- it is to them Reflective Verbs 1
- it is to them Reflective Verbs 1
- it is to them Reflective Verbs 2
- it is to them Reflective Verbs 3
- it is to them Ukan 1-1
- it is to them Ukan 1-2
- it is to them Ukan 1-3
- it is to them Ukan 2-1
- it is to them Ukan 2-2
- it is to them Ukan 2-3
- it is to them Transitive Verbs 1-1
- it is to them Transitive Verbs 1-2
- it is to them Transitive Verbs 1-3
- it is to them Transitive Verbs 2-1
- it is to them Transitive Verbs 2-2
- it is to them Transitive Verbs 2-3
- it is to them Ukan/Edun Remote Past (single object)
- it is to them Ukan/Edun Remote Past (plural object)
- it is to them Egin 1
- it is to them Egin 2
- it is to them Egin 3
- it is to them Eduki 1 (Transitive Verbs)
- it is to them Eduki 2 (Transitive Verbs)
- it is to them Eduki 3 (Transitive Verbs)
- it is to them Eduki 4 (Transitive Verbs)
- it is to them Jakin 1
- it is to them Jakin 2
- it is to them Jakin 3
- it is to them Jakin 4
- it is to them Jakin 5
- it is to them Ari Izan 1
- it is to them Ari Izan 2
- it is to them Ari Izan 3
- it is to them Norekin 1
- it is to them Norekin 2
- it is to them Verbal Nouns 1
- it is to them Verbal Nouns 2
- it is to them Verbal Nouns 3
- it is to them Verbal Nouns 4
- it is to them Nahi Izan 1 (Past)
- it is to them Nahi Izan 2 (Present)
- it is to them Nahi Izan 3 (Future)
- it is to them Nahi Izan 4 (in order to do something)
- it is to them Edan 1 (Past)
- it is to them Edan 2 (Present and Future)
- it is to them Jan 1
- it is to them Jan 2
- it is to them Jan 3 (Breakfast)
- it is to them Jan 4 (Lunch and Dinner)
- it is to them Jan 5 (Spices)
- Haiei gustatu al zaie? Reflective Verbs 1
- Haiei gustatu zaie? Reflective Verbs 1
- Gustatu al zaie? Reflective Verbs 1
- Gustatu zaie? Reflective Verbs 1
- Haiei behi motel morea gustatuko zaie. Reflective Verbs 1
- Behi motel morea gustatuko zaie. Reflective Verbs 1
- Haiei gustatuko zaie behi motel morea. Reflective Verbs 1
- Gustatuko zaie behi motel morea. Reflective Verbs 1
- Haiei oilasko gosea eta egarria ez zaie gustatuko. Reflective Verbs 1
- Oilasko gosea eta egarria ez zaie gustatuko. Reflective Verbs 1
- Haiei ez zaie gustatuko oilasko gosea eta egarria. Reflective Verbs 1
- Ez zaie gustatuko oilasko gosea eta egarria. Reflective Verbs 1
- Haiei ez zaie oilasko gosea eta egarria gustatuko. Reflective Verbs 1
- Ez zaie oilasko gosea eta egarria gustatuko. Reflective Verbs 1
- Haiei etxe zikin gorria ez zaie gustatu. Reflective Verbs 1
- Etxe zikin gorria ez zaie gustatu. Reflective Verbs 1
- Haiei ez zaie gustatu etxe zikin gorria. Reflective Verbs 1
- Ez zaie gustatu etxe zikin gorria. Reflective Verbs 1
- Haiei ez zaie etxe zikin gorria gustatu. Reflective Verbs 1
- Ez zaie etxe zikin gorria gustatu. Reflective Verbs 1
- Haiei berdin izango zaie. Reflective Verbs 3
- Berdin izango zaie. Reflective Verbs 3
- Haiei motela irudituko zaie. Reflective Verbs 3
- Motela irudituko zaie. Reflective Verbs 3
- Haiei ardo gutxi geldituko zaie. Reflective Verbs 3
- Ardo gutxi geldituko zaie. Reflective Verbs 3
- Haiei geldituko zaie ardo gutxi. Reflective Verbs 3
- Geldituko zaie ardo gutxi. Reflective Verbs 3
- Haiei ez zaie gustatuko ibiltze. Verbal Nouns 1
- Ez zaie gustatuko ibiltze. Verbal Nouns 1
- Haiei Frantzian ibiltzea gustatzen zaie. Verbal Nouns 1
- Frantzian ibiltzea gustatzen zaie. Verbal Nouns 1
- Behiei ez zaie itxarotea gustatuko. Verbal Nouns 1
- Mutilei musika jotzea gustatzen zaie Verbal Nouns 2
- Hontzei lo egitea gustatzen zaie. Verbal Nouns 2
- Ikasleei ez zaie gustatzen idaztea. Verbal Nouns 2
- Txerriei ez zaie dantza egitea gustatzen. Verbal Nouns 2
- Amek musika jotzea gustatzen zaie. Verbal Nouns 2
- Katuei lo egitea ere gustatzen zaie. Verbal Nouns 2