gasteizen ('in Vitoria (city in Basque Country)',)
Gasteizera ('To Vitoria',)
Gasteizetik ('from Vitoria',)
Gasteiztik ('from Vitoria',)
Gasteiz ('Vitoria',)
Herriko ('of the country',)
Herrira ('in the country',)
ingelesa ('English language',)
ingeles ('English language',)
ingelesez ('In English',)
Irunen ('in Irun',)
Irunera ('To Irun',)
Irunetik ('from Irun',)
Irungoak ('of Irun',)
Irungoa ('of Irun',)
Irungo ('of Irun',)
Italia ('Italy',)
Italian ('in Italy',)
Italiara ('To Italy',)
Itziaren ('Itziar’s',)
Jakue ('James',)
Lili ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',)
Madrilen ('in madrid',)
Madrilera ('To Madrid',)
Mikelenak ('Mikel’s (male name)',)
Mikelen ('Mikel’s (male name)',)
Mirenen ('Miren’s (female name)',)
Miren ('Miren’s (female name)',)
Olentzero ('Olentzero (Basque Santa)',)
Paris ('Paris',)
Parisen ('in Paris',)
Parisetik ('from Paris',)
Santa ('Santa',)
Santiagon ('in Santiago',)
Santiagora ('to Santiago',)
Santiago ('Santiago de Compostela (city in Galicia, Spain)',)
Xabieren ('Xabier’s (male name)',)
urtaro ('Season',)
urtaroak ('seasons',)
hilabete ('month',)
hilabetea ('month',)
hilabeteak ('months',)
hilabetean ('in last month',)
udaberria ('Spring',)
udaberrian ('in the spring',)
udaberriaren ('of the spring',)
uda ('Summer',)
udaren ('of summer',)
udazkena ('Autumn', 'Fall')
Negua ('Winter',)
neguan ('in winter',)
neguaren ('of winter',)
Urtarrila ('January',)
Urtarrilean ('in January',)
Otsaila ('February',)
Otsailean ('in February',)
martxoa ('March',)
martxoan ('in March',)
apirila ('April',)
apirilean ('in April',)
maiatza ('May',)
maiatzean ('in May',)
ekaina ('June',)
ekainaren ('of June',)
ekainean ('in June',)
uztaila ('July',)
uztailean ('of July',)
uztailean ('in july',)
abuztua ('August',)
abuztuan ('in August',)
abuztuaren ('of August',)
Iraila ('September',)
Irailean ('in September',)
Irailaren ('of September',)
Urria ('October',)
Urrian ('in October',)
urriaren ('of October',)
Azaroa ('November',)
Azaroan ('in November',)
Abendua ('December',)
abenduan ('in December',)
Abenduaren ('of December',)
aste ('Week',)
astea ('a week',)
astean ('in a week',)
asteko ('of the week',)
astero ('every week',)
astelehena ('Monday',)
Astelehenean ('on Monday',)
asteartea ('Tuesday',)
asteartean ('on Tuesday',)
asteazkena ('Wednesday',)
asteazkenean ('on Wednesday',)
osteguna ('Thursday',)
ostegunean ('on Thursday',)
ostirala ('Friday',)
ostiralean ('on Friday',)
larunbata ('Saturday',)
Larunbatean ('in/on Saturday',)
igandea ('Sunday',)
Igandean ('on Sunday',)
Igandero ('every Sunday',)
lehen ('first',)
lehena ('first',)
bigarren ('second',)
hirugarren ('third',)
laugarren ('fourth',)
bosgarren ('fifth',)
seigarren ('sixth',)
zazpigarren ('seventh',)
zortzigarren ('eighth',)
bederatzigarren ('ninth',)
hamargarren ('tenth',)
hamaikagarren ('eleventh',)
hamabigarren ('twelfth',)
azken ('last',)
bat ('one',)
bi ('two',)
hiru ('three',)
lau ('four',)
bost ('five',)
bostetan ('at five',)
seietan ('at six',)
sei ('six',)
zazpi ('seven',)
zortzi ('eight',)
bederatzi ('nine',)
bederatzietan ('at nine',)
hamarretan ('at ten',)
hamar ('ten',)
hamaika ('eleven',)
hamaiketan ('at eleven',)
hamabi ('twelve',)
hamahiru ('thirteen',)
hamalau ('fourteen',)
hamabost ('fifteen',)
hamabostetan ('at fifteen',)
hamasei ('sixteen',)
hamazazpi ('seventeen',)
hemazortzi ('eighteen',)
hemeretzi ('nineteen',)
hogei ('twenty',)
hogeita ('twenty',)
hogeita hamar ('thirty',)
berrogei ('forty',)
berrogeita ('forty',)
berrogeita hamar ('fifty',)
hirurogei ('sixty',)
hirurogeita ('sixty',)
hirurogeita hamar ('seventy',)
laurogei ('eighty',)
laurogeita ('eighty',)
laurogeita hamar ('ninety',)
ehun ('One hundred',)
berrehun ('Two hundred',)
hirurehun ('Three hundred',)
laurehun ('Four hundred',)
bostehun ('Five hundred',)
seiehun ('Six hundred',)
zazpiehun ('Seven hundred',)
zortziehun ('Eight hundred',)
bederatziehun ('Nine hundred',)
mila ('thousand',)
milioi ('million',)
miliar ('billion',)
ordu ('hour',)
bata ('one o’clock',)
biak ('two o’clock',)
hirurak ('three o’clock',)
laurak ('four o’clock',)
bostak ('five o’clock',)
seiak ('six o’clock',)
zazpiak ('seven o’clock',)
zortziak ('eight o’clock',)
bederatziak ('nine o’clock',)
hamarrak ('ten o’clock',)
hamaikak ('eleven o’clock',)
hamabiak ('twelve o’clock',)
eguerdia ('noon',)
eguerdian ('at noon',)
gauerdi ('midnight',)
gauerdia ('midnight',)
gauerdian ('at midnight',)
gaur gauean ('tonight',)
gaur ('today',)
gauean ('at night',)
erdia ('half',)
erdiak ('half',)
erdietan ('at half',)
laurdena ('quarter',)
laurdenak ('quarter',)
persona ('person',)
bider ('times', 'multiplied by')
gehi ('plus',)
ahal ('able to', 'could', 'can')
ahizpa ('sister of a sister',)
ahizparen ('sister’s',)
ahulak ('weak',)
ahula ('weak',)
ahul ('weak',)
ahuntz ('goat',)
ahuntza ('goat',)
ahuntzak ('goats',)
aireportua ('airport',)
aireportuan ('in the airport',)
aireportutik ('from the airport',)
aitona-amonak ('grandparents',)
aiton ('grandfather',)
aitona ('grandfather',)
aitonaren ('grandfather’s',)
aita ('father',)
aitak ('fathers',)
aitaren ('father’s',)
al ('question word',)
alaba ('daughter',)
alabak ('daughters',)
alabaren ('daughter’s',)
aldean ('side (Noren case)',)
aldea ('the side',)
alde ('side',)
alkandora ('shirt',)
altua ('tall', 'high')
altuak ('tall', 'high')
altuaren ('tall(noren case)',)
ama ('mother',)
amak ('mothers',)
amaren ('mother’s',)
amon ('grandmother',)
amona ('grandmother',)
amonak ('grandmothers',)
amonaren ('grandmother’s',)
anaia ('brother of a brother',)
anaiak ('brothers of a brother',)
anaian ('brother of a brother’s',)
anaiaren ('brother’s',)
animalia ('animal',)
animaliak ('animals',)
animatuta ('excited',)
apaiza ('priest',)
ardi ('sheep',)
ardia ('sheep',)
ardiak ('sheep (plural)',)
argala ('thin',)
arkatza ('pencil',)
arkatzak ('pencils',)
arrain ('fish',)
arraina ('fish',)
arrainak ('fish (plural)',)
arratsalde ('afternoon',)
arreba ('sister of a brother',)
arrebaren ('sister’s',)
arropa ('clothing',)
arrotz ('stranger',)
arrotza ('stranger',)
arrotzak ('strangers',)
arte ('until',)
artean ('between',)
asko ('a lot', 'lots', 'very much')
aspertu ('bored',)
aspertua ('bored',)
aspertuak ('bored',)
atearen ('door (Noren case)',)
atea ('the door',)
ateak ('doors',)
ate ('door',)
ateratzen ('leave',)
aterako ('will leave',)
aterki ('umbrella',)
aterkia ('umbrella',)
aterkiak ('umbrellas',)
atzean ('behind',)
atzo ('yesterday',)
aulkia ('chair',)
aulkiak ('chairs',)
aulkian ('on the chair',)
aulkiaren ('chair (Noren case)',)
aulkia ('the chair',)
aulki ('chair',)
aulkirik ('any chair(s)',)
autobus ('bus',)
autobusa ('bus',)
autobusean ('on the bus',)
autobusetara ('to the buses',)
autobusez ('by bus',)
aurrean ('in front (of)',)
azkarra ('fast',)
azkarrak ('fast',)
azken ('last',)
azpian ('under',)
badago ('there is',)
badaude ('there are',)
baina ('but',)
baizik ('but rather',)
bakarra ('only',)
bakarrik ('only',)
baxua ('low',)
baloi ('ball',)
baloia ('ball',)
baloiak ('balls',)
banku ('bank',)
bankua ('bank',)
bankutik ('from the bank',)
bankura ('to the bank',)
bankuko ('of the bank',)
barkatu ('sorry',)
barrez ('laughing',)
barruan ('inside',)
basserietara ('to the farm/farm houses',)
basoa ('forrest',)
batean ('in a',)
basoan ('in the forest',)
basora ('to the forest',)
basotik ('from the forest',)
baserri ('farm', 'farmhouse')
baserria ('farm', 'farmhouse')
baserrian ('on a farm',)
bazegoen ('there was',)
begira ('look',)
behar ('must', 'have to', 'had to')
behean ('downstairs',)
behi ('cow',)
behia ('cow',)
behiak ('cows',)
behiaren ('cow (Noren)',)
beldur ('afraid',)
bizirik ('alive',)
belarra ('grass',)
beltz ('black',)
beltza ('black',)
beltzak ('black',)
beltzaren ('black',)
berandu ('late',)
beraz ('so-so',)
berde ('green',)
berdea ('green',)
berdeak ('green',)
berdearen ('green',)
bere ('his', 'hers', 'its')
berea ('his', 'hers', 'its')
bero ('hot',)
beroa ('hot',)
beroak ('hot',)
berria ('new',)
berriak ('new',)
berriaren ('new (noren case)',)
berokia ('coat',)
berokiak ('coats',)
betaurrekoak ('glasses',)
beti ('always',)
bideaj ('roads',)
bidea ('road',)
bide ('road',)
bide ('road',)
biratu ('turn',)
bihar ('tomorrow',)
biloba ('grandson', 'granddaughter')
bilobak ('grandchildren',)
bizi ('live',)
biziko ('will live',)
bizikleta ('bicycle',)
bizikletak ('bicycles',)
bizikletaetara ('to the bicycles',)
bizikleta ('bicycle(Noran case)',)
bizikletaz ('by bicycle',)
boligrafo ('pen',)
boligrafoa ('pen',)
boligrafoak ('pens',)
bustiak ('wet',)
bustia ('wet',)
camarero ('waiter',)
camareroa ('the waiter',)
camareroak ('waiters',)
da ('is',)
dabil ('he/she/it is walking',)
dabiltza ('they are walking',)
dago ('is',)
dagoeneko ('already',)
dagoelako ('because he/she is (egon)',)
dator ('He is coming', 'She is coming', 'It is coming')
datoz ('They are coming.',)
daude ('are (egon)',)
daudelako ('because they are (egon)',)
delako ('because he/she is (izan)',)
dena ('everything',)
denbora ('time',)
dendaetara ('to the stores',)
dendako ('of the store',)
dendak ('stores',)
dendan ('in a store',)
dendara ('to the store',)
denda ('store',)
dendetako ('of the stores',)
dendetara ('to the stores',)
dendetatik ('from stores',)
denek ('everybody',)
dira ('are',)
direlako ('because they are (izan)',)
dirudunak ('rich',)
diruduna ('rich',)
dirudun ('rich',)
dirua ('money',)
dirurik ('any money',)
doa ('he is going', 'she is going', 'it is going')
doaz ('they are going',)
dortoka ('a turtle',)
dortokak ('turtles',)
duela ('ago',)
edo ('or',)
egarriak ('thirsty',)
egarria ('thirsty',)
egarri ('thirsty',)
egin ('was made', 'do (command)')
egiten ('is made',)
egingo ('will be made',)
egon ('stayed', 'stay (command)', 'do')
ekarri ('bring',)
eseri ('sit',)
egoten ('stay/be at a location',)
egongo ('will stay/be at a location',)
egun ('day',)
eguna ('day',)
egunero ('every day',)
eguraldi ('weather',)
eguraldia ('weather',)
eguzki ('sun',)
eguzkia ('sun',)
eguzkitsu ('sunny',)
eguzkitsua ('sunny',)
ekaitza ('storm',)
ekaitz ('storm',)
elizaetara ('to the churches',)
elizaetatik ('from churches',)
elizako ('of the church',)
elizan ('in a church',)
elizara ('to a church',)
elizatik ('from church',)
elizetako ('of the churches',)
elizetan ('at churches',)
elurra ('snow',)
elurran ('in the snow',)
elur ('snow',)
emakume ('woman',)
emakumea ('woman',)
emakumeak ('women',)
emaztea ('wife',)
epa ('hi',)
epel ('warm',)
epela ('warm',)
eraztuna ('ring',)
ere ('also',)
erizaina ('nurse',)
erizainak ('nurse',)
erloju ('watch',)
erlojua ('watch',)
erlojuak ('watches',)
erlojuen ('watches(noren case)',)
erori ('fell',)
erortzen ('fall',)
eroriko ('will fall',)
esku ('hand',)
eskua ('hand',)
eskuz ('by hand',)
eskuak ('hands',)
etorri ('came',)
etorriko ('will come',)
etortzen ('come',)
etzaten ('lie down',)
etzango ('will lie down',)
eseri ('sat',)
eseriko ('will sit',)
eserten ('sit',)
eserita ('sitting', 'seated')
eskolara ('to school',)
eskolaetara ('to schools',)
eskolaetatik ('from schools',)
eskolako ('of the school',)
eskolak ('schools',)
eskolan ('in a school',)
eskola ('school',)
eskolatik ('from school',)
eskoletako ('of the schools',)
eskuinean ('On the right(inessive of eskuin)',)
eskuinera ('to the right',)
eskuin ('right',)
esnatuko ('will wake up',)
esnatu ('woke',)
esnatzen ('wake up',)
eta ('and',)
etorri ('come',)
etxea ('house',)
etxeak ('houses',)
etxean ('in a house',)
etxearen ('house(noren case)',)
etxeetako ('of the houses',)
etxera ('to a house, to home',)
etxeetara ('to the houses',)
etxe ('house',)
etxekoandrea ('housewife',)
etxekoandreak ('housewives',)
etxeko ('of the house',)
etxetik ('from home, from a house',)
euria ('rain',)
euripean ('in the rain',)
euri ('rain',)
euritsu ('rainy',)
euritsua ('rainy',)
ez ('not, no',)
ezer ('anything',)
ezin ('not able to', 'could not', "couldn't")
ezker ('left',)
ezkerrean ('On the left(inessive of ezker)',)
ezkerrera ('to the left',)
ferry ('ferry',)
ferrya ('the ferry',)
ferryz ('by ferry',)
gabiltza ('we are walking',)
gainean ('on', 'over')
gaixo ('sick',)
gaixorik ('any sickness',)
galdu ('lost',)
galtzerdi ('socks(noren case)',)
galtzerdiak ('socks',)
gara ('are',)
garelako ('because we are (izan)',)
garaiz ('on time',)
garbia ('clean',)
garbiak ('clean',)
garbi ('clean',)
gatoz ('We are coming',)
gaude ('are (egon)',)
gaudelako ('because we are (egon)',)
gauero ('every night',)
gauez ('at night',)
gaur ('today',)
gaztea ('young',)
gelak ('rooms',)
gela ('room',)
gelara ('to the room',)
gelditu ('stop',)
geltokian ('in the station',)
geltokietako ('of the stations',)
geltokiko ('of the station',)
geltokira ('to the station',)
geltoki ('station',)
geltokitik ('from the station',)
genbiltzan ('We were walking',)
gentozen ('We were coming',)
geratuko ('will stay',)
geratu ('stay',)
gero ('then', 'after', 'later')
gerrikoa ('belt',)
gerrikoaren ('belt (Noren case)',)
gertu ('near',)
geunden ('We were (egon)',)
geundelako ('because we were (egon)',)
goizean ('morning',)
gizon ('man',)
gida ('guide',)
gidak ('guides',)
gidaria ('driver',)
gidariak ('drivers',)
gindoazen ('we were going',)
ginen ('we were',)
ginelako ('because we were',)
gizen ('fat',)
gizena ('fat',)
gizenak ('fat',)
gizenaren ('fat (noren case)',)
gizona ('man',)
goaz ('we are going',)
goian ('upstairs',)
goiz ('early',)
gonaen ('skirts(Noren)',)
gonak ('skirts',)
gona ('skirt',)
gorriak ('red',)
gorria ('red',)
gorriaren ('red(noren case)',)
gorri ('red',)
gosea ('hungry',)
goseak ('hungry',)
gose ('hungry',)
gradu ('degree',)
gris ('gray',)
grisa ('gray',)
grisen ('gray (Noren case)',)
grisak ('gray',)
grisetan ('gray(noren case)',)
guraso ('parent',)
gurasoa ('parent',)
gurasoak ('parents',)
gurasoen ('parents’',)
gu ('we',)
gure ('our',)
gurea ('ours',)
gureak ('ours',)
gutxitan ('rarely',)
gutxitan ('seldom',)
haiek ('those over there, plural of hura', 'they')
haiena ('theirs',)
haien ('their',)
haizetsu ('windy',)
haizetsua ('windy',)
handia ('big',)
handiak ('big',)
handiaren ('big (noren case)',)
han ('there',)
hartu ('take',)
haserre ('angry',)
hauek ('These, plural of hau',)
hau ('this',)
hegazkin ('airplane',)
hegazkina ('the airplane',)
hegazkinez ('by airplane',)
hemen ('here',)
hemendik ('from here',)
herrian ('country',)
heze ('humid',)
hezea ('humid',)
hezerik ('any humid',)
hezetasun ('humidity',)
hezetasuna ('humidity',)
hilero ('every month',)
hilda ('dead',)
hitz ('word',)
hizkuntza ('language',)
hizkuntzak ('languages',)
hodei ('cloud',)
hodeia ('cloud',)
hodeiak ('clouds',)
hodeitsu ('cloudy',)
hodeitsua ('cloudy',)
hona ('to here',)
hondartza ('beach',)
hondartzan ('on the beach',)
hondartzara ('to the beach',)
hondartzaren ('beach (noren case)',)
hondartzatik ('from the beach',)
hontzak ('owls',)
hontza ('owl',)
hontz ('owl',)
hor ('there',)
hori ('that', 'yellow')
horiak ('yellow',)
horia ('yellow',)
horiek ('Those, plural of hori',)
hormak ('walls',)
horma ('wall',)
hosto ('leaf',)
hostoa ('leaf',)
hostoak ('leaves',)
hotelak ('hotels',)
hotelaren ('hotel (noren case)',)
hotelean ('in a hotel',)
hoteleko ('of the hotel',)
hotelera ('to the hotel',)
hoteletako ('of the hotels',)
hoteletatik ('from hotels',)
hoteletik ('from a hotel',)
hotel ('hotel',)
hotz ('cold',)
hotza ('cold',)
hotzak ('cold',)
hoztu ('cool',)
hoztua ('cool',)
hura ('that over there', 'he', 'she', 'it')
ibaia ('river',)
ibaian ('in a river',)
ibaira ('to the river',)
ibaiaren ('river (Noren)',)
ibiliko ('will walk',)
ibili ('walked',)
ibiltzen ('walk',)
idatzi ('write',)
igo ('climb', 'ascend', 'go up')
ikasle ('student',)
ikasleak ('students',)
ikasleenak ('students’',)
iloba ('niece', 'nephew')
ilobak ('nieces', 'nephews')
indartsuak ('strong',)
indartsua ('strong',)
indartsu ('strong',)
ingeniaria ('engineer',)
ingeniari ('engineer',)
inoiz ('ever',)
inor ('anybody',)
irakasleak ('teachers',)
irakaslea ('teacher',)
irakurri ('read',)
iristen ('arrive',)
iritsi ('arrived',)
iritsiko ('will arrive',)
irribarre ('smiling',)
isildu ('quiet',)
itsusia ('ugly',)
itsusiaren ('ugly (noren case)',)
izan ('2d part of some compound verbs',)
izeba ('aunt',)
izebak ('aunts',)
izebaren ('aunt’s',)
izen ('name',)
izena ('name',)
izenak ('names',)
izoztuta ('frozen',)
itxaron ('wait',)
jaitsi ('descend/go down',)
jatorra ('nice',)
jatoraren ('nice (noren case)',)
jaka ('jacket',)
jatetxe ('restaurant',)
jatetxea ('restaurant',)
jatetxearen ('restaurant (noren case)',)
jatorak ('nice',)
jatora ('nice',)
jator ('nice',)
jertse ('sweater',)
jertsea ('sweater',)
jertseak ('sweaters',)
joan ('went (+izan)', 'go (command)')
joaten ('go (+izan)',)
joango ('will go (+izan)',)
kale ('street',)
kalean ('in/on a street',)
kalearen ('street (noren)',)
katua ('a cat',)
katuak ('cats',)
katu ('cat',)
kaixo ('hello',)
kilometro ('kilometer',)
kilometrora ('kilometer (NORA case)',)
komun ('bathroom', 'toilet')
komuna ('bathroom', 'toilet')
kamioi ('truck',)
kamioiz ('by truck',)
kanpoan ('outside',)
kontuz ('careful (command)',)
kezkatuta ('worried',)
kotxea ('car',)
kotxeak ('cars',)
kotxe ('car',)
kotxera ('to the car',)
kotxez ('by car',)
laburrak ('short',)
laburra ('short',)
laguna ('friend',)
lagunaren ('friend’s',)
lagunen ('friend’s',)
lagun ('friend',)
lainoa ('fog',)
laino ('fog',)
lainotsu ('foggy',)
lainotsua ('foggy',)
laku ('lake',)
lakua ('lake',)
lakura ('to the lake',)
lanpetu ('busy',)
lanpetua ('busy',)
laranjak ('orange',)
laranja ('orange',)
larangaren ('orange (noren case)',)
lasai ('relaxed, calm',)
laster ('soon',)
lehengusina ('cousin (female)',)
lehengusua ('cousin (male)',)
lehengusinak ('cousins (female)',)
lehengusuak ('cousins (male)',)
lehengusu ('cousin (male)',)
lehorra ('dry',)
lehorrak ('dry',)
leihoak ('windows',)
leihoan ('in the window',)
leihoa ('the window',)
leihoen ('windows (Noren case)',)
leiho ('window',)
liburua ('a book',)
liburua ('books',)
liburuak ('books',)
liburu ('book',)
liburuen ('on books',)
luzeak ('long',)
luzea ('long',)
luze ('long',)
mahaiak ('tables',)
mahaiaren ('table (Noren case)',)
mahaia ('the table',)
mahaian ('on the table',)
mahai ('table',)
maiz ('often',)
makina ('machine',)
makinak ('machines',)
makinaz ('by machine',)
marroia ('brown',)
marroiak ('brown',)
marroiaren ('brown(noren case)',)
medikua ('doctor',)
medikuak ('doctors',)
mendian ('in, on the mountain',)
mendietako ('of the mountains',)
mendietan ('on the mountains',)
mendietara ('to the mountains',)
mendietatik ('from the mountains',)
mendira ('to the mountain',)
menditik ('from the mountain',)
merkatua ('market',)
merkatuan ('in the market',)
merkatuaren ('market (noren case)',)
merkatu ('market',)
merkatutik ('fromt the market',)
metro ('meter',)
minutu ('minute',)
moduz ('are you',)
morea ('purple',)
mesedez ('please',)
moreen ('purple(noren case)',)
motel ('slow',)
motela ('slow',)
motelak ('slow',)
motor ('motorcycle',)
motorrez ('by motorcycle',)
motxila ('backpack',)
motxilak ('backpacks',)
mutila ('boy',)
mutilak ('boys',)
mutil ('boy',)
mutillaguna ('boyfriend',)
nabil ('I am walking',)
nago ('am (egon)',)
nagoelako ('because I am (egon)',)
naiz ('am (izan)',)
naizelako ('because I am (izan)',)
nator ('I am coming',)
neba ('brother of a sister',)
nebak ('brothers of a sister',)
negarrez ('crying',)
nekatu ('tired',)
nenbilen ('I was walking',)
nengoelako ('because I was (egon)',)
nengoen ('I was (egon)',)
nentorren ('I was coming',)
neska ('girl',)
neskak ('girls',)
neskalaguna ('girlfriend',)
ni ('I',)
nindoan ('I was going',)
nintzen ('I was',)
nintzelako ('because I was',)
nireak ('mine',)
nirea ('mine',)
nire ('my',)
noa ('I am going',)
nola ('how',)
normalean ('normally', 'usually')
nongoa ('of which place', 'from which place')
nora ('where (to)',)
noiz ('when',)
non ('where',)
nondik ('from where',)
norbait ('somebody',)
norenak ('whose (plural)',)
norena ('whose',)
noren ('whose',)
nor ('who',)
ohi ('usually',)
oilo ('chicken',)
oiloak ('chickens',)
oilaskoa ('a chicken',)
oilaskoak ('chickens',)
oilasko ('chicken',)
ona ('good',)
onak ('good',)
on ('good',)
oina ('foot',)
oinak ('feet',)
oinez ('on foot',)
oin ('foot',)
ondo ('well', 'fine')
orain ('now',)
ondoan ('next to', 'beside')
ondoren ('after',)
oraindik ('still/yet',)
osabak ('uncles',)
osabaren ('uncle’s',)
osaba ('uncle',)
oso ('very',)
ostatu ('mini-hotel',)
ostatuetatik ('from mini-hotels',)
ostatura ('to the mini-hotel',)
parkeak ('parks',)
parkean ('in a park',)
parkera ('to the park',)
parkearen ('park (Noren case)',)
parkea ('the park',)
parke ('park',)
parketako ('of the parks',)
izkina ('corner',)
izkinan ('at the corner',)
pasa ('pass',)
pertsona ('person',)
plaza ('plaza', 'square')
plazaen ('to the plaza',)
plazan ('in a plaza',)
plazaren ('plaza (noren case)', 'square (noren case)')
pobreak ('poor',)
pobrea ('poor',)
pobre ('poor',)
polita ('pretty',)
politak ('pretty',)
polizia ('police officer',)
poltsak ('purses',)
poltsa ('purse',)
poltsaren ('purse(Noren case)',)
pozik ('glad', 'happy')
pozten ('am glad', 'rejoice')
poztuko ('will be glad', 'will rejoice')
prakak ('trousers',)
sagu ('mouse',)
sagua ('mouse',)
saguak ('mice',)
sartu ('enter (command)',)
seinale ('sign',)
seinalea ('sign',)
seinaleak ('signs',)
semaforo ('stoplight', 'traffic light')
semaforoa ('stoplight', 'traffic light')
semaforoan ('at the stoplight', 'at the traffic light')
semeak ('sons',)
semearen ('son’s',)
semea ('son',)
seme ('son',)
seme-alabak ('children', 'sons and daughters')
senarra ('husband',)
soinekoa ('dress',)
soinekoak ('dresses',)
soineko ('dress',)
sukaldaria ('cook',)
sukaldariak ('cooks',)
suge ('snake',)
sugea ('snake',)
sugeak ('snakes',)
taberna ('bar', 'pub')
tabernaren ('bar (noren case)', 'pub (noren case)')
taxiak ('taxis',)
taxia ('taxi',)
taxi ('taxi',)
taxiz ('by taxi',)
teilatuak ('roofs',)
teilatua ('roof',)
teilatu ('roof',)
tenperatura ('temperature',)
tour ('tour',)
tren ('train',)
trena ('train',)
trenak ('trains',)
trenez ('by train',)
triste ('sad',)
turista ('tourist',)
turistak ('tourists',)
txakur ('dog',)
txakura ('a dog',)
txakurrak ('dogs',)
txakurra ('pig',)
txakurrak ('pigs',)
txerriaren ('pig (Noren)',)
txanoaren ('hat(noren)',)
txarra ('bad',)
txarrak ('bad',)
txar ('bad',)
txerri ('pig',)
txerria ('pig',)
txerriak ('pigs',)
txiki ('small',)
txikia ('small',)
txikiak ('small',)
txikiaren ('small (noren case)',)
txori ('bird',)
txoria ('bird',)
txoriak ('birds',)
urrun ('far',)
urte ('year',)
urteko ('of the year',)
urtean ('in a year',)
urtebete ('one year',)
ume ('child',)
umea ('child',)
umeak ('children',)
urdin ('blue',)
urdina ('blue',)
urdinak ('blue',)
urdinaren ('blue',)
urte ('year',)
urtero ('every year',)
uso ('pigeon',)
usoa ('a pigeon',)
usoak ('pigeons',)
utzi ('drop (command)', 'release (command)', 'let (command)', 'leave (command)')
zabiltzate ('you (plural) are walking',)
zabiltza ('you are walking',)
zahara ('old',)
zaharra ('old',)
zaharrak ('old',)
zaldi ('horse',)
zaldia ('horse',)
zaldiak ('horses',)
zaldiz ('on horseback, by horse',)
zapata ('shoe',)
zara ('are',)
zarelako ('because you are (izan)',)
zarete ('are',)
zaretelako ('because you (plural) are (izan)',)
zatozte ('You (plural) are coming',)
zatoz ('You are coming',)
zaude ('are (egon)',)
zaudete ('are (egon)',)
zaudelako ('because you are (egon)',)
zaudetelako ('because you (plural) are (egon)',)
zebilen ('He/she was walking',)
zebiltzan ('They were walking',)
zegoen ('he was', 'she was', 'it was')
zein ('which',)
zelako ('because he/she was',)
zenbat ('how many',)
zenbiltzan ('You were walking',)
zenbiltzaten ('You (plural) were walking',)
zentigradua ('centigrade',)
zentigraduak ('centigrade',)
zentigradu ('centigrade',)
zentozen ('You were coming',)
zentozten ('You (plural) were coming',)
zen ('was',)
zerbait ('something',)
zergatik ('why',)
zeruan ('in the sky',)
zerua ('sky',)
zeru ('sky',)
zer ('what',)
zetorren ('he was coming', 'she was coming', 'it was coming')
zegoelako ('because he/she was (egon)',)
zetozen ('They were coming',)
zeudelako ('because they were (egon)',)
zeuden ('They were (egon)',)
zeundelako ('because you were (egon)',)
zeunden ('You were (egon)',)
zeundetelako ('because you (plural) were (egon)',)
zeundeten ('You (plural) were (egon)',)
zihoazen ('they were going',)
zihoan ('she was going', 'he was going')
zikina ('dirty',)
zikinak ('dirty',)
zikin ('dirty',)
zindoazen ('you were going',)
zindoazten ('you (plural) were going',)
zinema ('cinema', 'movie theater')
zinematik ('from the cinema', 'from the movie theater')
zen ('he/she/it was',)
zinelako ('because you were',)
zinen ('you were',)
zinetelako ('because you (plural) were',)
zineten ('you (plural) were',)
zirelako ('because they were',)
ziren ('they were',)
zoazte ('you (plural) are going',)
zoaz ('you are going',)
zorro ('wallet',)
zubiak ('bridges',)
zubian ('on the bridge',)
zubiaren ('bridge (Noren case)',)
zubia ('the bridge',)
zubi ('bridge',)
zubitik ('from the bridge',)
zuek ('your (plural)',)
zuenak ('yours (plural)',)
zuena ('yours (plural)',)
zuen ('yours',)
zuhaitzak ('trees',)
zuhaitzean ('in the tree',)
zuhaitzera ('to, up the tree',)
zuhaitzetara ('to the trees',)
zuhaitzetik ('down, from the tree',)
zuhaitz ('tree',)
zureak ('yours',)
zurea ('yours',)
zure ('your',)
zuriak ('white',)
zuria ('white',)
zuriren ('white (noren case)',)
zuri ('white',)
zutik ('standing',)
zu ('you',)
zuzen ('straight',)
Paris ('Paris',)