Postpostions 1
17 Postpositions 1
17 Basque Postpositions and Noren or Genitive case.
- In this chapter Basque pospositions related to location will be introduced.
- Basque postpositions follow the word or noun phrase they are related, unlike English prepositions that go before.
- Ex: Mutilaren GAINEAN – ON/ABOUT the boy.
Genitive Case Postpositions
- The postpositions in this lesson cause the noun/noun phrase being referred to to be in the Noren or Genitive case.
- The Genetive/NOREN case was discusse in Unit 7 Whose umbrella?*EtxeAREN gainean – on/about the house.
Genetive/NOREN Case
Indefinite Case
- (r)en
EtxeREN - house’s
MutilEN - boy’s
Single definite
- -aren
- EtxeAREN – the house’s
- MutilAREN – the boy’s
Plural definite
- -en
- EtxeEN - the houses’
- MutilEN - boys’
Proper names
- Proper names are usually not declined.
- Mikel not Mikelen
Egon with locations
- Note that when discussing locations, with or without postpositions, the verb Egon is used.
- Noren gainean dago? Who is he/she/it on/over.
- Mikel neska baten aurrean dago. Mikel is in front of one girl. (Indefinite)
- Zuhaitzaren atzean dago. He/She/It is behind the tree. (Single)
- Liburuen azpian dago. He/She/It is under the books. (Plural)
- Dortoka Mikel gainean dago. The turtle is on top of Mikel. (proper)
- Note: In common usage single nouns are often not declined. Mikel (not Mikelen) gainean dago.
Vocabulary Postpositions 1
- artean: between
- atzean: behind
- aurrean: in front (of)
- azpian: under
- gainean: on/over
- ondoan: next to, beside
- ezkerrean: On the left(inessive of ezker(left))
- eskuinean: On the right(inessive of eskuin(right))