Verbal Nouns 3
43. Verbal Nouns 3
Verbal nouns past
- When discussing the past, a distinction needs to be made in the auxilary verb used for the sentences.
- While both “Niri ez zait abestea gustatu.” and “Niri ez zitzaidan abestea gustatzen.” can be translated as
- “I did not like to sing.” or “Singing was not pleasing to me.” there is a difference between the two.
- “Niri ez zait abestea gustatu" means that you sang once and that you didn't like that activity, it doesn't mean you dislike singing.
- You can like singing but you didn't at that certain moment.
- The second sentence "Niri ez zitzaidan abestea gustatzen" means that before, during a long period of time, you didn't like to sing.
- For example when you where young you didn't like singing, but now, maybe, you do like it.
- The past of Izan, with a third person object are niri zitzaidan, zuri zitzaizun, hari zitzaion, guri zitzaigun, zuei zitzaizuen, haiei zitzaien.
Verbal Nouns 3
- niri zitzaidan: I was (izan)
- zuri zitzaizun: you were (izan)
- hari zitzaion: he/she/it was (izan)
- guri zitzaigun: we were (izan)
- zuei zitzaizuen: you (plural) were (izan)
- haiei zitzaien: they were (izan)
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