- it is to me Reflective Verbs 1
- it is to me Reflective Verbs 1
- it is to me Reflective Verbs 2
- it is to me Reflective Verbs 3
- it is to me Ukan 1-1
- it is to me Ukan 1-2
- it is to me Ukan 1-3
- it is to me Ukan 2-1
- it is to me Ukan 2-2
- it is to me Ukan 2-3
- it is to me Transitive Verbs 1-1
- it is to me Transitive Verbs 1-2
- it is to me Transitive Verbs 1-3
- it is to me Transitive Verbs 2-1
- it is to me Transitive Verbs 2-2
- it is to me Transitive Verbs 2-3
- it is to me Ukan/Edun Remote Past (single object)
- it is to me Ukan/Edun Remote Past (plural object)
- it is to me Egin 1
- it is to me Egin 2
- it is to me Egin 3
- it is to me Eduki 1 (Transitive Verbs)
- it is to me Eduki 2 (Transitive Verbs)
- it is to me Eduki 3 (Transitive Verbs)
- it is to me Eduki 4 (Transitive Verbs)
- it is to me Jakin 1
- it is to me Jakin 2
- it is to me Jakin 3
- it is to me Jakin 4
- it is to me Jakin 5
- it is to me Ari Izan 1
- it is to me Ari Izan 2
- it is to me Ari Izan 3
- it is to me Norekin 1
- it is to me Norekin 2
- it is to me Verbal Nouns 1
- it is to me Verbal Nouns 2
- it is to me Verbal Nouns 3
- it is to me Verbal Nouns 4
- it is to me Nahi Izan 1 (Past)
- it is to me Nahi Izan 2 (Present)
- it is to me Nahi Izan 3 (Future)
- it is to me Nahi Izan 4 (in order to do something)
- it is to me Edan 1 (Past)
- it is to me Edan 2 (Present and Future)
- it is to me Jan 1
- it is to me Jan 2
- it is to me Jan 3 (Breakfast)
- it is to me Jan 4 (Lunch and Dinner)
- it is to me Jan 5 (Spices)
- Niri gustatuko al zait? Reflective Verbs 1
- Niri gustatuko zait? Reflective Verbs 1
- Gustatuko al zait? Reflective Verbs 1
- Gustatuko zait? Reflective Verbs 1
- Niri ardi jator zuria gustatu zait. Reflective Verbs 1
- Ardi jator zuria gustatu zait. Reflective Verbs 1
- Niri gustatu zait ardi jator zuria. Reflective Verbs 1
- Gustatu zait ardi jator zuria. Reflective Verbs 1
- Niri sagu ahul laranja ez zait gustatu. Reflective Verbs 1
- Sagu ahul laranja ez zait gustatu. Reflective Verbs 1
- Niri ez zait gustatu sagu ahul laranja. Reflective Verbs 1
- Ez zait gustatu sagu ahul laranja. Reflective Verbs 1
- Niri ez zait sagu ahul laranja gustatu. Reflective Verbs 1
- Ez zait sagu ahul laranja gustatu. Reflective Verbs 1
- (Niri) Txori pobre gorria ez zait gustatu. Reflective Verbs 1
- Txori pobre gorria ez zait gustatu. Reflective Verbs 1
- Niri ez zait gustatu txori pobre gorria. Reflective Verbs 1
- Ez zait gustatu txori pobre gorria. Reflective Verbs 1
- Niri ez zait txori pobre gorria gustatu. Reflective Verbs 1
- Ez zait txori pobre gorria gustatu. Reflective Verbs 1
- Niri jertsea asko kostatu zait. Reflective Verbs 3
- Jertsea asko kostatu zait. Reflective Verbs 3
- Niri asko kostatu zait jertsea. Reflective Verbs 3
- Asko kostatu zait jertsea. Reflective Verbs 3
- Niri ez zait gustatzen abestea. Verbal Nouns 1
- Ez zait gustatzen abestea. Verbal Nouns 1
- Niri ez zait gustatzen hemen iriste. Verbal Nouns 1
- Ez zait gustatzen hemen iriste. Verbal Nouns 1
- Niri gustatzen zait Espainiara iristea. Verbal Nouns 1
- Gustatzen zait Espainiara iristea. Verbal Nouns 1
- Niri Espainian bizitzea gustatzen zait. Verbal Nouns 2
- Espainian bizitzea gustatzen zait. Verbal Nouns 2
- Nire ez zait gustatzen Frantzian bizitzea. Verbal Nouns 2
- Ez zait gustatzen Frantzian bizitzea. Verbal Nouns 2