Come 1
Conjugated Intransitive verb Etorri (to come).
- The conjugated form of Etorri (nator, zatoz, dator, gatoz, zatozte, datoz) is the equivalent of the present continuous form in English,
- that being something you are in the process of doing, now or around now.
- “I am coming from school.” (now) "Ni eskolatik nator."
- vs “I come from school every day.” (habitual). "Egunero etortzen naiz eskolatik." (Non-congated form introduced previously)
- Similarly, the past form represents the past continuous, “I was coming from school.” "Ni eskolatik nentorren."
- Using the verb ETORRI (to come) or other motion verbs to show that the subject comes from a location,
- causes the object of the sentence to be changed into the Ablative/Nondik form. (introduced earlier)
- The question word to go with this form is Nondik, “from/through where”.
- Note the word order:Hura gaur CaliforniaTIK dator: Today California comes from. He's coming from California today.
Lesson 1 Vocabulary
- ni nator I am coming
- zu zatoz You are coming
- hura dator He/she/it is coming
- gu gatoz We are coming
- zuek zatozte You (plural) are coming
- haiek datoz They are coming.
- nondik from where
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