NOREN (Possessive Genitive) 1
Whose umbrella?
The NOREN (Possessive Genitive) Case
Single definite
Ending: -aren
- EtxeAREN - the house's, MutilAREN - the boy's
- MutilAREN liburua gorria da.: The boy's book is red.
- NeskaREN liburuak gorriak dira.: The girl's books are red.
- Note that if the subject ends in an "-a", you don't add a 2d "a": neskA.
Vocabulary NOREN (Possessive Genitive) Case 1
- apaizaren: priest's, of the priest
- etxekoandrearen: housewife's, of the housewife
- emakumearen: woman's, of the woman
- gidariaren: driver's, of the driver
- gizonaren: man's, of the man
- ikaslearen: student's, of the student
- erizainaren: nurse's, of the nurse
- poliziaren: police officer's, of the police officer