Nongo 1
19. Nongo (Where are you from?)
Nongo Case - Proper names
Basque uses the nongo case to express relationships of place, time, destination and others. The exact meaning needs to be determined from context.
The nongo case is only used with inanimate objects.
For ownership by animate nouns, the genitive case is used: Mikelen liburua. Mikel’s book.
When using a noun in the NONGO case to show where someone is from, “ex: I am from America.”
an -a or -ak, must be added as described above for the NOR case, since it is the last/only item in the phrase.
Ni Amerikakoa naiz. I am an American.
When used for ownership, it doesn’t take a suffix. Iruneko bidea. The Irun road.
To form the nongo case for proper nouns-ko/go is added to the end
- DonostiKO
- IrunGO
Note that the -ko ending changes to -go after voiced consonants, except r (b,d,g,j,l,m,n,ng,sz,th,v,w,y,z)
Vocabulary 1
- Alemaniako: from Germany
- Espainiako: from Spain
- Gasteizeko: from Victoria
- Irungo: from Irun
- Donostiako: from San Sebastian
- bide: road
- nongoa: of/from which place?