Basque | English | Images |
dauzkat | I have them | ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing'] |
dauzkazu | You have them | ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing'] |
dauzka | She has them,He has them | ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing'] |
dauzkagu | We have them | ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing'] |
dauzkazue | You (plural) have them | None |
dauzkate | They have them | ['nothing', 'nothing', 'nothing'] |
Nik bi aterki dauzkat. Bi aterki dauzkat. |
I have two umbrellas. |
Nik sei aulki dauzkat. Sei aulki dauzkat. |
I have six chairs. |
Zuk berrehun arrain dauzkazu. Berrehun arrain dauzkazu. |
You have two hundred fish. |
Zuk ez dauzkazu hirurehun zaldi. Ez dauzkazu hirurehun zaldi. |
You do not have three hundred horses. |
Etxeak lau horma dauzka. |
The house has four walls. |
Etxeak ere zortzi leiho dauzka. |
The house also has eight windows. |
Mirenek gonak dauzka. |
Miren has the skirts. |
Josebak gerrikoak dauzka. |
Joseba has the belts. |
Osabak jakak dauzka. |
The uncle has the jackets. |
Izebak zapatak dauzka. |
The aunt has the shoes |
Guk zazpi arkatz dauzkagu. Zazpi arkatz dauzkagu. |
We have seven pencils. |
Guk ez dauzkagu bederatzi boligrafo. Ez dauzkagu bederatzi boligrafo. Guk bederatzi boligrafo ez dauzkagu. Bederatzi boligrafo ez dauzkagu. |
We do not have nine pens. |
Zuek hirurogeita hamar euro dauzkazue. Hirurogeita hamar euro dauzkazue. |
You all have seventy euros. You (plural) have seventy euros. You'll have seventy euros. You have seventy euros. |
Zuek ez dauzkazue hiru ferry. Ez dauzkazue hiru ferry. Zuek hiru ferry ez dauzkazue. Hiru ferry ez dauzkazue. |
You all do not have three ferries. You (plural) do not have three ferries. You'll do not have three ferries. You do not have three ferries. |
Haiek mila soineko dauzkate. Mila soineko dauzkate. |
They have one thousand dresses. |
Ez. Haiek ez dauzkate poltsarik. Ez. Ez dauzkate poltsarik. Ez. Haiek poltsarik ez dauzkate. Ez. Poltsarik ez dauzkate. |
No They do not have any purses. No They don’t have any purses. |
Gizonek liburuak dauzkate. |
The men have the books. |
Emakumeek soinekoak dauzkate. |
The women have the dresses. |
English | Basque |
Aitor's | ('Aitorren (male name)',) |
Anea's | ('Anearenak (female name, plural object)',) |
Anitza | ('Anitza (female name)',) |
Anitza's | ('Anitzaen (female name, plural object)',) |
Lili | ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',) |
Mikel's | ('Mikelenak (male name)',) |
Mikel's | ('Mikelen',) |
Mikel | ('Mikel',) |
Miren | ('Miren',) |
Miren's | ('Mirenen (female name)',) |
Miren's | ('Miren (female name)',) |
Olentzero | ('Olentzero (Basque Santa)',) |
Santa | ('Santa',) |
Xabier's | ('Xabieren (male name)',) |
Saint | ('Done',) |
James | ('Jakue',) |
Arrano | ('Arrano (name of a street)',) |
Bilbao | ('Bilbo',) |
Country | ('Herrian',) |
Europe | ('Europa',) |
France | ('Frantzia',) |
Germany | ('Alemania',) |
Irun | ('Irun',) |
Italy | ('Italia',) |
Itziar's | ('Itziaren',) |
Joseba | ('Joseba',) |
Madrid | ('Madril',) |
Paris | ('Paris',) |
San Sebastian | ('Donostia',) |
Santiago | ('Santiago de Compostela (city in Galicia, Spain)',) |
Spain | ('Espainia',) |
Vitoria | ('Gasteiz (city in Basque Country)',) |
Basque | ('euskara',) |
Spanish | ('espainiera', 'espainiar') |
English | ('ingeles',) |
Season | ('urtaro',) |
seasons | ('urtaroak',) |
month | ('hilabete',) |
months | ('hilabeteak',) |
Spring | ('udaberria',) |
March | ('Martxoa',) |
April | ('Apirila',) |
May | ('Maiatza',) |
Summer | ('uda',) |
June | ('Ekaina',) |
July | ('Uztaila',) |
August | ('Abuztua',) |
Autumn | ('udazkena',) |
Fall | ('udazkena',) |
September | ('Iraila',) |
October | ('Urria',) |
November | ('Azaroa',) |
Winter | ('Negua',) |
December | ('Abendua',) |
January | ('Urtarrila',) |
February | ('Otsaila',) |
Week | ('aste',) |
Weeks | ('asteak',) |
Monday | ('astelehena',) |
Tuesday | ('asteartea',) |
Wednesday | ('asteazkena',) |
Thursday | ('osteguna',) |
Friday | ('ostirala',) |
Saturday | ('larunbata',) |
Sunday | ('igandea',) |
first | ('lehen',) |
second | ('bigarren',) |
third | ('hirugarren',) |
fourth | ('laugarren',) |
fifth | ('bosgarren',) |
sixth | ('seigarren',) |
seventh | ('zazpigarren',) |
eighth | ('zortzigarren',) |
ninth | ('bederatzigarren',) |
tenth | ('hamargarren',) |
eleventh | ('hamaikagarren',) |
twelfth | ('hamabigarren',) |
last | ('azken',) |
one | ('bat',) |
two | ('bi',) |
three | ('hiru',) |
four | ('lau',) |
five | ('bost',) |
six | ('sei',) |
seven | ('zazpi',) |
eight | ('zortzi',) |
nine | ('bederatzi',) |
ten | ('hamar',) |
eleven | ('hamaika',) |
twelve | ('hamabi',) |
thirteen | ('hamahiru',) |
fourteen | ('hamalau',) |
fifteen | ('hamabost',) |
sixteen | ('hamasei',) |
seventeen | ('hamazazpi',) |
eighteen | ('hemazortzi',) |
nineteen | ('hemeretzi',) |
twenty | ('hogei',) |
thirty | ('hogeita hamar',) |
forty | ('berrogei',) |
fifty | ('berrogeita hamar',) |
sixty | ('hirurogei',) |
seventy | ('hirurogeita hamar',) |
eighty | ('laurogei',) |
ninety | ('laurogeita hamar',) |
hundred | ('ehun',) |
thousand | ('mila',) |
million | ('milioi',) |
billion | ('miliar',) |
times | ('bider',) |
multiplied | ('bider (part of multiplied by)',) |
a | ('-a',) |
able | ('ahal',) |
afraid | ('beldur',) |
alive | ('bizirik',) |
after | ('ondoren', 'gero') |
afternoon | ('arratsalde',) |
ago | ('duela',) |
ahead | ('aurrera',) |
airplane | ('hegazkin',) |
airplanes | ('hegazkinak',) |
airport | ('aireportua',) |
all | ('part of you plural, you all',) |
already | ('dagoeneko',) |
also | ('ere',) |
always | ('beti',) |
am | ('naiz (izan)', 'nago (egon)', 'NORTAZ case') |
among | ('artean',) |
an | ('-ak',) |
and | ('eta',) |
angry | ('haserre',) |
animal | ('animalia',) |
animals | ('animaliak',) |
any | ('-rik',) |
anybody | ('inor',) |
anything | ('ezer',) |
are | ('daude (izan)', 'dira (izan)', 'zara (izan)', 'gara (izan)', 'zarete (izan)', 'zaude (egon)', 'gaude (egon)', 'zaudete (egon)', 'daude (egon)') |
arrive | ('iristen', 'iritsiko') |
arrived | ('iritsi',) |
ascend | ('igo (command)',) |
at | ('not translated, part of insessive case',) |
aunt | ('izeba',) |
aunts | ('izebak',) |
aunt's | ('izebaren',) |
ball | ('baloi',) |
balls | ('baloiak',) |
backpack | ('motxila',) |
backpacks | ('motxilak',) |
bad | ('txar',) |
bank | ('banku',) |
bar | ('taberna',) |
basque | ('euskal', 'euskaldun') |
bathroom | ('komun',) |
be | ('egoten', 'egongo') |
beach | ('hondartza',) |
because | ('dagoelako because he/she is (egon)', 'daudelako because they are (egon)', 'gaudelako because we are (egon)', 'nagoelako because I am (egon)', 'zaudelako because you are (egon)', 'zaudetelako because you (plural) are (egon)', 'nengoelako because I was (egon)', 'zeundelako because you were (egon)', 'zegoelako because he/she was (egon)', 'geundelako because we were (egon)', 'zeundetelako because you (plural) were (egon)', 'zeudelako because they were (egon)', 'naizelako because I am (izan)', 'zarelako because you are (izan)', 'delako because he/she is (izan)', 'garelako because we are (izan)', 'zaretelako because you (plural) are (izan)', 'direlako because they are (izan)', 'nintzelako because I was', 'zinelako because you were', 'zelako because he/she was', 'ginelako because we were', 'zinetelako because you (plural) were', 'zirelako because they were') |
belt | ('gerrikoa',) |
belts | ('gerrikoak',) |
beside | ('ondoan',) |
between | ('artean',) |
behind | ('atzean',) |
bicycle | ('bizikleta',) |
bicycles | ('bizikletak',) |
big | ('handi',) |
bird | ('txoria',) |
birds | ('txoriak',) |
black | ('beltz',) |
blue | ('urdin',) |
book | ('liburu',) |
books | ('liburuak',) |
bored | ('aspertu',) |
boy | ('mutil',) |
boys | ('mutilak',) |
boyfriend | ('mutillaguna',) |
bridges | ('zubiak',) |
bridge | ('zubi',) |
bring | ('ekarri',) |
brother | ('neba', 'anaia') |
brother's | ('nebanen', 'anaianen') |
brothers | ('anaiak', 'arrebak') |
brown | ('marroia',) |
bus | ('autobusa',) |
buses | ('autobusak',) |
busy | ('lanpetu',) |
but | ('baina',) |
by | ('Nortaz or instrumental case (by foot)',) |
calm | ('lasai',) |
camareroa | ('waiter',) |
came | ('nentorren (I)', 'zentozen (You)', 'zetorren (He/she/it)', 'gentozen (We)', 'zentozten (You (plural))', 'zetozen (They)') |
car | ('kotxea',) |
cars | ('kotxeak',) |
careful | ('kontuz (command)',) |
climb | ('igo (command)',) |
cat | ('katu',) |
cats | ('katuak',) |
centigrade | ('zentigradu',) |
chair | ('aulki',) |
chairs | ('aulkiak',) |
chicken | ('oilasko',) |
chickens | ('oilaskoak',) |
child | ('ume',) |
children | ('umeak', 'seme-alabak') |
church | ('eliza',) |
churches | ('elizak',) |
cinema | ('zinema',) |
clean | ('garbi',) |
clothing | ('arropa',) |
cloud | ('hodei',) |
clouds | ('hodeiak',) |
cloudy | ('hodeitsu',) |
coat | ('berokia',) |
coats | ('berokiak',) |
cold | ('hotz',) |
come | ('etortzen (present)', 'etorriko (future)', 'etorri (command)') |
comes | ('dator',) |
coming | ('nator (I am)', 'zatoz (you are)', 'dator (he/she/it is)', 'gatoz (we are)', 'zatozte (you(plural) are)', 'datoz (they are)', 'nentorren (I was)', 'zentozen (You were)', 'zetorren (He/she/it was)', 'gentozen (We were)', 'zentozten (You (plural) were)', 'zetozen (They were)') |
cook | ('sukaldaria',) |
cooks | ('sukaldariak',) |
cool | ('hoztu',) |
corner | ('izkina',) |
cost | ('kostatu (past) (verb)', 'kostatuko (will cost) (verb)') |
costs | ('kostatzen (present)(verb)',) |
costing | ('kostatzen (present)(verb) (is costing)',) |
could | ('ahal',) |
couldn't | ('ezin',) |
cousin | ('lehengusu', 'lehengusina') |
cousins | ('lehengusuak', 'lehengusinak') |
cow | ('behi',) |
cows | ('behiak',) |
crying | ('negarrez',) |
day | ('egun',) |
days | ('egunak',) |
daughter | ('alaba',) |
daughters | ('alabak',) |
daughter's | ('alabaren',) |
dead | ('hilda',) |
degree | ('gradu',) |
degrees | ('graduak',) |
descend | ('jaitsi (command)',) |
do | ('not translated',) |
don't | ('ez egon',) |
does | ('not translated',) |
doctor | ('medikua',) |
doctors | ('medikuak',) |
dog | ('txakur',) |
dogs | ('txakurrak',) |
door | ('ate',) |
doors | ('ateak',) |
down | ('behera', 'part of lie down') |
downstairs | ('behean',) |
dress | ('soinekoa',) |
dresses | ('soinekoak',) |
driver | ('gidaria',) |
drivers | ('gidariak',) |
drop | ('utzi (command)',) |
did | ('not translated',) |
dirty | ('zikin',) |
dry | ('lehorra',) |
early | ('goiz',) |
engineer | ('ingeniari',) |
enter | ('sartu (command)',) |
euro | ('euro',) |
euros | ('euro',) |
ever | ('inoiz',) |
every | ('-ero',) |
everybody | ('denek',) |
everything | ('dena',) |
excited | ('animatuta',) |
fast | ('azkar',) |
farm | ('baserri',) |
farmhouse | ('baserri',) |
fat | ('gizena',) |
father | ('aita',) |
fathers | ('aitak',) |
father's | ('aitaren',) |
fall | ('erortzen', 'eroriko') |
far | ('urrun',) |
feet | ('oinak',) |
fell | ('erori',) |
female | ('emakumezkoa',) |
ferry | ('ferry',) |
ferries | ('ferry',) |
few | ('gutxi',) |
fine | ('ondo',) |
fish | ('arraina',) |
foggy | ('lainotsu',) |
fog | ('laino',) |
foot | ('oin',) |
for | ('part of dative case phrase for me',) |
forest | ('baso',) |
France | ('Francia',) |
friend | ('laguna',) |
friend's | ('lagunen',) |
friends' | ('lagunaren',) |
from | ('part of Ablative case',) |
front | ('frontea', 'aurrean (in front of)') |
frozen | ('izoztuta',) |
girl | ('neska',) |
girls | ('neskak',) |
girlfriend | ('neskalaguna',) |
give | ('eman',) |
glad | ('pozten (present)', 'poztuko (future)', 'pozik') |
glasses | ('betaurrekoak',) |
gloves | ('eskularruak',) |
goat | ('ahuntz',) |
goats | ('ahuntzak',) |
go | ('joaten(present)', 'joango (future)', 'joan (command)') |
good | ('on',) |
goes | ('joaten',) |
going | ('noa (I am)', 'zoaz (you are)', 'doa (he, she, it is)', 'goaz (we are)', 'zoazte (you plural are)', 'doaz (hey are)', 'nindoan (I was going)', 'zindoazen (you were)', 'zihoan (he/she was)', 'gindoazen (we were)', 'zindoazten (you plural were)', 'zihoazen (they were)') |
gray | ('gris',) |
grandchildren | ('bilobak',) |
granddaughter | ('biloba',) |
grandparents | ('aitona-amonak',) |
grandfather | ('aiton',) |
grandfathers | ('aitonak',) |
grandfather's | ('aitonaren',) |
grandmother | ('amon',) |
grandmother | ('amona',) |
grandmothers | ('amonak',) |
grandmother's | ('amonaren',) |
grandson | ('biloba',) |
grass | ('belarra',) |
green | ('berde',) |
guide | ('gida',) |
guides | ('gidak',) |
had | ('part of past verb form',) |
half | ('erdia',) |
hand | ('esku',) |
hands | ('eskuak',) |
happy | ('pozik',) |
has | ('eduki',) |
hat | ('txanoaren (noren case)', 'txano', 'txanoa') |
hats | ('txanoak',) |
have | ('eduki',) |
he | ('hura',) |
hello | ('kaixo',) |
her | ('bere',) |
here | ('hemen',) |
hers | ('berea',) |
hers | ('berea',) |
hi | ('epa',) |
high | ('altu',) |
him | ('hari (to him)',) |
his | ('bere', 'berea') |
horse | ('zaldia',) |
horses | ('zaldiak',) |
horseback | ('zaldiz',) |
home | ('etxe',) |
house | ('etxe',) |
houses | ('etxeak',) |
housewife | ('etxekoandrea',) |
housewives | ('etxekoandreak',) |
hot | ('bero',) |
hotel | ('hotel',) |
hotels | ('hotelak',) |
house | ('etxea',) |
how | ('nola',) |
humid | ('hezea',) |
humidity | ('hezetasun',) |
hungry | ('gose',) |
hura | ('hura',) |
husband | ('senarra',) |
I | ('ni',) |
in | ('Inessive case',) |
inside | ('barruan',) |
interested | ('interesatu (was interested in)', 'interesatzen (is interested in)', 'interesatuko (will be interested in)') |
interesting | ('interesatu (was interesting to)', 'interesatzen (is interesting to)', 'interesatuko (will be interesting to)') |
is | ('da', 'dago') |
it | ('hura',) |
its | ('berea',) |
jacket | ('jaka',) |
jackets | ('jakak',) |
kilometer | ('kilometro',) |
kilometers | ('kilometroak',) |
lake | ('laku',) |
language | ('hizkuntza',) |
languages | ('hizkuntzak',) |
last | ('azken',) |
late | ('berandu',) |
later | ('gero',) |
laughing | ('barrez',) |
leaf | ('hosto',) |
leaves | ('hostoak',) |
leave | ('ateratzen (present)', 'aterako (future)', 'utzi (command)') |
left | ('ezker (direction)', 'gelditu (was left) (verb)', 'gelditen (is left) (verb)', 'geldituko (will be left) (verb)') |
let | ('utzi (command)',) |
lie | ('etzaten (present)', 'etzango (future)') |
lies | ('etzaten',) |
light | ('argitu',) |
like | ('gustatuko (will like)', 'gustatzen (likes)') |
likes | ('gustatzen',) |
liked | ('gustatu',) |
little | ('gutxi (amount)',) |
live | ('bizi + izan',) |
lives | ('bizi + izan',) |
lived | ('bizi + past of izan',) |
long | ('luzea',) |
look | ('begira',) |
lorry | ('kamioi',) |
lost | ('galdu',) |
lot | ('asko (a lot)',) |
lots | ('asko',) |
low | ('baxua',) |
machine | ('makina',) |
machines | ('makinak',) |
male | ('gizonezkoa',) |
man | ('gizon',) |
men | ('gizonak',) |
machine | ('makina',) |
meter | ('metro',) |
meters | ('metroak',) |
mine | ('nirea',) |
money | ('diru',) |
motorcycle | ('motor',) |
motorcycles | ('motorrak',) |
movie | ('filma',) |
must | ('behar',) |
name | ('izen',) |
names | ('izenak',) |
near | ('gertu',) |
next | ('hurrengoa', 'ondoan (next to)') |
nice | ('jator',) |
officers | ('poliziak (police officers)',) |
often | ('maiz',) |
on | ('Inessive case', 'gainean') |
over | ('gainean',) |
owls | ('hontzak',) |
made | ('egin (was made)', 'egiten (was made)', 'egingo (will be made)') |
man | ('gizona',) |
many | ('asko',) |
market | ('merkatu',) |
menu | ('menu',) |
mice | ('saguak',) |
hour | ('ordu',) |
hours | ('orduak',) |
midnight | ('gauerdi',) |
minute | ('minutu',) |
minutes | ('minutuak',) |
mini-hotel | ('ostatu',) |
mini-hotels | ('ostatuak',) |
money | ('dirua',) |
month | ('hilabete',) |
morning | ('goizean',) |
mother | ('ama',) |
mother's | ('amaren',) |
mothers | ('amak',) |
mountain | ('mendi',) |
mountains | ('mendiak',) |
mouse | ('sagu',) |
me | ('nire (to me)',) |
my | ('nire',) |
new | ('berri',) |
nephew | ('iloba',) |
nephews | ('ilobak',) |
never | ('inoiz ez',) |
nice | ('jatorra',) |
niece | ('iloba',) |
nieces | ('ilobak',) |
night | ('gau',) |
no | ('ez',) |
nobody | ('inor ez',) |
noon | ('eguerdia',) |
normally | ('normalean',) |
not | ('ez',) |
now | ('orain',) |
nurse | ('erizaina',) |
nurses | ('erizainak',) |
o'clock | ('number + a(k)',) |
only | ('bakarra',) |
on | ('part of phrase, not translated',) |
on time | ('garaiz',) |
outside | ('kanpoan',) |
of | ('de',) |
officer | ('ofiziala',) |
old | ('zahar',) |
or | ('edo',) |
orange | ('laranja',) |
our | ('gure',) |
ours | ('gurea',) |
over | ('amaitu',) |
owl | ('hontza',) |
pants | ('prakak',) |
parent | ('gurasoa',) |
parents | ('gurasoak',) |
parents' | ('gurasoen',) |
park | ('parke',) |
parks | ('parkeak',) |
pass | ('pasa (verb)',) |
past | ('pasa (part of command go past)',) |
pen | ('boligrafo',) |
pencil | ('arkatza',) |
pencils | ('arkatzak',) |
pens | ('boligrafoak',) |
person | ('persona',) |
persons | ('personak',) |
people | ('personak',) |
pig | ('txakurra',) |
pigs | ('txakurrak',) |
plaza | ('plaza',) |
please | ('mesedez',) |
pleasing) | ('gustatuko (will be pleasing)', 'gustatzen (is pleasing', 'gustatu (was pleasing)') |
plus | ('gehi',) |
police | ('polizia',) |
priest | ('apaiza',) |
priests | ('apaizak',) |
plane | ('hegazkin',) |
plural | ('plurala',) |
pretty | ('polit',) |
pub | ('taberna',) |
purple | ('morea',) |
purse | ('poltsa',) |
purses | ('poltsak',) |
quarter | ('laurdena',) |
quiet | ('isildu (command)',) |
rarely | ('gutxitan',) |
rather | ('baizik',) |
read | ('irakurri (command)',) |
red | ('gorri',) |
rejoice | ('pozten (present)', 'poztuko (future)') |
relaxed | ('lasai',) |
release | ('utzi (command)',) |
remained | ('gelditu (verb)',) |
remain | ('geldituko (will remain)(verb)',) |
remains | ('gelditen (verb)',) |
restaurant | ('jatetxe',) |
pig | ('txerria',) |
pigs | ('txerriak',) |
poor | ('pobre',) |
rain | ('euri',) |
rainy | ('euritsu',) |
rich | ('dirudun',) |
right | ('eskuin',) |
ring | ('eraztuna',) |
rings | ('eraztunak',) |
river | ('ibai',) |
road | ('bide',) |
roofs | ('teilatuak',) |
room | ('gela',) |
rooms | ('gelak',) |
roof | ('teilatu',) |
sad | ('triste',) |
same | ('berdin',) |
san | ('san',) |
sat | ('eseri',) |
school | ('eskola',) |
schools | ('eskolak',) |
seated | ('eserita',) |
Sebastian | ('Sebastian',) |
see | ('ikusi',) |
seemed | ('iruditu',) |
seem | ('irudituko (will seem)',) |
seems | ('iruditzen',) |
seldom | ('gutxitan',) |
sheep | ('ardiak',) |
she | ('hura',) |
shirt | ('alkandora',) |
shoes | ('zapatak',) |
shoe | ('zapata',) |
short | ('labur',) |
sick | ('gaixo',) |
side | ('alde',) |
sides | ('aldeak',) |
sign | ('seinale',) |
signs | ('seinaleak',) |
sister | ('ahizpa', 'arreba') |
sister's | ('ahizparen', 'arrebaren') |
sit | ('eserten (present habitual)', 'eseriko (future)', 'eseri (command)') |
sits | ('eserten',) |
sitting | ('eserita',) |
skirt | ('gona',) |
skirts | ('gonak',) |
sky | ('zeru',) |
slow | ('motel',) |
small | ('txiki',) |
smiling | ('irribarre',) |
snakes | ('sugeak',) |
snake | ('suge',) |
snow | ('elur',) |
so | ('beraz',) |
socks | ('galtzerdiak',) |
somebody | ('norbait',) |
something | ('zerbait',) |
son | ('seme',) |
sons | ('semeak',) |
son's | ('semearen',) |
soon | ('laster',) |
sorry | ('barkatu',) |
so-so | ('beraz',) |
speak | ('hitz egin',) |
square | ('plaza',) |
standing | ('zutik',) |
station | ('geltoki',) |
stations | ('geltokiak',) |
stay | ('egon (command)', 'egoten (present habitual)', 'egongo (future)', 'geratu (present)', 'geratuko (future)') |
stayed | ('egon',) |
still | ('oraindik',) |
stop | ('gelditu',) |
stoplight | ('semaforo',) |
store | ('denda',) |
stores | ('dendak',) |
storm | ('ekaitz',) |
stranger | ('arrotz',) |
strangers | ('arrotzak',) |
straight | ('zuzen',) |
street | ('kale',) |
streets | ('kaleak',) |
strong | ('indartsu',) |
student | ('ikasle',) |
students | ('ikasleak',) |
students' | ('ikasleenak',) |
sweaters | ('jertseak',) |
sun | ('eguzki',) |
sunny | ('eguzkitsu',) |
sweater | ('jertse',) |
table | ('mahai',) |
tables | ('mahaiak',) |
take | ('hartu',) |
tall | ('altu',) |
taxi | ('taxi',) |
taxis | ('taxiak',) |
teacher | ('irakaslea',) |
teachers | ('irakasleak',) |
temperature | ('tenperatura',) |
that | ('hori', 'hura') |
the | ('-a',) |
then | ('gero',) |
theater | ('zinema',) |
theaters | ('zinemak',) |
there | ('hor',) |
these | ('hauek',) |
their | ('haien',) |
theirs | ('haiena',) |
them | ('haiei (to them)',) |
they | ('haiek',) |
thin | ('argal',) |
thirsty | ('egarri',) |
this | ('hau',) |
those | ('haiek', 'horiek') |
time | ('denbora',) |
tired | ('nekatu',) |
today | ('gaur',) |
tomorrow | ('bihar',) |
tonight | ('gaur gauean',) |
to | ('part of Ablative case',) |
toilet | ('komun',) |
top | ('gainean (location, on top of)',) |
tourists | ('turistak',) |
tourist | ('turista',) |
tour | ('tour',) |
traffic | ('zirkulazio',) |
trains | ('trenak',) |
train | ('tren',) |
trees | ('zuhaitzak',) |
tree | ('zuhaitz',) |
trousers | ('prakak',) |
truck | ('kamioi',) |
trucks | ('kamioiak',) |
turn | ('biratu',) |
turtle | ('dortoka',) |
turtles | ('dortokak',) |
two | ('bi',) |
ugly | ('itsusi',) |
umbrella | ('aterki',) |
umbrellas | ('aterkiak',) |
uncle | ('osaba',) |
uncles | ('osabak',) |
uncle's | ('osabaren',) |
under | ('azpian',) |
up | ('gora', 'part of wake up') |
upstairs | ('goian',) |
us | ('guri (to us)',) |
usually | ('ohi', 'normalean') |
very | ('oso',) |
wait | ('itxoin (command)',) |
waiter | ('camareroa',) |
waiters | ('camareroak',) |
wake | ('esnatzen', 'esnatuko') |
wakes | ('esnatzen',) |
walk | ('ibiltzen (izan present)', 'ibiliko (izan future)') |
walks | ('ibiltzen (izan present)', 'ibiliko (izan future)') |
walked | ('ibili',) |
walking | ('nabil (I am walking)', 'zabiltza (you are walking)', 'dabil (he/she/it is walking)', 'gabiltza (we are walking)', 'zabiltzate (you (plural) are walking)', 'dabiltza (they are walking)', 'nenbilen (I was walking)', 'zenbiltzan (You were walking)', 'zebilen (He/she/it was walking)', 'genbiltzan (We were walking)', 'zenbiltzaten (You (plural) were walking)', 'zebiltzan (They were walking)') |
wall | ('horma',) |
walls | ('hormak',) |
wallet | ('zorro',) |
warm | ('epel',) |
was | ('nengoen(I)(egon)', 'zegoen(he,she,it) (egon)', 'zen') |
watch | ('erloju',) |
watches | ('erlojuak',) |
we | ('gu',) |
weak | ('ahul',) |
weather | ('eguraldi',) |
well | ('ondo',) |
went | ('joan zen (izan)',) |
were | ('zinen (izan)', 'ginen (izan)', 'zineten (izan)', 'ziren (izan)', 'geunden (we) (egon)', 'zeuden (they) (egon)', 'zeunden (you) (egon)', 'zeundeten (you (plural)) (egon)') |
wet | ('bustia',) |
what | ('zer',) |
where | ('non', 'nora (to)', 'nondik (from)') |
when | ('noiz',) |
which | ('zein',) |
white | ('zuri',) |
who | ('nor',) |
whose | ('noren',) |
why | ('zergatik',) |
windy | ('haizetsu',) |
wife | ('emaztea',) |
will | ('future tense',) |
window | ('leiho',) |
windows | ('leihoak',) |
wine | ('ardo',) |
woods | ('basoa',) |
woke | ('esnatu',) |
woman | ('emakumea',) |
women | ('emakumeak',) |
worried | ('kezkatuta',) |
write | ('idatzi',) |
year | ('urte',) |
years | ('urteak',) |
yesterday | ('atzo',) |
yet | ('oraindik',) |
yellow | ('hori',) |
you | ('zu',) |
young | ('gazte',) |
your | ('zure',) |
yours | ('zurea', 'zuena') |
Basque | English |
Aitorren | ("Aitor's (male name)",) |
Alemania | ('Germany',) |
Alemaniakoak | ('of Germany',) |
Alemaniakoa | ('of Germany',) |
Alemaniako | ('of Germany',) |
Alemanian | ('in Germany',) |
Alemaniara | ('To Germany',) |
Anearenak | ("Anea's (female name, plural object)",) |
Anitza | ('Anitza (female name)',) |
Anitzaen | ("Anitza's (female name, single object)",) |
Anitzari | ('to Anitza',) |
Anitzak | ('Anitza',) |
Arrano | ('Arrano (name of a street)',) |
Bilbo | ('Bilbao',) |
Bilbokoak | ('of Bilbao',) |
Bilbokoa | ('of Bilbao',) |
Bilboko | ('of Bilbao',) |
Bilbon | ('in Bilbao',) |
Bilbora | ('To Bilbao',) |
Done | ('Saint',) |
Donostiakoak | ('of San Sebastian',) |
Donostiakoa | ('of San Sebastian',) |
Donostiako | ('of San Sebastian',) |
Donostian | ('in San Sebastian',) |
Donostiara | ('To San Sebastian',) |
Donostia | ('San Sebastian',) |
Donostiatik | ('from San Sebastian',) |
Espainiakoak | ('of Spain',) |
Espainiakoa | ('of Spain',) |
Espainiako | ('of Spain',) |
Espainian | ('in Spain',) |
Espainiara | ('To Spain',) |
espainiar | ('Spanish',) |
Espainiatik | ('from Spain',) |
espainiera | ('Spanish Language',) |
espainieraz | ('in Spanish',) |
Europan | ('in Europe',) |
Europara | ('To Europe',) |
Europatik | ('from Europe',) |
euskal | ('basque',) |
Euskal Herri | ('Basque Country',) |
Euskal Herrira | ('to Basque Country',) |
euskara | ('Basque Language',) |
euskaraz | ('in Basque',) |
Francian | ('in France',) |
Frantzian | ('in France',) |
Frantziara | ('To France',) |
Frantziatik | ('from France',) |
Gasteizekoak | ('of Vitoria',) |
Gasteizekoa | ('of Vitoria',) |
Gasteizeko | ('from Vitoria',) |
Gasteizen | ('in Vitoria (city in Basque Country)',) |
Gasteizera | ('To Vitoria',) |
Gasteizetik | ('from Vitoria',) |
Gasteiztik | ('from Vitoria',) |
Gasteiz | ('Vitoria',) |
Herriko | ('of the country',) |
Herrira | ('in the country',) |
ingelesa | ('English language',) |
ingeles | ('English language',) |
ingelesez | ('In English',) |
Irunen | ('in Irun',) |
Irunera | ('To Irun',) |
Irunetik | ('from Irun',) |
Irungoak | ('of Irun',) |
Irungoa | ('of Irun',) |
Irungo | ('of Irun',) |
Italia | ('Italy',) |
Italian | ('in Italy',) |
Italiara | ('To Italy',) |
Itziaren | ("Itziar's",) |
Jakue | ('James',) |
Joseba | ('Joseba',) |
Josebak | ('Joseba',) |
Josebari | ('to Joseba',) |
Lili | ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',) |
Madrilen | ('in madrid',) |
Madrilera | ('To Madrid',) |
Mikelenak | ("Mikel's (male name)",) |
Mikelen | ("Mikel's (male name)",) |
Mikeli | ('to Mikel',) |
Mikelek | ('Mikel',) |
Mirenen | ("Miren's (female name)",) |
Mireni | ('to Miren',) |
Miren | ("Miren's (female name)",) |
Mirenek | ('Miren',) |
Olentzero | ('Olentzero (Basque Santa)',) |
Parisen | ('in Paris',) |
Parisetik | ('from Paris',) |
Paris | ('Paris',) |
Santa | ('Santa',) |
Santiagon | ('in Santiago',) |
Santiagora | ('to Santiago',) |
Santiago | ('Santiago de Compostela (city in Galicia, Spain)',) |
Xabieren | ("Xabier's (male name)",) |
urtaro | ('Season',) |
urtaroak | ('seasons',) |
hilabete | ('month',) |
hilabetea | ('month',) |
hilabeteak | ('months',) |
hilabetean | ('in last month',) |
udaberria | ('Spring',) |
udaberrian | ('in the spring',) |
udaberriaren | ('of the spring',) |
uda | ('Summer',) |
udaren | ('of summer',) |
udazkena | ('Autumn', 'Fall') |
Negua | ('Winter',) |
neguan | ('in winter',) |
neguaren | ('of winter',) |
Urtarrila | ('January',) |
Urtarrilean | ('in January',) |
Otsaila | ('February',) |
Otsailean | ('in February',) |
martxoa | ('March',) |
martxoan | ('in March',) |
apirila | ('April',) |
apirilean | ('in April',) |
maiatza | ('May',) |
maiatzean | ('in May',) |
ekaina | ('June',) |
ekainaren | ('of June',) |
ekainean | ('in June',) |
uztaila | ('July',) |
uztailean | ('of July',) |
uztailean | ('in july',) |
abuztua | ('August',) |
abuztuan | ('in August',) |
abuztuaren | ('of August',) |
Iraila | ('September',) |
Irailean | ('in September',) |
Irailaren | ('of September',) |
Urria | ('October',) |
Urrian | ('in October',) |
urriaren | ('of October',) |
Azaroa | ('November',) |
Azaroan | ('in November',) |
Abendua | ('December',) |
abenduan | ('in December',) |
Abenduaren | ('of December',) |
aste | ('Week',) |
astea | ('a week',) |
astean | ('in a week',) |
asteko | ('of the week',) |
astero | ('every week',) |
astelehena | ('Monday',) |
Astelehenean | ('on Monday',) |
asteartea | ('Tuesday',) |
asteartean | ('on Tuesday',) |
asteazkena | ('Wednesday',) |
asteazkenean | ('on Wednesday',) |
osteguna | ('Thursday',) |
ostegunean | ('on Thursday',) |
ostirala | ('Friday',) |
ostiralean | ('on Friday',) |
larunbata | ('Saturday',) |
Larunbatean | ('in/on Saturday',) |
igandea | ('Sunday',) |
Igandean | ('on Sunday',) |
Igandero | ('every Sunday',) |
lehen | ('first',) |
lehena | ('first',) |
bigarren | ('second',) |
hirugarren | ('third',) |
laugarren | ('fourth',) |
bosgarren | ('fifth',) |
seigarren | ('sixth',) |
zazpigarren | ('seventh',) |
zortzigarren | ('eighth',) |
bederatzigarren | ('ninth',) |
hamargarren | ('tenth',) |
hamaikagarren | ('eleventh',) |
hamabigarren | ('twelfth',) |
azken | ('last',) |
bat | ('one',) |
bi | ('two',) |
hiru | ('three',) |
lau | ('four',) |
bost | ('five',) |
bostetan | ('at five',) |
seietan | ('at six',) |
sei | ('six',) |
zazpi | ('seven',) |
zortzi | ('eight',) |
bederatzi | ('nine',) |
bederatzietan | ('at nine',) |
hamarretan | ('at ten',) |
hamar | ('ten',) |
hamaika | ('eleven',) |
hamaiketan | ('at eleven',) |
hamabi | ('twelve',) |
hamahiru | ('thirteen',) |
hamalau | ('fourteen',) |
hamabost | ('fifteen',) |
hamabostetan | ('at fifteen',) |
hamasei | ('sixteen',) |
hamazazpi | ('seventeen',) |
hemazortzi | ('eighteen',) |
hemeretzi | ('nineteen',) |
hogei | ('twenty',) |
hogeita | ('twenty',) |
hogeita hamar | ('thirty',) |
berrogei | ('forty',) |
berrogeita | ('forty',) |
berrogeita hamar | ('fifty',) |
hirurogei | ('sixty',) |
hirurogeita | ('sixty',) |
hirurogeita hamar | ('seventy',) |
laurogei | ('eighty',) |
laurogeita | ('eighty',) |
laurogeita hamar | ('ninety',) |
ehun | ('One hundred',) |
berrehun | ('Two hundred',) |
hirurehun | ('Three hundred',) |
laurehun | ('Four hundred',) |
bostehun | ('Five hundred',) |
seiehun | ('Six hundred',) |
zazpiehun | ('Seven hundred',) |
zortziehun | ('Eight hundred',) |
bederatziehun | ('Nine hundred',) |
mila | ('thousand',) |
milioi | ('million',) |
miliar | ('billion',) |
ordu | ('hour',) |
bata | ("one o'clock",) |
biak | ("two o'clock",) |
hirurak | ("three o'clock",) |
laurak | ("four o'clock",) |
bostak | ("five o'clock",) |
seiak | ("six o'clock",) |
zazpiak | ("seven o'clock",) |
zortziak | ("eight o'clock",) |
bederatziak | ("nine o'clock",) |
hamarrak | ("ten o'clock",) |
hamaikak | ("eleven o'clock",) |
hamabiak | ("twelve o'clock",) |
eguerdia | ('noon',) |
eguerdian | ('at noon',) |
gauerdi | ('midnight',) |
gauerdia | ('midnight',) |
gauerdian | ('at midnight',) |
gaur gauean | ('tonight',) |
gaur | ('today',) |
gauean | ('at night',) |
erdia | ('half',) |
erdiak | ('half',) |
erdietan | ('at half',) |
laurdena | ('quarter',) |
laurdenak | ('quarter',) |
persona | ('person',) |
bider | ('times', 'multiplied by') |
gehi | ('plus',) |
ahal | ('able to', 'could', 'can') |
ahizpa | ('sister of a sister',) |
ahizparen | ("sister's",) |
ahulak | ('weak',) |
ahula | ('weak',) |
ahul | ('weak',) |
ahuntz | ('goat',) |
ahuntza | ('goat',) |
ahuntzak | ('goats',) |
aireportua | ('airport',) |
aireportuan | ('in the airport',) |
aireportutik | ('from the airport',) |
aitona-amonak | ('grandparents',) |
aiton | ('grandfather',) |
aitona | ('grandfather',) |
aitonaren | ("grandfather's",) |
aita | ('father',) |
aitak | ('fathers',) |
aitaren | ("father's",) |
al | ('question word',) |
alaba | ('daughter',) |
alabak | ('daughters',) |
alabaren | ("daughter's",) |
aldean | ('side (Noren case)',) |
aldea | ('the side',) |
alde | ('side',) |
alkandora | ('shirt',) |
altua | ('tall', 'high') |
altuak | ('tall', 'high') |
altuaren | ('tall(noren case)',) |
ama | ('mother',) |
amak | ('mothers',) |
amaren | ("mother's",) |
amari | ('to the mother',) |
amei | ('to the mothers',) |
amon | ('grandmother',) |
amona | ('grandmother',) |
amonak | ('grandmothers',) |
amonaren | ("grandmother's",) |
anaia | ('brother of a brother',) |
anaiak | ('brothers of a brother',) |
anaian | ("brother of a brother's",) |
anaiaren | ("brother's",) |
animalia | ('animal',) |
animaliak | ('animals',) |
animatuta | ('excited',) |
apaiza | ('priest',) |
apaizak | ('priests',) |
apaizei | ('to priests',) |
ardi | ('sheep',) |
ardia | ('sheep',) |
ardiak | ('sheep (plural)',) |
ardo | ('wine',) |
argala | ('thin',) |
arkatz | ('pencil',) |
arkatza | ('pencil',) |
arkatzak | ('pencils',) |
arrain | ('fish',) |
arraina | ('fish',) |
arrainak | ('fish (plural)',) |
arratsalde | ('afternoon',) |
arreba | ('sister of a brother',) |
arrebaren | ("sister's",) |
arropa | ('clothing',) |
arrotz | ('stranger',) |
arrotza | ('stranger',) |
arrotzak | ('strangers',) |
arte | ('until',) |
artean | ('between',) |
asko | ('a lot', 'lots', 'very much') |
aspertu | ('bored',) |
aspertua | ('bored',) |
aspertuak | ('bored',) |
atearen | ('door (Noren case)',) |
atea | ('the door',) |
ateak | ('doors',) |
ate | ('door',) |
ateratzen | ('leave',) |
aterako | ('will leave',) |
aterki | ('umbrella',) |
aterkia | ('umbrella',) |
aterkiak | ('umbrellas',) |
atzean | ('behind',) |
atzo | ('yesterday',) |
aulkia | ('chair',) |
aulkiak | ('chairs',) |
aulkian | ('on the chair',) |
aulkiaren | ('chair (Noren case)',) |
aulkia | ('the chair',) |
aulki | ('chair',) |
aulkirik | ('any chair(s)',) |
autobus | ('bus',) |
autobusa | ('bus',) |
autobusean | ('on the bus',) |
autobusetara | ('to the buses',) |
autobusez | ('by bus',) |
autobusik | ('any bus',) |
aurrean | ('in front (of)',) |
azkar | ('fast',) |
azkarra | ('fast',) |
azkarrak | ('fast',) |
azken | ('last',) |
azpian | ('under',) |
badago | ('there is',) |
badaude | ('there are',) |
baina | ('but',) |
baizik | ('but rather',) |
bakarra | ('only',) |
bakarrik | ('only',) |
baxua | ('low',) |
baloi | ('ball',) |
baloia | ('ball',) |
baloiak | ('balls',) |
banku | ('bank',) |
bankua | ('bank',) |
bankutik | ('from the bank',) |
bankura | ('to the bank',) |
bankuko | ('of the bank',) |
barkatu | ('sorry',) |
barrez | ('laughing',) |
barruan | ('inside',) |
basserietara | ('to the farm/farm houses',) |
basoa | ('forrest',) |
batean | ('in a',) |
bati | ('to a',) |
batek | ('one',) |
basoan | ('in the forest',) |
basora | ('to the forest',) |
basotik | ('from the forest',) |
baserri | ('farm', 'farmhouse') |
baserria | ('farm', 'farmhouse') |
baserrian | ('on a farm',) |
bazegoen | ('there was',) |
begira | ('look',) |
behar | ('must', 'have to', 'had to') |
beharko | ('future of behar',) |
behean | ('downstairs',) |
behi | ('cow',) |
behia | ('cow',) |
behiak | ('cows',) |
behiaren | ('cow (Noren)',) |
beldur | ('afraid',) |
bizirik | ('alive',) |
belarra | ('grass',) |
beltz | ('black',) |
beltza | ('black',) |
beltzak | ('black',) |
beltzaren | ('black',) |
berandu | ('late',) |
beraz | ('so-so',) |
berde | ('green',) |
berdea | ('green',) |
berdeak | ('green',) |
berdearen | ('green',) |
berdin | ('same',) |
bere | ('his', 'hers', 'its') |
berea | ('his', 'hers', 'its') |
bero | ('hot',) |
beroa | ('hot',) |
beroak | ('hot',) |
berria | ('new',) |
berriak | ('new',) |
berriaren | ('new (noren case)',) |
berokia | ('coat',) |
berokiak | ('coats',) |
betaurrekoak | ('glasses',) |
beti | ('always',) |
bideaj | ('roads',) |
bidea | ('road',) |
bide | ('road',) |
bide | ('road',) |
biratu | ('turn',) |
bihar | ('tomorrow',) |
biloba | ('grandson', 'granddaughter') |
bilobak | ('grandchildren',) |
bizi | ('live',) |
biziko | ('will live',) |
bizikleta | ('bicycle',) |
bizikletak | ('bicycles',) |
bizikletaetara | ('to the bicycles',) |
bizikleta | ('bicycle(Noran case)',) |
bizikletaz | ('by bicycle',) |
bizikletarik | ('any bicycles',) |
boligrafo | ('pen',) |
boligrafoa | ('pen',) |
boligrafoak | ('pens',) |
bustiak | ('wet',) |
bustia | ('wet',) |
camarero | ('waiter',) |
camareroa | ('the waiter',) |
camareroak | ('waiters',) |
da | ('is',) |
dabil | ('he/she/it is walking',) |
dabiltza | ('they are walking',) |
dago | ('is',) |
dagoeneko | ('already',) |
dagoelako | ('because he/she is (egon)',) |
dator | ('He is coming', 'She is coming', 'It is coming') |
datoz | ('They are coming.',) |
daude | ('are (egon)',) |
daudelako | ('because they are (egon)',) |
daukagu | ('We have it',) |
dauka | ('He/she/it has it',) |
daukate | ('They have it',) |
daukat | ('I have it',) |
daukazue | ('You (plural) have it',) |
dauzkat | ('I have them',) |
dauzkazu | ('You have them',) |
dauzka | ('He/she/it has them',) |
dauzkagu | ('We have them',) |
dauzkazue | ('You (plural) have them',) |
dauzkate | ('They have them',) |
daukazu | ('You have it',) |
delako | ('because he/she is (izan)',) |
dena | ('everything',) |
denbora | ('time',) |
dendaetara | ('to the stores',) |
dendako | ('of the store',) |
dendak | ('stores',) |
dendan | ('in a store',) |
dendara | ('to the store',) |
denda | ('store',) |
dendetako | ('of the stores',) |
dendetara | ('to the stores',) |
dendetatik | ('from stores',) |
denek | ('everybody',) |
dira | ('are',) |
diru | ('money',) |
dirurik | ('any money',) |
direlako | ('because they are (izan)',) |
dirudunak | ('rich',) |
diruduna | ('rich',) |
dirudun | ('rich',) |
dirua | ('money',) |
dirurik | ('any money',) |
doa | ('he is going', 'she is going', 'it is going') |
doaz | ('they are going',) |
dortoka | ('a turtle',) |
dortokak | ('turtles',) |
dortokarik | ('any turtles',) |
duela | ('ago',) |
edo | ('or',) |
egarriak | ('thirsty',) |
egarria | ('thirsty',) |
egarri | ('thirsty',) |
egin | ('was made', 'do (command)') |
egiten | ('is made',) |
egingo | ('will be made',) |
egon | ('stayed', 'stay (command)', 'do') |
ekarri | ('bring',) |
eseri | ('sit',) |
egoten | ('stay/be at a location',) |
egongo | ('will stay/be at a location',) |
egun | ('day',) |
eguna | ('day',) |
egunero | ('every day',) |
eguraldi | ('weather',) |
eguraldia | ('weather',) |
eguzki | ('sun',) |
eguzkia | ('sun',) |
eguzkitsu | ('sunny',) |
eguzkitsua | ('sunny',) |
ekaitza | ('storm',) |
ekaitz | ('storm',) |
ekarri | ('bring',) |
elizaetara | ('to the churches',) |
elizaetatik | ('from churches',) |
elizako | ('of the church',) |
elizan | ('in a church',) |
elizara | ('to a church',) |
elizatik | ('from church',) |
elizetako | ('of the churches',) |
elizetan | ('at churches',) |
elurra | ('snow',) |
elurran | ('in the snow',) |
elur | ('snow',) |
emakume | ('woman',) |
emakumea | ('woman',) |
emakumeak | ('women',) |
emakumeek | ('women',) |
emakumeari | ('to the woman',) |
eman | ('give',) |
emaztea | ('wife',) |
entzun | ('listen',) |
epa | ('hi',) |
epel | ('warm',) |
epela | ('warm',) |
eraztuna | ('ring',) |
eraztunak | ('rings',) |
ere | ('also',) |
erizaina | ('nurse',) |
erizainak | ('nurse',) |
erizainei | ('to the nurses',) |
erloju | ('watch',) |
erlojua | ('watch',) |
erlojuak | ('watches',) |
erlojuen | ('watches(noren case)',) |
erori | ('fell',) |
erortzen | ('fall',) |
eroriko | ('will fall',) |
esku | ('hand',) |
eskua | ('hand',) |
eskuz | ('by hand',) |
eskuak | ('hands',) |
etorri | ('came',) |
etorriko | ('will come',) |
etortzen | ('come',) |
etzaten | ('lie down',) |
etzango | ('will lie down',) |
eseri | ('sat',) |
eseriko | ('will sit',) |
eserten | ('sit',) |
eserita | ('sitting', 'seated') |
eskolara | ('to school',) |
eskolaetara | ('to schools',) |
eskolaetatik | ('from schools',) |
eskolako | ('of the school',) |
eskolak | ('schools',) |
eskolan | ('in a school',) |
eskola | ('school',) |
eskolatik | ('from school',) |
eskoletako | ('of the schools',) |
eskuinean | ('On the right(inessive of eskuin)',) |
eskuinera | ('to the right',) |
eskuin | ('right',) |
eskularruak | ('gloves',) |
esnatuko | ('will wake up',) |
esnatu | ('woke',) |
esnatzen | ('wake up',) |
eta | ('and',) |
etorri | ('come',) |
etxea | ('house',) |
etxeak | ('houses',) |
etxean | ('in a house',) |
etxearen | ('house(noren case)',) |
etxeetako | ('of the houses',) |
etxera | ('to a house, to home',) |
etxeetara | ('to the houses',) |
etxe | ('house',) |
etxekoandrea | ('housewife',) |
etxekoandreak | ('housewives',) |
etxeko | ('of the house',) |
etxetik | ('from home, from a house',) |
euria | ('rain',) |
euripean | ('in the rain',) |
euri | ('rain',) |
euritsu | ('rainy',) |
euritsua | ('rainy',) |
euro | ('euro',) |
euskaldun | ('Basque',) |
ez | ('not, no',) |
ezer | ('anything',) |
ezin | ('not able to', 'could not', "couldn't") |
ezker | ('left',) |
ezkerrean | ('On the left(inessive of ezker)',) |
ezkerrera | ('to the left',) |
ferry | ('ferry',) |
ferrya | ('the ferry',) |
ferryz | ('by ferry',) |
gabiltza | ('we are walking',) |
gainean | ('on', 'over') |
gaixo | ('sick',) |
gaixorik | ('any sickness',) |
galdu | ('lost',) |
galtzerdi | ('socks(noren case)',) |
galtzerdiak | ('socks',) |
gara | ('are',) |
garelako | ('because we are (izan)',) |
garaiz | ('on time',) |
garbia | ('clean',) |
garbiak | ('clean',) |
garbi | ('clean',) |
gatoz | ('We are coming',) |
gaude | ('are (egon)',) |
gaudelako | ('because we are (egon)',) |
gauero | ('every night',) |
gauez | ('at night',) |
gaur | ('today',) |
gaztea | ('young',) |
gelak | ('rooms',) |
gela | ('room',) |
gelara | ('to the room',) |
gelditen | ('remains, is left',) |
geldituko | ('will remain, will be left',) |
gelditu | ('remained, was left',) |
gelditu | ('stop',) |
geltokian | ('in the station',) |
geltokietako | ('of the stations',) |
geltokiko | ('of the station',) |
geltokira | ('to the station',) |
geltoki | ('station',) |
geltokiak | ('stations',) |
geltokitik | ('from the station',) |
genbiltzan | ('We were walking',) |
gentozen | ('We were coming',) |
geratuko | ('will stay',) |
geratu | ('stay',) |
gero | ('then', 'after', 'later') |
gerrikoa | ('belt',) |
gerrikoaren | ('belt (Noren case)',) |
gerrikoak | ('belts',) |
gertu | ('near',) |
geunden | ('We were (egon)',) |
geundelako | ('because we were (egon)',) |
goizean | ('morning',) |
gizon | ('man',) |
gizonak | ('men',) |
gida | ('guide',) |
gidak | ('guides',) |
gidaria | ('driver',) |
gidariak | ('drivers',) |
gidariari | ('to the driver',) |
gindoazen | ('we were going',) |
ginen | ('we were',) |
ginelako | ('because we were',) |
gizen | ('fat',) |
gizena | ('fat',) |
gizenak | ('fat',) |
gizenaren | ('fat (noren case)',) |
gizona | ('man',) |
gizonek | ('men',) |
gizonari | ('to the man',) |
goaz | ('we are going',) |
goian | ('upstairs',) |
goiz | ('early',) |
gonaen | ('skirts(Noren)',) |
gonak | ('skirts',) |
gona | ('skirt',) |
gorriak | ('red',) |
gorria | ('red',) |
gorriaren | ('red(noren case)',) |
gorri | ('red',) |
gosea | ('hungry',) |
goseak | ('hungry',) |
gose | ('hungry',) |
gradu | ('degree',) |
gris | ('gray',) |
grisa | ('gray',) |
grisen | ('gray (Noren case)',) |
grisak | ('gray',) |
grisetan | ('gray(noren case)',) |
guk | ('we',) |
guraso | ('parent',) |
gurasoa | ('parent',) |
gurasoak | ('parents',) |
gurasoen | ("parents'",) |
gu | ('we',) |
gure | ('our',) |
gurea | ('ours',) |
gureak | ('ours',) |
guri | ('to us',) |
gustatuko | ('will like (will be pleasing)',) |
gustatu | ('liked (was pleasing)',) |
gustatzen | ('like (is pleasing)',) |
gutxitan | ('rarely',) |
gutxitan | ('seldom',) |
gutxi | ('little (amount)', 'few') |
haiei | ('to them',) |
hari | ('to him/her/it',) |
haiek | ('those over there, plural of hura', 'they') |
haiena | ('theirs',) |
haien | ('their',) |
haizetsu | ('windy',) |
haizetsua | ('windy',) |
handia | ('big',) |
handiak | ('big',) |
handiaren | ('big (noren case)',) |
han | ('there',) |
hark | ('he, she, it',) |
hartu | ('take',) |
haserre | ('angry',) |
hauek | ('These, plural of hau',) |
hau | ('this',) |
hegazkin | ('airplane',) |
hegazkinak | ('airplanes',) |
hegazkina | ('the airplane',) |
hegazkinez | ('by airplane',) |
hemen | ('here',) |
hemendik | ('from here',) |
herrian | ('country',) |
heze | ('humid',) |
hezea | ('humid',) |
hezerik | ('any humid',) |
hezetasun | ('humidity',) |
hezetasuna | ('humidity',) |
hilero | ('every month',) |
hilda | ('dead',) |
hitz | ('word',) |
hizkuntza | ('language',) |
hizkuntzak | ('languages',) |
hodei | ('cloud',) |
hodeia | ('cloud',) |
hodeiak | ('clouds',) |
hodeitsu | ('cloudy',) |
hodeitsua | ('cloudy',) |
hona | ('to here',) |
hondartza | ('beach',) |
hondartzan | ('on the beach',) |
hondartzara | ('to the beach',) |
hondartzaren | ('beach (noren case)',) |
hondartzatik | ('from the beach',) |
hontzak | ('owls',) |
hontza | ('owl',) |
hontz | ('owl',) |
hor | ('there',) |
hori | ('that', 'yellow') |
horiak | ('yellow',) |
horia | ('yellow',) |
horiek | ('Those, plural of hori',) |
hormak | ('walls',) |
horma | ('wall',) |
hosto | ('leaf',) |
hostoa | ('leaf',) |
hostoak | ('leaves',) |
hotelak | ('hotels',) |
hotelaren | ('hotel (noren case)',) |
hotelean | ('in a hotel',) |
hoteleko | ('of the hotel',) |
hotelera | ('to the hotel',) |
hoteletako | ('of the hotels',) |
hoteletatik | ('from hotels',) |
hoteletik | ('from a hotel',) |
hotel | ('hotel',) |
hotz | ('cold',) |
hotza | ('cold',) |
hotzak | ('cold',) |
hoztu | ('cool',) |
hoztua | ('cool',) |
hura | ('that over there', 'he', 'she', 'it') |
ibaia | ('river',) |
ibaian | ('in a river',) |
ibaira | ('to the river',) |
ibaiaren | ('river (Noren)',) |
ibiliko | ('will walk',) |
ibili | ('walked',) |
ibiltzen | ('walk',) |
idatzi | ('write',) |
igo | ('climb', 'ascend', 'go up') |
ikasle | ('student',) |
ikasleak | ('students',) |
ikasleenak | ("students'",) |
ikasleei | ('to students',) |
iloba | ('niece', 'nephew') |
ilobak | ('nieces', 'nephews') |
indartsuak | ('strong',) |
indartsua | ('strong',) |
indartsu | ('strong',) |
ingeniaria | ('engineer',) |
ingeniari | ('engineer',) |
inoiz | ('ever',) |
inor | ('anybody',) |
interesatuko | ('will be interesting to',) |
interesatu | ('was interesting to',) |
interesatzen | ('is interesting to',) |
irakasleak | ('teachers',) |
irakaslea | ('teacher',) |
irakasle | ('teacher',) |
irakasleari | ('to the teacher',) |
irakasleei | ('to the teachers',) |
irakurri | ('read',) |
iristen | ('arrive',) |
iritsi | ('arrived',) |
iritsiko | ('will arrive',) |
irribarre | ('smiling',) |
irudituko | ('will seem',) |
iruditu | ('seemed',) |
iruditzen | ('seems',) |
isildu | ('quiet',) |
itsusia | ('ugly',) |
itsusiaren | ('ugly (noren case)',) |
izan | ('2d part of some compound verbs',) |
izango | ('future of izan',) |
izeba | ('aunt',) |
izebak | ('aunts',) |
izebaren | ("aunt's",) |
izen | ('name',) |
izena | ('name',) |
izenak | ('names',) |
izkina | ('corner',) |
izkinan | ('at the corner',) |
izoztuta | ('frozen',) |
itxaron | ('wait',) |
jaitsi | ('descend/go down',) |
jatorra | ('nice',) |
jatoraren | ('nice (noren case)',) |
jaka | ('jacket',) |
jakak | ('jackets',) |
jatetxe | ('restaurant',) |
jatetxea | ('restaurant',) |
jatetxearen | ('restaurant (noren case)',) |
jatorak | ('nice',) |
jatora | ('nice',) |
jator | ('nice',) |
jertse | ('sweater',) |
jertsea | ('sweater',) |
jertseak | ('sweaters',) |
joan | ('went (+izan)', 'go (command)') |
joaten | ('go (+izan)',) |
joango | ('will go (+izan)',) |
kale | ('street',) |
kalean | ('in/on a street',) |
kalearen | ('street (noren)',) |
katua | ('a cat',) |
katuak | ('cats',) |
katu | ('cat',) |
kaixo | ('hello',) |
kilometro | ('kilometer',) |
kilometrora | ('kilometer (NORA case)',) |
komun | ('bathroom', 'toilet') |
komuna | ('bathroom', 'toilet') |
kamioi | ('truck',) |
kamioiak | ('trucks',) |
kamioiz | ('by truck',) |
kanpoan | ('outside',) |
kezkatuta | ('worried',) |
kontuz | ('careful (command)',) |
kostatzen | ('costs',) |
kostatu | ('cost',) |
kostatuko | ('will cost',) |
kotxea | ('car',) |
kotxeak | ('cars',) |
kotxe | ('car',) |
kotxera | ('to the car',) |
kotxez | ('by car',) |
laburrak | ('short',) |
laburra | ('short',) |
laguna | ('friend',) |
lagunaren | ("friend's",) |
lagunen | ("friend's",) |
lagun | ('friend',) |
lainoa | ('fog',) |
laino | ('fog',) |
lainotsu | ('foggy',) |
lainotsua | ('foggy',) |
laku | ('lake',) |
lakua | ('lake',) |
lakura | ('to the lake',) |
lanpetu | ('busy',) |
lanpetua | ('busy',) |
laranjak | ('orange',) |
laranja | ('orange',) |
larangaren | ('orange (noren case)',) |
lasai | ('relaxed, calm',) |
laster | ('soon',) |
lehengusina | ('cousin (female)',) |
lehengusua | ('cousin (male)',) |
lehengusinak | ('cousins (female)',) |
lehengusuak | ('cousins (male)',) |
lehengusu | ('cousin (male)',) |
lehorra | ('dry',) |
lehorrak | ('dry',) |
leihoak | ('windows',) |
leihoan | ('in the window',) |
leihoa | ('the window',) |
leihoen | ('windows (Noren case)',) |
leiho | ('window',) |
liburua | ('a book',) |
liburua | ('books',) |
liburuak | ('books',) |
liburu | ('book',) |
liburuen | ('on books',) |
luzeak | ('long',) |
luzea | ('long',) |
luze | ('long',) |
mahaiak | ('tables',) |
mahaiaren | ('table (Noren case)',) |
mahaia | ('the table',) |
mahaian | ('on the table',) |
mahai | ('table',) |
maiz | ('often',) |
makina | ('machine',) |
makinak | ('machines',) |
makinaz | ('by machine',) |
marroia | ('brown',) |
marroiak | ('brown',) |
marroiaren | ('brown(noren case)',) |
medikua | ('doctor',) |
medikuak | ('doctors',) |
medikuei | ('to the doctors',) |
mendian | ('in, on the mountain',) |
mendietako | ('of the mountains',) |
mendietan | ('on the mountains',) |
mendietara | ('to the mountains',) |
mendietatik | ('from the mountains',) |
mendira | ('to the mountain',) |
menditik | ('from the mountain',) |
menu | ('menu',) |
menua | ('menu',) |
merkatua | ('market',) |
merkatura | ('to the market',) |
merkatuan | ('in the market',) |
merkatuaren | ('market (noren case)',) |
merkatu | ('market',) |
merkatutik | ('from the market',) |
metro | ('meter',) |
minutu | ('minute',) |
moduz | ('are you',) |
morea | ('purple',) |
mesedez | ('please',) |
moreen | ('purple(noren case)',) |
motel | ('slow',) |
motela | ('slow',) |
motelak | ('slow',) |
motor | ('motorcycle',) |
motorrak | ('motorcycles',) |
motorrez | ('by motorcycle',) |
motxila | ('backpack',) |
motxilak | ('backpacks',) |
mutila | ('boy',) |
mutilak | ('boys',) |
mutil | ('boy',) |
mutikoari | ('to the boy',) |
mutillaguna | ('boyfriend',) |
nabil | ('I am walking',) |
nago | ('am (egon)',) |
nagoelako | ('because I am (egon)',) |
naiz | ('am (izan)',) |
naizelako | ('because I am (izan)',) |
nator | ('I am coming',) |
neba | ('brother of a sister',) |
nebak | ('brothers of a sister',) |
negarrez | ('crying',) |
nekatu | ('tired',) |
nenbilen | ('I was walking',) |
nengoelako | ('because I was (egon)',) |
nengoen | ('I was (egon)',) |
nentorren | ('I was coming',) |
neska | ('girl',) |
neskak | ('girls',) |
neskari | ('to the girl',) |
neskei | ('to the girls',) |
neskek | ('girl',) |
neskalaguna | ('girlfriend',) |
ni | ('I',) |
nik | ('I',) |
nindoan | ('I was going',) |
nintzen | ('I was',) |
nintzelako | ('because I was',) |
nireak | ('mine',) |
nirea | ('mine',) |
nire | ('my',) |
niri | ('to me',) |
noa | ('I am going',) |
nola | ('how',) |
normalean | ('normally', 'usually') |
nongoa | ('of which place', 'from which place') |
nora | ('where (to)',) |
noiz | ('when',) |
non | ('where',) |
nondik | ('from where',) |
norbait | ('somebody',) |
norenak | ('whose (plural)',) |
norena | ('whose',) |
noren | ('whose',) |
nor | ('who',) |
ohi | ('usually',) |
oilo | ('chicken',) |
oiloak | ('chickens',) |
oilaskoa | ('a chicken',) |
oilaskoak | ('chickens',) |
oilasko | ('chicken',) |
ona | ('good',) |
onak | ('good',) |
on | ('good',) |
oina | ('foot',) |
oinak | ('feet',) |
oinez | ('on foot',) |
oin | ('foot',) |
ondo | ('well', 'fine') |
orain | ('now',) |
ondoan | ('next to', 'beside') |
ondoren | ('after',) |
oraindik | ('still/yet',) |
osabak | ('uncles',) |
osabaren | ("uncle's",) |
osaba | ('uncle',) |
oso | ('very',) |
ostatu | ('mini-hotel',) |
ostatuetatik | ('from mini-hotels',) |
ostatura | ('to the mini-hotel',) |
parkeak | ('parks',) |
parkean | ('in a park',) |
parkera | ('to the park',) |
parkearen | ('park (Noren case)',) |
parkea | ('the park',) |
parke | ('park',) |
parketako | ('of the parks',) |
pertsonei | ('to persons', 'to people') |
pasa | ('pass',) |
pertsona | ('person',) |
plaza | ('plaza', 'square') |
plazaen | ('to the plaza',) |
plazan | ('in a plaza',) |
plazaren | ('plaza (noren case)', 'square (noren case)') |
pobreak | ('poor',) |
pobrea | ('poor',) |
pobre | ('poor',) |
polita | ('pretty',) |
politak | ('pretty',) |
polizia | ('police officer',) |
poliziak | ('police officers',) |
poliziei | ('to the police officers',) |
poltsak | ('purses',) |
poltsa | ('purse',) |
poltsarik | ('any purses',) |
poltsaren | ('purse(Noren case)',) |
pozik | ('glad', 'happy') |
pozten | ('am glad', 'rejoice') |
poztuko | ('will be glad', 'will rejoice') |
prakak | ('trousers',) |
sagu | ('mouse',) |
sagua | ('mouse',) |
saguak | ('mice',) |
sartu | ('enter (command)',) |
seinale | ('sign',) |
seinalea | ('sign',) |
seinaleak | ('signs',) |
semaforo | ('stoplight', 'traffic light') |
semaforoa | ('stoplight', 'traffic light') |
semaforoan | ('at the stoplight', 'at the traffic light') |
semeak | ('sons',) |
semearen | ("son's",) |
semea | ('son',) |
seme | ('son',) |
seme-alabak | ('children', 'sons and daughters') |
senarra | ('husband',) |
soinekoa | ('dress',) |
soinekoak | ('dresses',) |
soineko | ('dress',) |
sukaldaria | ('cook',) |
sukaldariak | ('cooks',) |
sukaldariekin | ('to the cooks',) |
suge | ('snake',) |
sugea | ('snake',) |
sugeak | ('snakes',) |
taberna | ('bar', 'pub') |
tabernara | ('to the bar', 'to the pub') |
tabernaren | ('bar (noren case)', 'pub (noren case)') |
taxiak | ('taxis',) |
taxia | ('taxi',) |
taxi | ('taxi',) |
taxiz | ('by taxi',) |
teilatuak | ('roofs',) |
teilatua | ('roof',) |
teilatu | ('roof',) |
tenperatura | ('temperature',) |
tour | ('tour',) |
tren | ('train',) |
trena | ('train',) |
trenak | ('trains',) |
trenez | ('by train',) |
triste | ('sad',) |
turista | ('tourist',) |
turistak | ('tourists',) |
turistei | ('to the tourists',) |
txakur | ('dog',) |
txakura | ('a dog',) |
txakurrak | ('dogs',) |
txakurrik | ('any dogs',) |
txakurra | ('pig',) |
txakurrak | ('pigs',) |
txerriaren | ('pig (Noren)',) |
txano | ('hat',) |
txanoa | ('hat',) |
txanoak | ('hats',) |
txanoaren | ('hat(noren)',) |
txarra | ('bad',) |
txarrak | ('bad',) |
txar | ('bad',) |
txerri | ('pig',) |
txerria | ('pig',) |
txerriak | ('pigs',) |
txerriek | ('pig',) |
txiki | ('small',) |
txikia | ('small',) |
txikiak | ('small',) |
txikiaren | ('small (noren case)',) |
txori | ('bird',) |
txoria | ('bird',) |
txoriak | ('birds',) |
urrun | ('far',) |
urte | ('year',) |
urteko | ('of the year',) |
urtean | ('in a year',) |
urtebete | ('one year',) |
ume | ('child',) |
umea | ('child',) |
umeak | ('children',) |
urdin | ('blue',) |
urdina | ('blue',) |
urdinak | ('blue',) |
urdinaren | ('blue',) |
urte | ('year',) |
urtero | ('every year',) |
uso | ('pigeon',) |
usoa | ('a pigeon',) |
usoak | ('pigeons',) |
utzi | ('drop (command)', 'release (command)', 'let (command)', 'leave (command)') |
zabiltzate | ('you (plural) are walking',) |
zabiltza | ('you are walking',) |
zahara | ('old',) |
zaharrak | ('old',) |
zaharra | ('old',) |
zaie | ('it is to them',) |
zaigu | ('it is to us',) |
zaio | ('it is to him/her/it',) |
zait | ('it is to me',) |
zaizkie | ('they are to them',) |
zaizkigu | ('they are to us',) |
zaizkio | ('they are to him/her/it',) |
zaizkit | ('they are to me',) |
zaizkizue | ('they are to you(plural)',) |
zaizkizu | ('they are to you',) |
zaizue | ('it is to you (plural)',) |
zaizu | ('it is to you',) |
zaldia | ('horse',) |
zaldiak | ('horses',) |
zaldi | ('horse',) |
zaldirik | ('any horse',) |
zaldiz | ('on horseback, by horse',) |
zapata | ('shoe',) |
zapatak | ('shoe',) |
zara | ('are',) |
zarelako | ('because you are (izan)',) |
zarete | ('are',) |
zaretelako | ('because you (plural) are (izan)',) |
zatozte | ('You (plural) are coming',) |
zatoz | ('You are coming',) |
zaude | ('are (egon)',) |
zaudelako | ('because you are (egon)',) |
zaudete | ('are (egon)',) |
zaudetelako | ('because you (plural) are (egon)',) |
zebilen | ('He/she was walking',) |
zebiltzan | ('They were walking',) |
zegoen | ('he was', 'she was', 'it was') |
zein | ('which',) |
zelako | ('because he/she was',) |
zenbat | ('how many',) |
zenbiltzan | ('You were walking',) |
zenbiltzaten | ('You (plural) were walking',) |
zentigradua | ('centigrade',) |
zentigraduak | ('centigrade',) |
zentigradu | ('centigrade',) |
zentozen | ('You were coming',) |
zentozten | ('You (plural) were coming',) |
zen | ('was',) |
zerbait | ('something',) |
zergatik | ('why',) |
zeruan | ('in the sky',) |
zerua | ('sky',) |
zeru | ('sky',) |
zer | ('what',) |
zetorren | ('he was coming', 'she was coming', 'it was coming') |
zegoelako | ('because he/she was (egon)',) |
zetozen | ('They were coming',) |
zeudelako | ('because they were (egon)',) |
zeuden | ('They were (egon)',) |
zeundelako | ('because you were (egon)',) |
zeunden | ('You were (egon)',) |
zeundetelako | ('because you (plural) were (egon)',) |
zeundeten | ('You (plural) were (egon)',) |
zihoazen | ('they were going',) |
zihoan | ('she was going', 'he was going') |
zikin | ('dirty',) |
zikina | ('dirty',) |
zikinak | ('dirty',) |
zikin | ('dirty',) |
zindoazen | ('you were going',) |
zindoazten | ('you (plural) were going',) |
zinema | ('cinema', 'movie theater') |
zineak | ('cinemas', 'movie theaters') |
zinematik | ('from the cinema', 'from the movie theater') |
zinelako | ('because you were',) |
zinen | ('you were',) |
zinetelako | ('because you (plural) were',) |
zineten | ('you (plural) were',) |
zirelako | ('because they were',) |
ziren | ('they were',) |
zoazte | ('you (plural) are going',) |
zoaz | ('you are going',) |
zorro | ('wallet',) |
zorroa | ('wallet',) |
zubiak | ('bridges',) |
zubian | ('on the bridge',) |
zubiaren | ('bridge (Noren case)',) |
zubia | ('the bridge',) |
zubi | ('bridge',) |
zubitik | ('from the bridge',) |
zuei | ('to you (plural)',) |
zuek | ('your (plural)',) |
zuk | ('you',) |
zuenak | ('yours (plural)',) |
zuena | ('yours (plural)',) |
zuen | ('yours',) |
zuhaitzak | ('trees',) |
zuhaitzean | ('in the tree',) |
zuhaitzera | ('to, up the tree',) |
zuhaitzetara | ('to the trees',) |
zuhaitzetik | ('down, from the tree',) |
zuhaitz | ('tree',) |
zureak | ('yours',) |
zurea | ('yours',) |
zure | ('your',) |
zuriak | ('white',) |
zuria | ('white',) |
zuriren | ('white (noren case)',) |
zuri | ('to you', 'white') |
zutik | ('standing',) |
zu | ('you',) |
zuzen | ('straight',) |